Today has marked the first month of the WebMaster Success blog being online. It has been a really great first month and I look forward to making it better in the coming months ahead.

This post is to show you my stats on that I have achieved in the very first month online. I will also briefly give details of what I did to making the first month a success.

Please enjoy reading my stats…

WebMaster Success Posts/Articles

For the first month WebMaster Success made 23 posts. These post were really appreciated by the visitors to the blog. I could have made more posts but I didn’t want to flood my readers with too much information than they could handle. In the coming month I will be posting more frequently in order to have fresh new contents for them.

  • Videos
  • In my previous post, Why You Don’t Make Money Online, I did my first video explaining the common mistakes why people fail to make money online. This video was appreciated by my blog visitors. I will be doing more videos to come in the future.

  • Guest Post
  • I did my first guest post on Bilal Rammuny,s blog,, entitled The Importance Of Being A Persistent Blogger which received 29 comments within 24 hours of being posted.

    This guest post raised the bar of my daily traffic. This means I will be doing more guest post in the future.

    If you would like to be a guest author of WebMaster Success, please feel free to become a writer of this blog.

    Comments/ Spams

    The first month brought this blog a total of 143 comments and 67 spams. These comments were really appreciated and I really enjoyed reading them.

    Making comments on this blog will improve your page rank because of the Do Follow plugin installed. So continue to make great comments and have a chance of being in the top 10 commentators list featured on the side bar.

    Thanks to Akismet 67 spammed comments were blocked.

    Traffic Stats

  • Total Visits: 950
  • Unique Visitors: 516 Absolute
  • Page Views: 4,403
  • Pages Per Visit: 4.64 Pages
  • Average Time User Stays: 7 minutes 40 seconds
  • Bounce Rate: 33.26%
  • New Visits: 53.68%
  • Traffic Source

  • Referring Sites: 435.00 (45.79%)
  • Direct Traffic: 279.00 (29.37%)
  • Search Engines: 120.00 (12.63%)
  • Other: 116 (12.21%)
  • Top Referring Sites

  • Robs Web Tips: 102
  • Website Babble: 95
  • Feedburner: 86
  • Stumble Upon: 68
  • Twitter: 55
  • WebMaster Success Ranks

  • Page Rank
  • After the first two weeks I got a ranking from Google of a page rank of 2/10. This was really great. πŸ™‚ Thanks to the Google Site Map plugin, I get my articles indexed on as soon as I make a new post. It is one of my favorite plugins.

  • Alexa Rank
  • When WebMaster Success got listed on, I think it was listed in the 9 million mark. Today my rank is 607,930. Really need on getting that number lower.

    Thanks 8)

    That was my statistics of the first month online. I hope to make great improvements in this big blogging world. I really thank all my visitor, readers, commentators and the persons who inspired me.

    Group Discussion

    Tell me what you think of my statistics and if you have any tips or suggestion feel free to tell me.
    Leave your comments below


    1. ron


      well this is very good for the first month of you website goes to show that anything is possible. keep it up

    2. Robyn from Sam's Web Guide


      Hey Kharim,

      Just got a chance to read your first month’s report. You’ve been doing a really good job at growing your blog. I like the fact that you’ve started posting videos through youtube. This is another great way of promoting your site and building your brand.

      Keep up the good work! πŸ™‚
      .-= Robyn from Sam’s Web Guide´s last blog ..6 Awesome WordPress Alternatives =-.

      • Reply

        Thanks Robyn. I think I could have make those numbers higher if I had done more advertising. But in due time. Hope next month will be better.

    3. mark


      Hi Kharim – nice stats! Thanks for posting these. It is really impressive how quickly you got your Alexa rating down and your page rank up. I wish you much continued success. Have a great day!

      – mark
      .-= mark´s last blog Grand Opening – 04/19/2010 =-.

      • Reply

        Thanks mark for the comment. I will post my next report and I gurantee that it will be even better than this report. πŸ™‚

    4. Rob Rammuny


      I must say Kharim, I’m really impressed with your growth online. I remember when you first started messaging me with questions and look where you are now. You should be proud of yourself, you’re doing a lot better than I was when I started off I must admit.

      Looks like if you keep it up I will be interviewing you next on Robswebtips πŸ™‚

      Keep up the great work and keep me updated bro.

      • Reply

        Thanks Rob. I was really impressed by you and your blog. I was motivated by your achievements.

        I would really love to be interviewed by you soon. πŸ™‚

    5. Glen


      Kharim, your stats are really impressive especially for the first month of blogging. You’re a natural! πŸ˜‰

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