It’s no secret that Pinterest is one of the fastest growing platforms in the world of social media. From stay at home moms to large corporations, millions of users are pinning their favorite items and products on a daily basis. From a marketing perspective, Pinterest is a promotional tool with limitless upside. This value also extends to bloggers who want more exposure for their content.

While Pinterest is a fairly straightforward platform for the common user, certain intricacies can help maximize its usefulness for driving website traffic. Below is a list of five methods for utilizing Pinterest to drive more traffic to your blog:

Account Tweaks

Initially, there are certain settings and administrative tasks that you can complete on Pinterest to help promote your blog content. One of the easiest and most basic actions that you can take is linking to your blog in the About section that Pinterest provides. Also, verifying your website on Pinterest is great way to drive visitors to your blog. When verified, a link to your blog will appear on Pinterest for your followers to find.

Linking Pinterest to other social media platforms is also an invaluable method for promoting your blog. Considering that your Pinterest content links to your blog posts (see below), having more people find you on Pinterest will increase the likelihood of them accessing your blog. Attracting users from Twitter and Facebook is an excellent means for drawing attention to pins that promote your blog posts.

Use SEO Keywords

When you create a new pin on Pinterest, you’re given space to provide a description of the content. As you create pins for your new blog posts, use search engine optimized keywords in the descriptions in order to improve the pin’s rankings in search engines. While you may not have the expertise of a technical whiz at an SEO company, simply researching on Google AdWords keyword tool and placing a few in your descriptions can go a long way towards promoting your content.

Generate Interesting Content

One technique for driving blog traffic that is completely under your control is ensuring the quality of the content that you share on Pinterest. Generating unique and interesting content is the best way to prompt people to take action. Having eye catching images, cool quotes and other intriguing content to accompany your blog posts pins will increase the likelihood of repins and likes from other users. When you create pins that promote your individual blog posts, find creative media to complement your work and encourage engagement.

Engage Other Users

Considering that Pinterest is a social sharing platform, adhering to its basic function has value that is often overlooked. Liking, repinning and commenting on other user’s content helps to draw people toward your own Pins. When you follow other users and interact with their content, they are far more likely to reciprocate and share your content with their following. Becoming a contributing member of the Pinterest community is the best way to gain followers that will consistently view and interact with the content that you pin from your blog.

Install the Pinterest Plugin

Adding the Pinterest Plugin to your blog is another excellent way to help you blog content. The Pinterest plugin for WordPress will place a Pin It button on your blog posts. This will allow people to pin your content with ease, and in effect share it with all of their followers. The widget that this plugin provides will also allow you to display your pins on the sidebar of your blog posts, allowing users to discover your other blog content via Pinterest.

[box]BIO: Alicia Lawrence is a content coordinator for WebpageFX and blogs in her free time at MarCom Land. Her work has been published by the Association for Business Communication, Yahoo! Small Business, and Spin Sucks.[/box]

Find Alicia on Google+


  1. Amit Tak


    thanks so much for sharing nice tips to attract traffic to the blog. i really like it.

  2. Glenys


    Very useful tips. Also, apparently Pinterest tends to attract a different type of user than many of the other social platforms in that users are often searching to find something they wish to buy.

  3. Gautam


    I always Pin my images but i haven’t got any traffic from them yet.Hope your guide helps.

  4. Roger


    One more thing I would like to add is that Pinterest is a great source of female traffic around the globe!


  5. Leon Bailey


    Just came across this and I Pinterest is a little overwhelming for me, but I am definitely going to log on now and follow the SEO instructions. I already try to interact with people when I log on. Good tips!

  6. Elina


    Very nice article. It is really helpful for those who want to increase the traffic on their account.

  7. Jane Brown



    Great inspirational post for me because recently i joined Pinterest and it will help me a lot.

    Jane Brown

  8. sushen


    I use pinterest plugin on all of my blogs/websites. As it gives good reach to blog.

  9. shane knight


    social media tools now a days are proven tools for making products or services promoted to wide range of users by a white hat ethical way

  10. Orjiakor


    This is very helpful for many people like me, I learned many things by reading this article.
    Thanks for sharing all these valuable information .

