Ever since I started blogging, I have been impressed by Onibalusi from YoungPrePro.com. Onibalusi has been one of the young bloggers who has stand out to me and the other bloggers in the blogosphere. He has successfully drive traffic to his blog and has been able to successfully generate over $5000 from his blog on a monthly basis and his aim is to help as many people do the same by giving the best of my content.


Young Pre Pro .com


This blog currently stands at 11K on the Alexa rank, and this gives you an idea of the amount of traffic this blog is getting. One major factor which contributes to this blog being high in traffic is because Onibalusi wrote over 270 guest posts in a period of 8 months. I think this is pretty amazing and this is a great example for us to follow if we want to become successful.

YoungPrePro.com also runs on the Thesis Framework just like this blog does. Onibalusi realizes that Thesis is a great way to supercharge your WordPress blog and this theme can be customized in so many ways.

YoungPrepro.com gives excellent blogging tips and tips which any and everyone can apply yo their very own blog. Tips to help you blog better, tips which can help you to write better blog posts, tips for guest blogging and tips to help you generate an income from your blog.

This blog is also a multi-author blog and you can sharpen your blogging ability by reading guest posts from other bloggers. If you would also like to join the blogging community, feel free to contact Onibalusi and you can write guest posts for his blog and gain some traffic.

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Interesting Articles On Young Pre Pro

My Journey from a Poor Fatherless Kid to a Successful Blogger

Top 5 Traffic Generation Methods Guaranteed to Cause A Stampede Of Readers to Your Blog This Year

How to Make Money Online by Freelancing

How to Become a Successful Affiliate: 3 Pro Bloggers Reveal their Secret

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Visit Young Pre Pro

Make sure to visit Young Pre Pro and check out his cool blog posts.


  1. Michael Chibuzor


    I’m inspired reading about youngprepro today. I truly love it when someone is out with the right information, I’m willing to follow them to produce the same results. Thank you for sharing wonderful tips on successful blogging.

  2. jocuri online


    Making 5K a month is quite impressive, but he worked hard and surely deserves it. He is an example for people who want to succeed online.

  3. Reply

    I have just visited Young Pre Pro and I understand that why it become so sucessful like your sharing.Thanks a lot.

  4. amy


    I think am gonna need this one! Am just new at blogging and i admit i don’t know much anything about it though i love writing so much. But one thing is for sure… i am very much willing to learn more about it. Glad i was able to read this article. At least now i know where i can get some blog tips that i can use so that i can become a professional blogger someday. Thanks for sharing this one!

  5. SeoDezin


    Good introduction of another blogger that have good name in blogging community. He has progressed at rapid speed in his niche.

  6. Basam


    This self made person has good blog and he is earning a lot from writing. His monthly income is more than $5000. From his blog I got courage and increase my monthly online income.

  7. Reply

    270 guest posts in just 8 months is amazing and even more amazing are the young bloggers who are working like superstars trying to achieve a place on the top charts. I’ve never visited Onibalusi’s blog but he sounds like a very talented young man. Thanks for sharing about Onibalusi, Kharim. Young bloggers should be encouraged as you’ve done through this post. Keep it up!!

  8. Reply

    has really impressed me. Making $5k per month on the net for 17 year old is real something. On one hand I am sorry for the guy without a childhood working hard for cash. On the other hand if you do $5k per month, may be it is not necessary to have the childhood.

  9. John


    Good site.
    I will contact Onibalus. and hopes to become a writer for this blog.

  10. Reply

    Hi Kharim,

    How did you start out in blogging? and what made you decide to start a blog? Would you gives us some tips for us to know? I believe that you had so many experiences before you make blog successful. You are a great example for us to follow if we want to become successful. thanks!



    • Reply

      Hey Conde,

      I have always been online doing website stuff and then I switched to blogging. I started out by reading tons of blogs, educating myself about blogging and then I finally made my blog.

      Anything else you wanna know just feel free to message me.

      • Reply

        Thank you so much Kharim,.Its a pleasure to be part of this discussion, I really appreciate your reply, I hope I can do it the same thing like what you did. I love blogging so much, For now on, I will keep on practicing and practice until I made it. See you next time!.

        • Kharim Tomlinson


          Just Keep on blogging, participate in guest blogging and blog commenting and you will be alright.

  11. Onibalusi Bamidele


    Hi Kharim,

    I’m so glad to have my blog featured on Webmaster Success and I so much appreciate you doing so. It is support from bloggers like you that keeps me going.

    Thanks so much for the awesome review and have a great day,

    • Kharim Tomlinson


      Thanks for the comment Oni and it was my pleasure reviewing your blog… Keep up the good work 🙂

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