The real estate industry is one of the most tech savvy when it comes to using new technology and new forms of media to market, advertise and sell product. This has provided real estate professionals/property broker with numerous tools to aid their business in marketing, selling, tracking and managing existing clients and prospects effectively.

iphone business

In the last decade, we have seen a number of new technologies emerging and changing the way we work and subsist. The innovations have generated a series of disruptions that has ultimately transformed many industries across the globe. Enterprises are coming forward and pushing the conventional working blueprint to strategize a definitive roadmap to success and growth. Reshaping of industries is on a roll and a major turn-up is being witnessed in the real estate sector. Mobility is one of the biggest disruptors affecting the boundaries of real estate sector and beyond. Today commercial and constructional businesses are extensively working to adopt mobility in their work frame. In fact most of the property brokers and their firms have also started following the airstream by rapidly developing web applications and moreover customized mobile solutions suited for their customers.

Mobile technology – Changing the way you do business

Mobile technology  has made business procedures accelerate with a velocity never seen before in time. Everything required in facilitating clients delivery is always at your fingertips, anywhere, anytime.  It has quite spectacularly affected the way an enterprise presents itself on the web and mobile network. As per surveys, almost 30% user traffic comes from mobile devices.  Desktops have become little obsolete and hand-held devices are on the wire. Users are significantly searching properties and real estate information using mobile devices and tabs. Owing to this increasing rate of shift, companies are finding it quite important to invest in building of tools and technology to support their workers with online marketing tasks. A switch is being seen from conventional buying approach to online search of real estate constructs; hence companies have to leverage technology to get proper online listing. Smart real estate broker  will embrace these technology advances and use them to survive.

Businesses can get really powerful when technology meets up with right strategy. The commendable phase we are in, gives us a chance to build the same Future. The time has come for a change. Real estate is one major industry that is becoming complacent with time- owing to the spectacular technology adoptions. Consumer acceptance has grown and is rapidly leaving the conventional methods of trading far behind. Accessibility has increased. Information can now be reached from anywhere. Customers are enjoying a feeling of control and hence more comfortable trading.

Hence we can conclude that the technology has won over the traditional approaches and has come out as a winner. When technology meets with the right strategy, businesses get powerful. Hence the future of Real Estate industry lies in the hands of those who embrace technology. Leveraging the technological advances will become the key to success for real estate agents/ property brokers in their business.


  1. Saif Ullah


    Great article regarding how make good use or to find real estate agents of technology. Much appreciated well written article and is really informative. I totally agree with the point that the Mobile technology isChanging the way to do business.
    Thanks looking forward to read more from you.

  2. John Crook



    Thanks for this post.. these days every one have smartphone and by help of smartphone apps we can resolve our regular life problems.. same as like you mention here we can find real estate agents online by help of smartphone.. thanks for share information apps..

    John Crooks

  3. Reply

    Hi there,

    As a real estate website owner in Marbella Spain I did enjoy reading your article here and absolutely agree on this. Especially (and I quote you) When technology meets with the right strategy, businesses get powerful!

    Kindest regards,

  4. Reply

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  5. Avril


    Hello Kharim,
    The post that you have given is very useful and interesting.Thanks for sharing.I hope you give us more posts like this.

  6. Reply

    Technology revolutionized how business is conducted not only for finding real estate agents but anyone whose services you want be it a doctor or a dentist.

  7. kumar


    nice article i really enjoyed while reading it thank you for sharing this informative article.

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