  11. Sajesh


    Pinterest is fastest growing platform which helps the blogger in many ways in increasing the visibility, sale and traffic to their website. But one can take advantage of aforementioned things only if efforts are taken in the right direction.

  12. Reply

    Thanks for the optimization tips. I was not aware of them. I’ll surely look into it and I hope Pinterest starts showing up in my Google Analytics 😉

  13. Reply

    Hi Alicia,

    You have shared here excellent guide on how to attract traffic by using pinterest. Liked your work.

  14. Reply

    Pinterest seems to be getting a lot of buzz in the marketing industry nowadays.Marketers should include this powerful tool on their list if they want to see a better result in their social marketing campaign.

  15. Reply

    This post is surprising me a lot.
    I have never thought about to use SEO for my Pinterest.
    And the idea about Plugin sound interesting too. But can you share some of your experiences about using some tools for your Pinterest?
    By the way, thanks a lot !

  16. Reply

    Hi Alicia, I’ve found our cartoon pictures, illustrations and infographics do very well on Pinterest, often getting repinned. I love this site!

  17. lauren


    Great article. I add infographics to pinterest and the site is now my third biggest referrer! It can be really helpful if you use it correctly.

  18. Ashley Allen


    Wow nice post!! I really wasn’t aware that Pintrest could be so effective in helping promote business. My primary focus was always Twitter and Facebook. Thanks to your post I have now downloaded the Pintrest plugin for my blog.

  19. Reply

    I start using Pinterest recently, and I confirm that it’s a great too to attract traffic to your blog. It’s easy to use and bring a nice result. Your post is very useful also. I learn a lot for optimizing my Pinterest. Thank for sharing. Can’t wait for trying them now.

  20. Reply

    Sharing attractive infographics is more likely steal Pinterest users’ attention. In the end there will be more chance to get traffic.

    note : I guess there’s problem with comluv plugin here

  21. Rick


    Pinterest is getting more and more popular. I’ve never tried it, but looks like it’s a very powerful marketing tool. Thanks for the tips!

  22. Reetika gupta


    Hello Kharim,
    Yes, I am agree with you that P interest is one of the best way to get the traffic in huge amount on our website/blogs. and its social networking Site which beneficial for us. but if we use in proper way and mostly time is i use it and even get the +ve results. Thanks for this post.

  23. Sana


    Hello Kharim
    From your post I have got that you have to engage yourself in the activities performed on Pinterest,you can enjoy fruit from it.

  24. Veronica


    Pinterest is surely emerging as a great social platform to attract traffic. Thanks for sharing these tips. These are very effective.

  25. Reply

    Great Article Kharim I recently started Pintrest never saw it in this light.

    To other readers: Kharim gives great tips he helped me when I just started blogging and in getting approved for Google adsense, great work and nuff respect my friend.

  26. sarika jatoliya


    Hello Dear

    its very attractive ways and pinterest is great site of social media and add keyword in content is must really this is great way of promotion so thanks for sharing me. 🙂

  27. Katty Kat


    Thanks for the tips! Pinterest is getting more and more popular. I just started using it though. But I’m already impressed with the results.

    • Gautham Nekkanti



      I agree with you. Pinterest is one of the most popular web 2.0 websites now.

  28. Reply

    Interesting tips since i’m trying to get more traffic from pinterest. I didn’t know about pinterest plugin, i think i will install to my website.

  29. Abhishek Dharmik


    Thanks for sharing this article with us. I don’t know that pinterest can also drive traffic to our blog. After reading this article I will love to share my blog posts on pinterest. Keep sharing 🙂

  30. Gautham Nekkanti


    Will definitely try this out man.

    From what i know, Pinterest is a great source of social traffic and networking.

  31. sarika jatoliya


    Hello Dear

    its very unique post and this is amazing and useful ways and pinterest is great social media site and this is great source of traffic so thanks for sharing me

  32. Pramod


    I would be trying this out man !
    I didn’t know how exactly to use Pinterest ..Now,after reading this post ..i got an idea of following other people and interacting with them ..they might reciprocate it too .Thanks for sharing mate !


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