Are you a friendly blogger? Do you try to make friends with other bloggers? Are you friendly to your blog readers?

You really need to consider these questions if you operate a blog, or if you are going to start a blog. Being friendly with other bloggers can really make blogging easy for you especially if you have blogger friends in the same niche. You could both talk about the advantages or disadvantages in your niche, the changes taking place in your niche, why you choose this niche and so on.

How do you become a friendly blogger to other bloggers, to other users on the internet and to readers of your blog?

How To Become A Friendly Blogger

The first step to becoming a friendly blogger is very simple, all you have to do is be friendly. πŸ™‚ As simple as that. But it doesn’t end there. When you have friends you no doubt talk to that friend and share your ideas with them.

Comment On Other Blogs

Making regular comments on other blogs can make the blog owner realize that you are trying to make a friendly relationship. This is also a great way of getting backlinks to your site. Regular commenting can help to make friends.

Guest Posting

When you make guest posts on other bloggers site you get lots exposure and get to show off your writing skills. This is also a great way of pulling new visitors to your blog. Blog owners like having guest authors on their blogs and this is a good way to start a friendship.

Reply To Comments

It’s always to say thank you to the person who makes a comment on your post. Not only saying thank you, but do a little bit more to start a conversation.

My Blogging Friends

Here are some of my blogging friends, you can check out their blog:

  • Rob Rammuny from
  • Melody Nieves from
  • Robyn Samuda from
  • Lisa Irby from
  • Joe Boyle from
  • Conclusion

    Developing friendship with other bloggers has really help me and my blog a great deal. I have gotten and give tips to my blogging friends. Hope to make many more friends in this blogging world. πŸ™‚

    Have you made any friends in this blog world and do you enjoy making friends?


    1. Reply

      Hey mate,

      Well said! At times, a simple reply to comment makes you more friendly. Also, the more engagement you have with others, the better chance your name will raise among the rest. You nailed it and thanks for sharing!

    2. Harriet Russell


      well, if you want to have lots of backlinks, you better have great content’*-

    3. Kaylee Lopez


      getting many backlinks is very important for websites to gain search engine rankings.`.`

    4. Lilly Bell


      somtimes it is very difficult to get quality backlinks from authority sites.::-

    5. Latief


      So you are friend of Bilal or Rob Rammuny? πŸ™‚ I’m his friend too
      Being friendly blogger is one of my goal, I love to make friends with other blogger, leaving comments on their blog like I’m doing now to your blog and always reply my visitors comments and I’m guest posting for few blog πŸ™‚
      One thing, I’m using top commentator widget and CommentLuv to appreciate my friends who left comment on my blog! Now I hope we can be friend bro πŸ˜€
      .-= Latief@AnotherBlogger´s last blog ..Why We Need A Blogging Plan? =-.

      • Reply

        Thanks for your comment Latief. Rob Rammuny is a great dude. He gave me lots of encouraging tips and we always talk. I did my first guest post on his blog.

        I too use the CommentLuv and Top commentators list and reward them with dofollow links. I also try to reply to comments asap and make sure that the comments are approved as they are posted.

    6. Derek Jensen


      I cannot agree with you more Kharim. The friendships I have established through networking mainly through off the blog chat and connecting has been very useful.

      What is always amazing is to see the blogging community grow. Because I know Rob, Joe, and I’ve heard of Robyn since he has that same theme as you (I believe) by Alex at Blogussion.

      These again are all great ways to show your voice and establish your own distinct (personal brand) online presence.
      .-= Derek Jensen´s last blog ..Having a Satisfied Daily Life. Use Frustration. =-.

    7. Kimi


      I always tried to be a friendly one, but i also want to show that i am genuine, i mean, i don’t pretend lol. I think i am a friendly one, am I not? 8)
      .-= Kimi´s last blog ..Add thumbnails in WordPress =-.

