There are so many ways you can monetize a farm. You can sell fresh produce, farm fresh eggs, host hayrides and more. With all of the dynamic ways you can create a successful farm business, it’s important to consider a few tips. When you’re first starting out, don’t forget these three components as a part of your business strategy.

  1. Hire the right team.
    You’ll want to hire people who aren’t afraid to work with animals and get their hands dirty. It’s also important to hire people who understand how to operate heavy machinery. When you’re dealing with lots of farmland and hay bales, you’ll want to have someone who can handle the tractor supply hay spear and more. While this might seem like a far-fetched skillset when you live in certain areas, it’s also okay to train people. For some, there might be a learning curve. However, when you’re intentional about building your team, you’ll set your business up for success.
  2. Take care of the animals.
    Always keep a veterinarian on call. If you choose to sell farm fresh eggs, you’ll want to make sure your chickens are taken care of. If you don’t understand what to look out for, seek out a veterinarian so that you can learn more about care and maintenance. After all, these chickens will be producing a major revenue stream in your business. You’ll want to make sure they are happy and able to produce. There are tons of people who don’t like the eggs you find in the grocery store. They’ll pay the extra dollars for farm fresh eggs because they’re produced in an ethical manner.
  3. Create a strong marketing plan.
    Consider each season and what’s special about it. Use the highlights of each season as a selling point in your marketing plan. If you have fresh, seasonal produce, make sure to promote that. If you choose to use social media, this is a great way to provide visibility. Partner with local influencers who will spread the word about your farm. If you have hay rides and other fun events during the fall, always share those events with local newspapers and schools. When you’re consistent with this effort, it’ll bring the people to you.


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