So it’s official that I started using BlogEngage yesterday and I must admit that I am impressed with it. I have always seen this BlogEngage thing around and I didn’t give it a try until yesterday, can you believe it.

I thought this BlogEngage was something pertaining to bloggers hooking up and getting marriage but it surely wasn’t. This is a community where you can communicate freely with other bloggers world-wide and build a great friendship.

In my previous article I wrote about Becoming A Friendly Blogger and BlogEngage is a great way to make friends online who are already bloggers.

What is BlogEngage?

BlogEngage.comBlog Engage allows you to submit your Blog Article(s) that will be placed in queue and promoted by our members to the front page. The ideal of Blog Engage is to promote interaction between bloggers by “Engaging” with each others blogs. Interaction that builds up quality comments and interactive discussions.

How to add an article?

It is very easy to add articles to BlogEngage with a few clicks of a mouse. In this video below Brian, (the owner of BlogEngage), will show you how to submit your articles with ease.

Is BlogEngage Free?

I know you might have asked this question, and the answer is yes. BlogEngage is totally free to join. But because of the high level of spam you will need to go through two simple process.

They are:

  • Update your profile page and avatar Immediately.
  • Add the Blog Engage Profile Badges to your blog.
  • That’s all and you’re in.

    Why BlogEngage?

    This is a great way to communicate with other bloggers and you get to share articles with each other.

    Since using BlogEngage yesterday my traffic was almost doubled prior to the other days. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I also received lots of kind comments from other bloggers on my posts thanks to BlogEngage.

    Check my stats for yesterday using BlogEngage.
    BlogEngage Stats

    In Conclusion…

    If you have not joined BlogEngage as yet, you need to check it out. It’s really great and easy to use.

    Thank you Brian for


    1. Dana


      It is funny to find how engage entitle deceive you but It is great to have you in blogengage now — a really great network for bloggers. ๐Ÿ˜€
      .-= Dana @ Blogging Tips Blog´s last blog ..Eight Free Software For Better Blogging Life =-.

    2. Archon Digital


      Welcome to Blog Engage! I hope you have lots of fun here. Do find your way around our lounge (I am imagining things again!), have some coffee and make yourself at home.
      .-= Archon Digital´s last blog ..Blog Engage: Why Canโ€™t We Simply Agree to Disagree? =-.

    3. Ryan


      Thanks for sharing the program Kharim ๐Ÿ™‚

      I’m doubling up my efforts to network with fellow bloggers; this is a powerful tool to do so.
      .-= Ryan´s last blog ..The Top 7 Cash Gifting Questions Of All Time Answered Today! =-.

    4. Reply

      Hey Kharim,

      I know that we met on Twitter and I’m hoping that I had a little to do with you joining Blog Engage. ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m glad that you joined the community and I’m sure you will be an asset. I’m looking forward to seeing your posts.
      .-= ileane´s last blog ..Blogging Legacy โ€“ Have You Considered Yours? =-.

      • Reply

        Yeah Ileane we are both followers of each other on Twitter and I think we have spoken on Lisa’s site. Thanks for your comment and you will certainly see more of me ๐Ÿ™‚

    5. bbrian017


      Like Rob said above we are about quality and not quantity and that is what makes blog engage different than any other blogging network. I personally visit every article that is submitted to the website.

      Many bloggers think this is intimidating because they are afraid of their content not being worthy but we are not like that. If someone is a nice person, willing to share with others and engage with bloggers then blog engage is the right place for them. If they are an affiliate marketer and post articles with tons of referral links and ads then they best be going to blog catalog or my blog log.

      Yes we are a closed community but all our members have the ability to send invitations. We are not trying to be a group of cool bloggers or anything like that. Like Kharim said we just want to ensure our blogging friends aren’t subject to poor quality content while visiting our website. if your looking for quality and niche blogs to comment on then blog engage is your one stop shop.

      This is our blogging community and we as bloggers want to make sure the visitors enjoy their stay. Many people know this and for that reason we have built a very good reputation in the blogosphere.

      Thanks so much for helping us spread the word around Kharim I appreciate all the help I can get my marketing budget is very small lol.

      p.s. welcome to our community.
      .-= bbrian017´s last blog ..Take a moment and introduce yourself to our community =-.

      • Reply

        Well said Brian. Is it possible if you could set up a referral system? That would be great. and thanks again ๐Ÿ™‚

    6. Rob


      I’m also relatively new to Blog Engage. I’ve found the community both welcoming and engaging. A breath of fresh air compared to many of the “blog rings” etc which are filled with people promoting selfishly.

      I firmly believe Blog Engage is a site where you get out of it what you put in. Brian (the owner) is keen to ensure quality above quantity and the safeguards he’s put in place quickly weed out those who aren’t community members but out for self promotion.

      Looking forward to more of your content in the future.
      .-= Rob´s last blog ..Visual Voicemail: An open letter to Vodafone UK =-.

      • Reply

        Thanks for your comment Rob, I am also new to BlogEngage and Brian welcomed me as soon as I joined. He is very welcoming and kind, and for that I had to write this post to invite everyone to start using BlogEngage.

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