Blogging is becoming more and more popular everyday. Most website owners are now converting over their existing sites into blogs. Why is this so?

Well for one thing blogs are really easy to update, plus you need little or no programming knowledge to start your own blog. Here is a video that I did in one of my earlier post showing my blog readers how to install your very own blog in 5 minutes.

In this post I will give you 5 great reasons why you should start a blog.

5 Reasons to Start a Blog

  • To Have Fun and Be Creative
  • Many people start a blog simply for fun. Perhaps a blogger is a fan of a particular actor or loves knitting and wants to share that passion through a blog. One of the most important keys to successful blogging is having a passion about your blog’s topic, so you can write prolifically about it. Some of the best and most interesting blogs started out as blogs that were written just for fun and to give the blogger a creative outlet.

  • To Make Money
  • It’s important to point out that most bloggers don’t make a lot of money blogging, but the potential does exist to generate revenue from your blog with hard work and commitment. There are many bloggers who bring in big bucks. With patience and practice, you can make money through advertising and other income-generating activities on your blog.

  • To Escape The 9-5 Living
  • If you blog to make money online then you can look at it as a means of escaping the 9-5 hectic working world and relax at home blogging. This is no simple task but it can be done. There are lots of bloggers making money online and they find it much easier than working in the office all day long.

  • To Establish Yourself as an Expert
  • Blogs are wonderful tools to help bloggers establish themselves as experts in a field or topic. For example, if you’re trying to get a job in a specific field or hoping to publish a book on a specific topic, blogging can help legitimize your expertise and expand your online presence and platform.

  • To Help People
  • Many blogs are written to help people who may be going through similar situations that the blogger has experienced. Many parenting and health-related blogs are written for this purpose.

    I started this blog to help new and existing bloggers who have a bit of problems in the blogging field. As you know, this blog has blogging tips to help bloggers build up their blog, to drive traffic, social media tips, how to make money online, a few tutorials and much more. So that was my main reason for starting this blog.

    Group Discussion…

  • Have you started your blog as yet? If not what are you waiting for?
  • Existing bloggers, what are they reasons you started your blog?
  • If you are new to blogging and would like for me to help you, please feel free to contact me where I can give you free advice on starting your blog.


    1. Perambur Kumar


      I read that article I fully agree with you. The thing is you forgot one thing your blog must be in Top 10 of the Google Search Results and in all search results to make some money out of your blog for that you have to learn SEO. So you can add that in your article

    2. ColeStan


      If ought to start a blog, I would love to make a blog which can help other people in managing their own life. Something that can solve their problem or can guide them whenever they are in need of something. That can justify my worth as blogger for sure.

    3. Murlu


      If anything, I love helping people the most – it feels like a fire in me to help people out with whatever they need and if it happens to make me some money on the way than all the better!

    4. Music Diva


      Why am I a blogger?

      My first thought was money since that is why I got involved with internet marketing.. Then I realized it can’t only be about the money because I can make $ in other ways. What it’s really about for me is the internet lifestyle. I know of no other business that can be so tailor made to fit your life. Yes, you have to work like a fiend.. that’s for sure, but it’s entirely on your terms.

      • Reply

        That’s true, if you let money be your main focus then you will have little or no success in blogging. You have to first love what you do and then everything else will follow 🙂

        • Music Diva


          Boy is that the truth!

          One of my first sites.. was produced purely because I loved the affiliate companies.. still do, but not so much the content. I mean, I’m just not that into dieting.. If I had chosen healthy eating, I might still be writing for the site, but dieting? Boring! So has made me a whooping couple hundred bucks in a year..

    5. Reply

      Same with Richard, i am blogging for all your reasons.

      But most of all, i enjoy what i am blogging about, that’s the most important.

      There are times when i am bored with it, i guess that is normal.

      The next day, the passion of blogging is there again, and i do love it!

      Thanks for the awesome points, Kharim.

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment Kimi. When you are bored with blogging its just a little sign of blogger burnout. I like to play online games, Combat Arms I love that game. So what I do is when I’m in the mood to blog, I write like 3 posts at a time, so when I’m bored I have my posts to publish that I had already written. So I can play some games and sometimes playing games gets new blog post idea in my head. 🙂

        • Reply

          LOL sounds fun, similar to me, when i have a mood, i create some posts and then leave the blogging world for a while.

          Odd though, i always have mood for commenting LOL.

          Thanks for the idea ( i will apply but not gaming )


    6. Richard


      I started my blog for all of your reasons. I’m really enjoying it and I like having a hobby that can potentially help others. And for me it’s a change of pace from my 9-5.

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment Richard. I really like bloghing, I just wish I had started blogging earlier.

        I like helping people and I do so by giving blogging advice.

    7. Thiru


      Nice write up. For me , Blog is a stress buster. I realized many time that blogging had reduced my stress. Thanks for the nice post.

    8. Reply

      I think for most of us these days, blogging has become a way of life and nearly everyone is doing it. I do think that if someone is going to start a blog just to make money though, they’ll have to put more time and effort into it than any “normal” blogger would 😉

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment Karen, and that’s true. If you plan to blog to make money you are going to have to do lots of hard work to accomplish your task. Plus if a new blogger plans to make money blogging then he might run into difficulties and might not make any money at all. For new bloggers, money making shouldn’t be the first thing on their minds. Building up their blog should be their main focus, writing quality content, blog commenting, guest ousting if possible and other blog promotion stuff.

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