While there are a number of different solutions and frameworks which can be used in E-commerce websites, Magento is one which is the best to use, for a number of reasons. For sites which have many products and a lot of information to handle, the Magento framework will be able to handle it all much more effectively than either of the two main frameworks which stand in opposition to Magento, Woocommerce and Shopify. Magento has been used to great effect when creating many different sites, such as

  • Rosettastone
  • Volcom
  • SodaStream

All of which show just how effective Magento is at creating a truly effective E-commerce framework without sacrificing anything to efficiency or user-friendliness.

Using Magento, a web development company will gain users the following benefits: their own personal Magento shop, the attention of personal developers, designers who can show you evidence of their past work with Magento, and people who are very well-informed about the framework.


Ways to Optimise Magento Performance

There are many ways in which the performance of Magento can be improved on and optimised to create an online e-commerce field which truly ticks all the boxes you need ticked.

  • Hosting Environment – It’s best to choose a server which can not only handle lots of traffic, but is also able to handle varying loads of traffic, since Magento E-commerce development websites experience rushes and slow times just like every other shop. While choosing a server, also make sure that there are good upgrade potentials, for the future.
  • Server and Caching – Make sure that any and all data is saved in numerous locations across the country, as this means that users will enjoy greater accessibility to the site.
  • Code Optimization – Use a specific code compressor in order to have code which is streamlined and does exactly what it is said to do. It is also a good idea to delete code which is not being used, as this unused code will only slow the website down.
  • Database Optimization – database performance can be improved through the adoption of specific query indexing and optimization of scripts, allowing for the faster movement of information across the framework.
  • Magento Compilation Feature Integration – this leads to the auto-loading of specific sites, allowing for quicker uptake of information.
  • Magento Version Maintenance – keeping the framework updated will speed up the sites you are hosting on it, and also allow you access to the best features and maintenance processes which have been devised.
  • File Size Standardization – using the file compression tools which Magento provides will allow for all files to be kept at the same size, allowing for faster information movement and loading.
  • Magento Configuration – just like with coding, files and extensions which are not actually used an E-commerce site will only serve to slow it down and clog up the servers with useless information. Delete them if they are not being used.
  • Auto Scaling – this allows for resources to be directed to places where they are needed, rather than having static resource allocation. This will allow for faster transfer of information throughout the site.
  • Merge your JavaScript and CSS files – Magento supports both JavaScript and CSS files, but it can also allow them to be combined. Merging them can speed up the process of loading and saving, leading to a much more streamlined experience for customers.


Magento itself is not the only framework which is available for use in E-commerce ventures, but it is considered one of the best frameworks, coming above both Woocommerce and Shopify. There are many ways to optimise Magento performance, many of which are outlined above. Any of the good Magento development companies will be able to smoothly transition your shop through the constant updating of both the framework itself and the shop in order to keep everything working as well as possible.


  1. Reply

    Great Day Kharim. Excellent post! Thank you for sharing this. It’s really helped me to optimize my magento store as well it’s essential for many people. Short & Sweet!!

  2. Reply

    Great Tips Kharim.

    We would like to add another useful tip on your list.

    Enabling flat data products and categories through Magento’s backend should also improve the performance of your Magento store.

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