      • Reply

        Yes you sure are Kimi. Have you tried guest blogging? I made quite a few friends on my first blog post πŸ˜‰

        • Kimi


          πŸ˜€ No, i haven’t tried it yet, a few offers me, but not my niche πŸ™ so i will try next time again when it’s on my niche. πŸ˜‰
          .-= Kimi´s last blog ..Customize feedburner subscribe by email WordPress =-.

    8. Dev


      Guest posting is a great way to get traffic, branding…. ….
      and thanks for this great post bro.
      and your stats are really impressive …keep up the good work πŸ™‚
      .-= Dev | Technshare´s last blog ..Weekly Roundup #3: Link Love to Blogging Friends =-.

      • Reply

        Thanks for your comment Dev. I will surely keep up the good work and I am going to be topping my first month online with better numbers πŸ™‚

    9. Tola


      Nice post, Kharim.
      Yeah this is definitely very true. After all, if you don’t reach out to other bloggers who is going to reach out to you? And another thing, when you do make it big, don’t forget the people you met along the way to the top… πŸ˜€
      .-= Tola @ SEO for Beginners´s last blog ..Updated Google Webmaster Tool for Keyword Research =-.

      • Reply

        Thanks for commenting Tola. You shouls never forget where you’re coming from and never forget who helped you along the way… πŸ™‚ Great point.

    10. pedro


      good article, i am somewhat sad not to have made your friends list however! ha ha. πŸ™‚

    11. Melody


      Aww, thanks for listing me brown eyes =P I definitely enjoy making new friends with lovely, intelligent people online. =)
      .-= Melody´s last blog ..Design Process For March’s Twitter Pinup =-.

      • Reply

        You’re welcome Melody. I think we have created a friendly relationship. We talk about blogging and other things, so you would pass as one of my very great friend. πŸ™‚

        Thanks Melody.

    12. Shirley


      Replying to comments is something that most bloggers don’t do and guest posting too. I think if they were to take these two into consideration with all other ways of friending other bloggers, it will really sky-rocket their blogs, their blogging careers, and themselves higher :). Thanks :).
      .-= Shirley´s last blog ..27 Young Internet Entrepreneurs Who Inspire =-.

      • Reply

        Thanks for your visit and commenting Shirley. I try to be friendly with bloggers that I come across and strike a conversation with them.

        Well my blog is just over a month and I did one great guest post already and will be doing more pretty soon. πŸ™‚

        • Shirley


          That’s great, Kharim. Guests posts help put you out on a new platform for new people to see you :). So it’s very helpful :).
          .-= Shirley´s last blog ..How To Change Your Trending Topic On Twitter From Worldwide To Local =-.

    13. seminar projects


      Thank you, thank you!
      this post is very interesting..
      i got a lot of inspiration from this post to do something ,
      I found this site to be the best among a bigcrowd,
      i may come to read again
      .-= seminar projects´s last blog ..Automated Authentication of Identity Documents =-.

    14. Jarrod


      You highlighted some great points here about making friends with other bloggers in the blogosphere. Most of the blogs that I comment frequently on, and this is one of them, I feel like I’m friends with the blog owner.

      Thanks for sharing!!

    15. Robyn from Sam's Web Guide


      Hey Kharim,

      Thanks for the mention dude.

      Being a genuine blogger is extremely important since your personality is easily expressed through your writing. So if a blogger really isn’t genuine and just in it for other motives other than building the blogging community and just making money, readers can quickly pickup on that tone and never return.
      .-= Robyn from Sam’s Web Guide´s last blog ..6 Awesome WordPress Alternatives =-.

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment Robyn. If you are only to make money then it’s just pointless. You have to be friendly to the people who will help you to make money and to some of your competitors as well.

    16. mark


      Hi Shane,

      When I first started using WP, I had no intention of blogging. My intention was to have a website that was not popular so I could store things that I wanted to remember on it.

      Well, the social aspect of blogging made me change my mind quickly. The blogging community is filled with great people!

      Have a great day!
      .-= mark´s last blog Grand Opening – 04/19/2010 =-.

      • Reply

        Hey Mark, thanks for reading and commenting. With this blogging world today it is very important to have friends. I like making new friends and this is best for me and very easy to do. 8)

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