As a professional web designer, you need to keep on bringing improvements to your web designs skills and ideas. The web design trends change rapidly, so you need to keep on follow the latest WordPress trends that can help you create a completely new website with ease.

Today, websites are following completely different trends then they did just a year ago. As a designer, it is essential to know what the existing and upcoming trends are. This can help you create the unique identity in the web world and also helps you meet your client’s specific needs.

In this blog post, we will stumble upon the top seven WordPress trends that you must know in 2016. These trends will help you create innovative and professional looking website on the fly.


Top 7 Web design trends in 2016

Web design trends 2016

  1. One-page website trend

One-page websites started developing in the middle of 2014. And from that year, it has shown a tremendous growth in web design.  Both the business owners and WordPress developers started using this method to create different types of sites, such as product websites, small business, agencies, and other websites that don’t contain a lot of content.

This web design trend is ideal for storytelling or guiding the visitors from one section to another to take them to the final goal – sales and webform submission. There are multiple one-page themes for WordPress that can help you create a new and compelling site, without even generating a single of code.


  1. Theme Juggernauts trend

The easy way of creating a WordPress site was to scavenge the web with the aim to choose the perfect theme that can fulfill your individual needs in minutes.

However, one of the biggest disadvantages of this trend is its time-consuming processes. But now things are getting different.

There are various WordPress themes such as Create that allows site owners to begin with a feature-rich theme that can be used for multiple websites and then tweak the design and the individual pages as well.

In short, it is an amazing WordPress trend that allows you to create more functional websites with ease.

  1. Parallax Effect

This is one of the interesting trends in WordPress web design. It allows you to introduce some depth of field into the 2D/ 3D experience. Today, most of the high-profile websites are making the use of parallax scrolling effect to give a better navigating experience to their web visitors.

The whole concept of parallax effect is to make the background move at the slower rate to the foreground while scrolling. It brings aesthetics and an innovative approach to the web design.

The parallax effect is ideal for online resources that use storytelling to attract more clientele.


  1. Mobile-friendly web design

These days, around 80 % of people browse the internet via their smartphones. This means a web designer or a site owner needs to create a website that can give rich navigational experience to their mobile visitors.

For that, you need to create a website that can cater your potential mobile visitor’s needs. This is the only way to boost the web traffic and revenue of your site.

Therefore, the mobile first WordPress trend is becoming the first choice among the designers and developers.


  1. Drag-and-drop WordPress site builders

WordPress themes are great because it allows both the experienced as well as novice site owners to create and customize a website with ease. It enables beginners to use the drag-and-drop website building plugins to create a fully functional website in a matter of few minutes.

With the use of customizable WP themes, you can tweak the design of your site, without any coding skills. You can even play with your content and adjust it the way you want within your site.

Overall, it is an approaching trend in WordPress that allows users to publish more than blog-like content on their websites.

  1. Typography

Typography is one of the vital elements of web design. In fact, it has become one of the hottest WordPress trends in 2016. Website owners and web designers use the different style of typography to create engaging and intriguing websites.

The typography can offer you a much better-looking presentation of text used on your WordPress site. Plus, there are various type kits such as Google Fonts, or Abode Typekit that will support the technical aspect of typography. This includes the use of specific custom fonts for the WordPress websites.


  1. Image-based designs

Today, most of the modern WordPress website designs are making the use of good imagery and selecting background and foreground images very carefully. A high quality of images can boost the accessibility, readability, and visibility of your site on search engine platforms.

It enables the site to remain responsive, minimalist and also provide the rich visual experience to the potential web visitors.


So, here are the most popular WordPress web design trends that every web designer should look out for in 2016.

Author Bio:

Maggie Sawyer is a WordPress Developer by profession and writer by hobby. She works for Markuphq Ltd., psd to WordPress conversion company that provide the best psd to WordPress conversion services to global clients. Connect with her on Google+ and Twitter.


  1. Reply

    Great post! I think mobile friendly websites is not only 2016, but this decade’s trend, as all businesses go mobile and do it extremely fast

  2. Reply

    very nice, i liked this post as i am a hardcore web designer and developer. keep it up the post.
    Thanks for sharing


  3. Dan


    Great post! Thanks for taking the time to write this very good list of website design set up tips to improve your online business. I will go with this information if I complete studies. Thank you Kharim! You are awesome! ?

  4. Reply

    Hi Kharim Tomlison,

    Great article! I love to read your articles, it makes me learn a lot of things at a time and other than this it also keeps me updated about the latest trends in the web market.
    Well talking about word press, it is one of the best platform that is used to design website, Day by day new design trends are being updated into it, that proves to be useful later.The 7 trends you described in the article is amazing and will help me design my website in a better and efficient way.

    I really appreciate your efforts for writing this article.
    Keep posting! 🙂
    Thank you!

  5. Reply

    Hello there, Kharim

    Pleasant and Fabulous post to be sure. I simply love to peruse your Articles and Please continue composing.

    Much obliged for sharing this enlightening post.

  6. Bicks


    Nice article.I had a website and it is a one page design.I love it.Bust most important thing is user friendly.Thanks.

  7. Chiro


    Hi, Kharim
    Nice and Fabulous post indeed. I just love to read your Articles and Please keep writing.
    Thanks for sharing this informative post.

  8. Bishop chakraborty


    I am a web developer and designer. Now a days one page trend and mobile friendly ,responsive website is very popular.I love these design very much. Thanks a lot

  9. Reply

    Hi Kharim,
    visiting your blog after a long time and It’s really good read a topic like this on your Blog. undoubtedly i enjoyed reading the post.
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. Reply

    Hello, Kharim! It’s great to know about the top trends of WordPress. And I totally agree with the point that web design trends change rapidly, and we need to keep us updated. These trends are helpful, and every designer should know about it. Thanks for sharing this informative blog and keep posting such blogs and updating us.

  11. Reply

    Hi Kharim Tomlison,,

    Another great post indeed. In this post you describe top seven way to design your website.
    Then you give the detail of all trend,which make your post more attractive than other blogger.
    this blog will help me to create a high rank website.
    Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
    Maqbool Azam

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