1. Ankit


    Wow ..! u did an awesome job … i wish i could done this … 🙂 very nice dude ..! congratulation ..!:)))

  2. Reply

    Wow – this is the first time I’ve realized how little time you’ve been doing this – great job on the fantastic success!

  3. Ali



    Peace – I found your site via Lisa’s 2createawebsite.com. Looks like you’re doing well here and on your way to becoming one of the best. My site/blog is 2 months old and it’s nice to see young sites doing well. I wish you nothing but the best!

  4. Sourav


    These are some great stats Kharim, specially the bounce rate. 2.05% for 4 month-old blog is awesome. The page views and average time is great too. This is a nice encouragement for me as my blog is only 1 month old at the moment.

    • Reply

      Thanks for the comment Sourav. I have tried my best to work at this blog over the past months and It seems like I am doing a very great job. Hey if you need any tips, feel free to contact me 🙂

  5. Daniel Sharkov


    Congratulations Kharim! Those are some great stats. You definitely have a great blog and I’m trying to visit on daily basis. One can really find some great and informative articles. Looking forward to seeing you go under 100 000 in Alexa rankings!

  6. Paul Tech


    Your unique visits have almost doubled since last month. Obviously you have something great going on this blog and I am sure it will continue to grow with your efforts.

  7. Hesham


    Nice stats for a short period, good luck with your new eCourse and keep the good work up!

  8. Reply

    Awesome! you traffic is increasing and increasing each month, i always come here and curious what you post lol..

    Thanks for bringing up the top commentators, it means i am more popular than before because i babbles alot here 😀

    Keep the success 😉

  9. Avi Singh


    Hey your Your site statistics are quite impressive……..especially Bounce Rate.. 🙂 and pages per views…

  10. Valentine Belonwu


    Hi Kharim,
    I wish you more Success in everything and i believe we all will get there soon.
    Thanks for the support you offered me since i started my own blog.


  11. Natalia


    Great job Kharim! I feel like a little superstar as well actually being mentioned in a post! LOL

  12. Reply

    Congratulations Kharim for your recent performance and keep up! 🙂

    Small victories are the momentum for the greater success!

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