This might surprise you, but not all email marketing strategies that you’ve been using for many years are correct. Things have changed in the digital environment. The right techniques will help you assess whether or not your email marketing strategy is on the right track. Savvy marketers are not surprised that email is still a digital marketing approach that renders results. Are you using it correctly? Let’s find out.

How easy are your target emails to fill out?

You can’t really know whether or not your emails are attention-grabbing until you assess the response rate. If there’s something wrong, and people are not responding; then it’s something you’re doing wrong. Have you thought of reconsidering your approach? Maybe your tone of voice is too superficial; or maybe you’re talking too much about your brand and business within those emails. The easiest ways to target your audience is through sign-up forms. The right form, sent to the right audience boost conversion rates.

After collecting a fair amount of emails and names, move on to providing excellent customer support. People want to be looked after, so you should keep them updated all the time. Use a friendly tone, and include bold headlines and visuals to make the content easier to read.

Keep subscribers on the loop

Keep subscribers in the loop with what you’re doing. Share updates with them to keep them engaged. Newsletters, weekly tips and tricks, company updates/changes, or e-commerce sales are excellent when attempting to drive engagement. Keep your audience in the loop, and let them know exactly what you want to send them. Include relevant information when sending emails, and keep the focus on quality content.

Don’t underestimate the power of welcome emails

Email marketing is strategy that renders amazing results when done properly. By sending them weekly reminders, you keep them engaged. When doing so, be sure to let them know the reason why you contacted them. Prospects and customers don’t want to feel that their privacy has been breached. That’s why emails should only be sent to people who opted to get insight from you by revealing their email address. A special offer, discount or vouchers is highly recommended too.

Newsletters should fit your brand

Why should you send emails that fit your brand? Because your email campaign has to match the look and feel of your brand. It’s ok to use automation tools; but do it wisely. The template you plan to use must be fully customized. It should have your company logo, website colors, and brand mission clearly stated out. Keep email content consistent, and be sure it is directly linked to the rest of your website’s content.

Newsletters aimed at your brand’s mission

Before settling on an email marketing strategy, make sure that your email content matches your brand mission. A well-crafted campaign should convey a clear message to your customers. If you’re planning to use automation tools that send mass emails, don’t forget to customize them. Keep the focus on what you have to offer, although you might not want to brag about how cool your company is. Nobody wants to hear about that. Templates have to be customized, and aimed at each group audience.

Are your emails easy to scan through?

Subscribers should never be underestimated. You can’t know how busy they are. Some of them might receive tens of emails daily; if this is the case, how do you make yours stand above the crowd? First, make your email content easy to read. Scannable content grabs more attention because it’s easier to read. Next, split the content into smaller paragraphs. Add catchy headlines and subheadlines, and include visual content too. Pictures and infographics that are beautifully designed can have an amazing effect.

At the top of your email, include a teaser video. What are you trying to say or offer? It’s a good idea to be blunt and to the point. Don’t be around the bush when sending emails. If you feel you get lost along the way, consult with a direct mail marketing company. Ask for advice, and you’ll be able to exceed your customers’ expectations.


  1. SeaRetreats


    Great Article !!! Could you also suggest how can we grow our email list???

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