improve website, website tips


Your business’s website is the window through which your current and potential customers and clients get a glimpse of your business. Your website is more than a way for them to access your products and services, it is a way for the audience to understand about your organization’s ethos and culture; but is it optimized to help your business reach its targets? From poorly managed or out of date content, to a lack of understanding of social media and SEO, websites can be complicated assets to manage if you aren’t sure where or why your site isn’t meeting your expectations. However, even if you aren’t a tech expert, help is at hand. By making a few key changes, you will notice an improvement across your entire site.


In the digital space, content is king. From cleverly crafted videos and blog posts or long form content, to checking the overall tone and voice of your corporate website, a lack of consistency could be failing your business. First, make sure that you establish a content calendar to keep your site updated and fresh, while making sure that you are meeting with your business requirements. Next, give your current content a quick edit to make sure that you get rid of any unnecessary words or dated terminology. Your website traffic will increase organically once you address your content issues.

Social media

Effective use of social media is key if you want to make sure that your clients and potential customers are keeping tabs on any new developments across your business. From products to services, or even fun facts, the way that you use social media is as flexible as your business. Make sure that you decide which channels first meet your needs and are likely to be used by your target audience. LinkedIn is best if you are looking to make new business to business leads and connections, while Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are essential if you are a consumer-facing firm. Keeping your social media up to date and relevant should also fall under your content plan. If you are strapped for time and resources, then use programs that can help you to manage and schedule your posts no matter the time of day, or night.

Be realistic

Making any changes to your site will take time and effort in all departments across the business, so it’s important that you establish realistic goals before undertaking any project work. If you aren’t sure that you have the resources in house, then consider a digital agency to help you get the work underway click here to find out more. Be sure to draw up a digital business plan to make sure that you adhere to key deadlines and timeframes. Next, decide which area of your site needs the most attention, and you are ready to get started.

When planning any updates to your company website, take time to assess and review your needs. Give your content and social media some attention, to make sure that it meets with your tone of voice and overall company messaging. Don’t try and cut corners, any website work will take time. Be patient, the hard work will be worth it as your traffic will increase.


  1. Abhishek Dharmik


    Hi Kharim.

    Thanks for providing these amazing tips by which one can effectively improve their website performance. Content is always a kind for a website and that’s how you can rank your website faster on search engine if you have good writing skills. Although one should also properly take care of it’s website design and easy navigation.
    Great, share! Loved your blog. Will surely be sharing this post with all my social networks… 🙂

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