Publishing a book is a great way to take advantage of the eBook craze and make your mark. Writing a book is not an easy process. It requires planning, the right angle, and writing expertise. If you do not have time to do this, or you do not have the skills, you should consider hiring a ghostwriter.

When hiring a ghostwriter, look for the following attributes…

ghost writer


It is understood you have to have someone who already has considerable experience within the ghostwriting industry. Ghostwriters have a lot of skill, but they also need to display this skill. Ask for some client references and chase these up before hiring anyone.

Take the time to get a list of a ghostwriter’s specific projects. They should have at least some clients for you to contact, even with all the confidentiality agreements writers in this business have to contend with.

Educational Background

It’s critical to mention that a degree doesn’t make a ghostwriter more qualified for any job. You do not have to have a degree to be a good writer. The reason why you should enquire into whether someone has a bachelor’s degree or not is it demonstrates soft skills.

Ghostwriting requires the ability to conduct research. Someone who has not done this before will take twice as long as someone with a bachelor’s degree in history or English, for example.

Again, a degree isn’t necessary and a high level of experience should negate any shortcomings in this area.

Good Grammar and Perfect Spelling

Grammar errors and spelling mistakes won’t go unmissed by your readers. They will stick out like a sore thumb and damage the credibility of anything you publish. In many cases, readers will put your book down and instantly rip it apart with a scathing review.

To find out whether they have good grammar and spelling you have two options.

  1. Always ask for a writing sample from the writer. This is the easiest way to do it. Even ghostwriters should have samples to provide you with, despite the fact most of their work is protected by an NDA agreement.
  2. Look at the messages they send you. If their emails are riddled with mistakes, this is probably a sign of sloppiness.

Do they Seem Interested?

Ghostwriters should have a list of questions for their clients regarding what they want. If your writer seems more interested in how much they are expected to work per day and how much they’re being paid, the chances are they aren’t attentive enough.

You can’t expect a writer to be as passionate as you about your company, but while they’re working with you it should be their priority.


But where is the mention of price in all of this?
The truth is price doesn’t matter that much at all. Anyone can charge a low or a high price. Cancel out the high and low ends of the spectrum and concentrate on the writers in the middle. Quality is always the most important attribute when hiring a ghostwriter.

Make sure you research a number of writers first. Don’t settle on the first writer you come across. We recommend aiming to interview at least five writers.


  1. Atinder S Gill


    Hey Kharim,

    Great post bother.

    I would say, Their experience in that particular topic, on which we want articles to be written, is the most important thing. So, I mainly care about this, when I hire Ghostwriter, because in most cases, they have good writing skills, it’s just that, they have knowledge of that particular topic or not.

  2. rajesh varma


    nice article i first time heard about Ghostwriter.. & it quit interesting.. nice….

  3. Reply

    I can first time visit on your site…..& really interesting about- WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN HIRING GHOSTWRITER…….. i can enjoyed this article!!!
    so thank you,for the sharing
    Ajinkya Pawar

  4. Ryan Jones


    I wouldn’t mind writing a book, are there any sites dedicated to people who are looking to be ghost writers? Like a craigslist of Ghost writers I guess you could say.

  5. Shameem


    I’ve not tried any ghost writer this things can help me out if so any idea to find writers from iwriter or freelancer website I’m looking for regular writer for my works.

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