After installing WordPress on your hosting, there are some must do list of things that you need to do in order to sky rocket your blog.

Installing a blog and launching it right away wouldn’t be the wisest thing to do. You first have to tweak your blog and make it look presentably, not only for yourself, but also for your blog readers.

I am really trying to target new bloggers in this article on what they should after installing WordPress.

Things To Do After Installing WordPress

Here are 5 main things you should do after installing WordPress:

1. Change the Admin Login Details
If you want to keep out hackers off your blog, then you need to change the default “admin” login name.

For your password, it’s best to use alpha-numeric with symbols. This consists of both letter and numbers with symbols.

2. Edit Permalinks
If you want to get some traffic to your blog from search engines then you have to change your permalinks to SEO friendly links.

The default permalink is something like this

SEO friendly links looks something like this

This is how you change it.

  1. Go to Settings > Permalinks
  2. Under ‘Common settings’ choose ‘Custom Structure’
  3. Enter %postname%/ in the field
  4. Or if you prefer to have the category in the url as well, enter %category%/%postname%/

3. Get A Theme
You no doubt want to make your blog look cool and attractive, get a theme to do so.
The theme that I am using is called Thesis. This theme is really great and easy to customize in many ways.

Here are some other sites you can get some cool themes:

  • ThemeSheep
  • ThemeSheep is all about creating the most beautiful WordPress themes on the web.

  • WooThemes
  • WooThemes is a great site where you can get an eye catching Word Press theme.

    4. Install Some Plugins
    In order to get your blog off to a very great start there are some plugins that you must install for you to be successful at blogging. I have a list of my favorite 18 plugins.

    Be sure to install the Google XML Sitemaps Plugin.

    5. Add RSS Feed
    I would suggest you use to manage your rss feed. Feedburner will provide you with stats on your feeds and automatically ping services so your new content is updated immediately along with a whole host of other services.


    When you start to post on a new blog, you want people flocking to it like your blog was viral. But how will you do this?

    When I launched my blog on the first day, I brained storm and came up with 3 post which I think was great. I posted the 3 post on the same day. Why did I post 3 post in 1 day?

    Well I didn’t want to make my new blog seem empty, so I had to give my first set of new visitors more than one article to read. Plus I had to make sure these posts were well developed and had enough information for them to come back for another visit or to share my article with their friends.

    In Conclusion…

    Don’t forget after doing all these things above, you now have to


    1. Reply

      One of the things that I like about wp 3.0 is that when you first install wordpress it allows you to set a login name and password. This way you don’t have to log in with the default. Create a new user. Log out of the default. Log in as the new user and delete the default the admin user.

      This is a great post.
      One thing that I would also add to the list is to have a backup plan. I prefer an automatic backup process.

    2. Reply

      Good solid advice Kharim. One question – concerning WP 3.0 I thought that there is no default user name of “admin”. Didn’t they get rid of that? Thanks.

    3. Joe Boyle


      One of the biggest mistakes I made [when I installed WordPress] is I just ran right into launching it, and gave barely a thought to setting it up. After a day or two, I came to my senses, set up the theme, plugins, and other thinks like permalink structures, allowing my website to… Look good! 😀

      Great post, Kharim! Everything was listed as I would have said it 😀

    4. Reply

      Really great sharing, especially for those who just build their wordpress blog. Great job! ;D

    5. Valentine Belonwu


      Hi Kharim,
      I can’t thank you enough because this post has helped me add some fetures to my blog now because I don’t have much ideas on how to add some stuff in there.

      Thanks a lot and you can review my blog now to see the big changes.
      Thanks so much…

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