The trend of social media marketing is now increasing on a rapid pace and this pace is a clear indication that this trend is not going to come to an end anytime soon. The reason behind it is obviously the effectiveness of marketing on the social media platforms. Now, almost everyone owns a mobile phone and all those who have a phone do own a Facebook, Instagram and a Twitter account, this is the main factor that helps in creating brand awareness and business development. As a marketer, you cash the presence of the big figure of audience present on these platforms and here is where your marketing game begins.
You see, social media marketing is not as easy as it seems to be and you’ve got to put a lot of struggle into it in order to succeed. It’s not that you just have to make an Instagram account or a Facebook page in order to start marketing in fact, there is a lot more to it. You have to use some tips and tricks to reach the top of the search engines and for that the only thing you need is lots and lots of research and study.
We’ve all heard about Facebook marketing, Instagram marketing and website marketing but on the other hand there are a very few people who are actually aware about Twitter marketing and how you create brand awareness on this platform.
If you are someone who has just got his hands on Twitter and wants to use it for marketing purposes to the fullest potential then this article is a must-to-read for you. Today we are going to jot down some of the best and the most important statistics about Twitter that every marketer should know.
So, folks, take notes of what we are about to reveal because this article might be a breakthrough for your business and it’s marketing.
1-Number Of Users
Currently Twitter is known as the second most used social media platform after Facebook and right now there are almost 330 million active users on this platform. Moreover, there has been an increment of 4% in the users than the last year.
2-It Is Used Globally
Unlike all the other platforms, Twitter is being used globally and it is said that almost 69 million users belong to US which is a good news for someone who has a target audience of US. Moreover, Twitter right now has more than 35 offices all around the globe which is a clear indication that it is a one big setup.
3-Increase In The Use Of Twitter Life
Twitter life is just like Twitter but the only benefit with which it comes is that it consumes less space on the phone and also consumes less internet. According to the company, they have seen an increase of fifty percent in the tweets that are done by Twitter life and that is one big achievement from their own.
4-Increased Engagement
The company has released a data that states that the engagement of the audience on Twitter has increased to a whole of 99% year over year.
These are the few statistics that show that Twitter is definitely one good platform to begin with. So, we suggest you to make an account over there today and you can even increase twitter followers by using various techniques and services available in the internet, just be patient with the results and stay constant with your efforts because sooner or later, you will see the results for yourself.