
p style=”text-align: justify;”>Almost all bloggers and website owners are now well aware with the significance of guest posting or guest commenting and hence they have taken this activity quite seriously and positively included it into their marketing strategy.


p style=”text-align: justify;”>Guest posting is the most powerful and effective technique to build large number of high quality traffic, backlinks and authority for businesses. It even helps bloggers to build relationships with other fellow bloggers and hence building a large network of bloggers.


p style=”text-align: justify;”>So, here is a list of top 5 benefits of guest posting that every bloggers will experience while writing guest posts for other famous blogs of similar niche.


p style=”text-align: justify;”>guest blogging

Trusted and Relevant Backlinks


p style=”text-align: justify;”>Guest posting enables you to get high quality, trusted and relevant backlinks for your blogs and business websites. With guest posting you can get do-follow backlinks from all top and popular blogs of similar niche. When you start blogging on popular and relevant blogs of similar niche, then all major search engines give greater value to such links. Bloggers can expect at least 2 backlinks per guest post that will be available in their guest post body or in their profile section.

Targeted and High Quality Traffic


p style=”text-align: justify;”>Since you have started guest posting on relevant and popular blogs, so you can expect instant and quality inflow of traffic to your blog from these guest posts. Remember, more incoming traffic means more revenue, in the form of product sales, advertisements and lead generation for targeted landing pages. The incoming traffic from guest posts can be more rewarding at times, especially if you are dealing in similar, yet non-competitive products and services through your website.

Developing Relationship with Other Bloggers


p style=”text-align: justify;”>With guest posting, bloggers can easily develop relationships with small and most famous bloggers of similar niche. The owners of the blogs give respect to all guest bloggers and hence when a blogger approaches them for the purpose of guest posting they are likely to receive positive response from blog owners. Guest posting not only help the bloggers to develop healthy relationship with blog owners, but it also helps them to build healthy association with all blog readers.

More Guest Posts for Your Own Blog


p style=”text-align: justify;”>Bloggers can reap maximum benefits from this once they start guest posting activities. Remember, when you start contributing guest posts on all popular blogs of similar niche, the owners of the blogs along with the blog readers may also be interested in writing some quality guest post for your blogs as well. You will notice increased flow of guest posting requests suddenly once you start posting on other popular blogs. Sometime, you may even receive guest post request from blog owners as well. When they show interest in writing guest posts for your blogs, then it indicates that they find your blog good enough to share their quality guest posts.

More Exposure and Popularity for You and Your Business


p style=”text-align: justify;”>Well, it is very true! When you start contributing guest posts on all popular blogs, then automatically you get recognized by blog readers and owners as a popular blogger and hence your blogging skills will be appreciated and respected by all of them. This also enhances your visibility and exposure. If your posts and blogging skills will be appreciated largely, then you may even get registered in their community of guest bloggers. Guest posting may even help you to convert a simple personal blog into a big and globally recognized brand.


p style=”text-align: justify;”>Being an owner of a blog, you should try to start contributing guest posts on all popular blogs of similar niche. Engaging yourself into guest posting activities will help you to experience several other benefits.


p style=”text-align: justify;”>Author Bio – This post is contributed by Yogita Aggarwal who blogs at www.dreamtechie.com. She is an avid passionate blogger from Delhi, India. To know more about her visit – About.me/yogitaaggarwal


  1. Mukta


    Hi admin
    Thanks for sharing this important post about guest posting. And this articles are very informative and beneficial. nice work

  2. Kashif khan


    Thanks Kharim!
    This is really very helpful article.
    Now i think i should contribute on good and high ranked blogs to achieve good rank , quality traffic and backlinks.
    Thanks for this Great Article…

  3. Sagar


    Nice post

    Guest posting is very important factor in optimization a website There are many advantages of uses blogging like help in build good quality back links, help in getting more guest blogs to your blog, targeting good traffic, moreover can advertise your product or services.

    The one thing we should be remember is that it should be done in relevant pages otherwise it would be seen as spam and you could be penalized by Google.

    Thank you for sharing.

  4. Kuldeep


    Guest posting is a good way to get backlink, exposure and building brand identity for your blog or website.

    P.S: I’ll be soon coming with a guest post on your blog Kharim 🙂

  5. Rashmi


    Great Post thanks friend for sharing  I will be surely coming back to read your latest updates posts..keep sharing such useful information. Thank you so much this is seriously useful for me.

  6. Kostas


    Hi Kharim, I enjoyed your post. You offer some great tips about why people should be guest blogging. So many bloggers have stopped doing it, but I think that it is very important to include guest blogging in your strategy. It is a really great way to get your name out there and build some credibility.

  7. Paul


    I think guest blogging used to be a great way to get your name out there and your articles shared but too many people are abusing it and using it solely as a way to get backlinks for SEO purposes. This is wrong and it’s harder for Google to tell which is which unfortunately. This in turn means legitimate guest posters are getting caught up in the cull.

  8. Sagar Nandwani


    Guest blogging is a great way to garner attention by some sort of chain reaction…. many people flock to a good site and if there’s a guest blog out there, 100 % chance is there that traffic will land up in your site.

  9. Reply

    Very well written. It is absolutely true that the importance of guest post has not decreased. The thing an optimiser needs to do is to adopt to the changes of Google’s algorithm. Guest post is surely an important way of getting targeted traffic.

  10. Ryan Biddulph


    Power backlinks and strong relationships are 2 biggies. Thanks Kharim!

  11. I. C. Daniel


    Exposure is something I’m looking for, quality as well.
    Great post Kharim. Always a pleasure reading you.
    See you buddy!

    • Reply

      Hello Daniel,

      We all love exposures for our blogs and websites, so doing guest posts is a great way to go about it.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

  12. Reply

    Hey Kharim Tomlinson
    Thanks a lot for sharing another wonderful post and this time on guest post. You are right guest post provides most trusted back link because you don’t get it as gift but you pay for it in terms of your guest post and obviously first you aim to get that back link and write a guest post for it.
    Now in this age of frequent Google algorithm updates it is must to focus on quality and never compromise on it just to add a few low quality back links.
    Thanks for this nice share.

    • Reply

      Hey Mi Muba,

      Guest posting is a must in these days because it helps to build up your blog in so many ways. Backlinks for one is awesome for our blog so guest blogging should be on our blogging menu.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

  13. Aryan alex


    Thanks a lot for posting this useful article Yogita Aggarwal….!!! i am big fan of ur site and i read all ur articles regularly which inspired me to become a new blogger…!!!

    • Reply

      Hello Aryan,

      Thank you for taking the time out to read and comment on the article. Yes it was a great article and I appreciate your visit.

      Thanks very much.

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