There is an old saying that a man’s home is his castle. Why not adorn that castle with gold, figuratively as well as literally, by starting a successful business from home? If you are looking for a way to remove yourself from the corporate world or simply have an idea that you want to capitalize on, a home-based business may be just what the doctor ordered. Or, if you simply want to be your own boss but aren’t quite sure what type of business you want to start, here are five ideas to mull over. You will find that these five suggestions may require very little – to no – capital outlay.

1. Freelance Blogger or Content Writer

To become a freelance blogger or content writer, you really only need a proficiency in English and a way with words. Of course, you will also need a computer and an Internet connection. You could start by submitting posts for publication to sites like and before you know it, you may have a huge amount of positive feedback and tons of followers. However, you can also start building a clientele by writing for companies like textbroker but the pay isn’t great at first until you get selected to work on teams or earn a five-star status.

2. Online Affiliate Marketing

Many of the products you found and purchased online were sold by affiliates. Oddly, many consumers aren’t aware of just how many items they have purchased through an affiliate, even when they bought from the manufacturer’s website. Any link from your affiliate marketing page can earn you an income if visitors click that link and then buy a product. If you are good at SEO link building, you can quickly earn a great income this way.

3. Online Marketplace Storefronts

Then there are storefronts like eBay, Amazon, and Etsy. If you have products to sell and are looking for a retail outlet, those three marketplaces see extremely high volumes of traffic and can help you reach maximum exposure quite quickly.

4. Business Consultant within Your Field of Expertise

Actually, to be a business consultant within our field of expertise may not require you to have an office. All you need are credentials to authenticate you as an expert in your field and you are good to go. Most often, consultants work with clients online or at the client’s place of business, but you will run your office from home.

5. Tech Support

You can offer tech support within your industry, either from home by digital communications or you can go out in the field as needed. This is often the case with a computer tech support business because some issues can be resolved on the phone or with an Internet chat function while other issues need to be dealt with in person. Typically, this is a hardware problem that needs a hands-on fix.

So there you have just five business ideas you can start from home with little to no capital outlay. Good luck on your new endeavor. With a will to succeed and some good old-fashioned drive, you’ll be successful in no time at all.


  1. Paul


    Blogging is the wisest way to make money online at home in a long term but it really needs a lot of sacrifices(time) before you can make living from blogging.Thank you for sharing this one.

  2. greenlawn


    Dear admin thanks for sharing such a nice information with us .Your post is very useful.I think great business ideas from home.

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