How do you promote new blog posts?

There are lots of avenues in which a blogger can promote their newly published blog post.

When a blogger has written a great article that was well researched then no doubt this blogger want to get as much readers for his/her article. So therefore, this blogger has to map out a plan on how this new blog post will be promoted.

 Many people have different ways of doing things, so here are 5 great ways in which you can use to promote new blog posts.

[box type=”red”]Promote New Blog Posts On Social Media[/box]

This on I think is the best place that you can promote new blog posts. Social media sites are always filled with people from all over the world and they are looking for information in almost every niche. Your new blog post can be of some help for people who are searching for topics that you are writing about.

You will first need to create an account on whatever social media site you with to promote new blog posts.

Here are some social media sites that you can use to promote new blog posts:

  •  Twitter – Millions of people use this social media daily to send out short status messages, communicate with friends or family, follow celebrities for updates, other persons of interest and to also promote new blog posts if you are a blogger that is. Twitter is a wonderful place to promote new blog posts because it is free and it can generate lots of targeted blog traffic.
  • Facebook –  This is another great way you can promote new blog posts to millions of people who use this social media/social networking site. You can do this by copying the link to your blog post and paste it as your Facebook status. Facebook will do the rest by getting the title of the post and also if an image was inserted in the post to use it as a thumbnail. You can also create a Facebook Fan Page for your blog and so that your loyal blog followers can stay connected to your updates.
  • StumbleUpon –  When you want to rack up lots of views and readers then this is also a great way to promote new blog posts. I have been using StumbleUpon for the past 2 years and I must say that this site has drawn quite a lot of traffic to my blog. So if you want to promote your new blog posts then try StumbleUpon.
  • Google+ –  I love to use Google+ because its a great way to stay connected to fellow bloggers and a great way as well to promote new blog posts. Once you click the G+ button then you can select to share your article with everyone in your circle. Whoever has you in their circle will get a notification that you have shared something with them. This is a great way to promote new blog posts especially if your followers are interested in what you have to say.
  • BizSugar – I have used this site and I must say that it is a great way to promote new blog posts. It is simple. Just login to your account and submit your article for promotion.
You should also install some social media sharing buttons. This will make it also easier for others to share your new blog posts.

[box type=”red”]Promote New Blog Posts Via CommentLuv[/box]

When leaving blog comments on other blogs that has the CommentLuv WordPress Plugin installed, then you can choose to promote your new blog posts.

I thank Andy Bailey for creating such a wonderful plugin and also sharing it with other bloggers so that we can use it to generate traffic to our blog. CommentLuv has been a life saver for many when it comes to promoting new blog posts.

When leaving comments, all you have to do is enter your blog link in the URL section and CommentLuv will do the rest in fetching your latest blog post. With this plugin you can also get do-follow links on that latest blog post and this is a great way as well to get backlinks when leaving comments.

If you want to promote new blog posts then leaving comments on blogs with CommentLuv is a great way to go.

[box type=”red”]Promote New Blog Posts Through News Letters[/box]

If you have an email list then you can use this to promote new blog posts. If not then you are missing out.

Have you ever heard the term, “the power is in the list”? Well it is true.

Many bloggers have used this avenue to promote new blog posts and have also used it to make money from their blogs, through email marketing.

People who are interested in your content and blog will want to subscribe to your mailing list. When they do this all you have to do is promote interesting things to them and you can make money or get traffic to your new blog post whenever you publish one.

Start a mailing list today, you will be happy you did!

[box type=”red”]Promote New Blog Posts On Forums[/box]

I have been using forums for years to participate in online discussions so that I can gain knowledge or to share my knowledge with other members online that community.

Forums has always been a great way to promote new blog posts. If a forum member needs information on a particular topic then you can write a post specially for that person. Come back to the forum and share your link there with that person and get traffic back to your blog.

You can also leave links to your new blog post inside your signature. Make lots of posts so that you can be found all over the forum. Change your signature, add your latest blog post link and this will be shown on every post that you have contributed to on the forum.

DON’T MISS: 5 Reasons To Be Active On Forums If You Own A Blog

[box type=”red”]Promote New Blog Posts With RSS Directories[/box]

This is one of the best ways to promote new blog posts. You just have to find some great RSS directories, submit your blog feed link and just write new articles and publish them.

RSS directories will do the rest to publish your new blog post to the world. As soon as you hit the publish button then your post will be set out so that people can read your new post and search engine robots can also start crawling so that your article gets indexed even quicker.

In a previous article, Aasma had asked me to provide some RSS directories for her. So here the are…

Here are some great RSS Directories below:

Blogbunch  blog+rss
Blog-collector  blog+rss
Bloggapedia  blog+rss
Bloglines  blog+rss
BlogPulse  blog+rss
BlogRollCenter  blog + RSS
Blurt It
BOTW Blog Directory
Chordata Blog+Rss
Demand Media Studios
Feedmap  blog+rss
Feednuts  blog+rss
Feedplex  blog+rss
FuelMyBlog  blog + RSS
Loaded Web
Minnesota  blog+rss
Ontoplist  blog+rss
Photo Blog Directory
TopBlogging  blog + RSS
Yahoo local
Zimbo  blog+rss

Directories that have Fee or Need Reciprocal Link

A1Weblinks  Fee
AddYourBlog.Com  reciprocal link required
Aviva  Fee
Biggerblogger  Fee
Blogs All Over the World  reciprocal link required  Fee
Bloggeries  Fee
Blogging Fusion  Fee
Blogintro  Fee
Blogsearchengine  Fee
Blogsrating  Reciprocal
BlogZoop  reciprocal link required
Bulletize  Fee
EatonWeb  Fee
Kahuki  Fee
LazyBlogDirectory  Fee
Search 4 Blog  Fee
Small Business Blog Dir  Fee
Society of Socialpreneurs  reciprocal link required
TopWeblogDirectory  reciprocal link required or Fee
Wutzle  reciprocal link required
Blogsrating   Reciprocal


Chordata  Blog+Rss
Crayon  Blog+Rss
Feed Burner
Free RSS and Link Directory
Icerocket  Blog+Rss
MyMSN RSS Directory  submi feed to ‘search’ for content
NGOID News Network
Postami  Fee


Group Discussion

  • How do you promote your new blog posts?
  • What methods do you use and do they work?



  1. Atinder


    Well, i am a big fan of StumbleUpon because 40% of my sites traffic come from StumbleUpon and it’s not a small amount, it very big.

  2. Reply

    Promote a blog in proper way can be a very important if want to have a good visitors on blog. All ways of blog promoting are good which mentioned in this post. But, Submit a blog in niche blog directories will be much better helpful to get more visitors on blog.

    • Reply

      Hello Nancy,

      You are so right on that point. Once you promote your blog in the proper way then your blog can be full of traffic. Thank you for the comment.

  3. Lisa Chaves


    Wow those are absolutely awesome lists! I can’t just let this opportunity pass without bookmarking these one of a kind resource.

  4. pintu patel


    Thank you for proved a good article, CommentLuv really help for promote our post….

  5. Nwosu Desmond


    I have never seen more RSS sharing list anywhere…thanks indeed can’t wait to start using them.

  6. Reply

    Wow! The lists are incredible! I haven’t heard of a lot of those areas before. Thank you so much for taking the time to publish it. It definitely gives me more avenues to get the word out about my blog. Thanks!

    • Reply

      Hello Stacey,

      You can try these out and see how well they will work for your blog. They have been working well for me.

      Thanks for the comment.

  7. Zack


    Hi Kharim,
    It’s so good to know someone is supporting those of us who are online.Thank goodness we have such passionate peeps as you guys to help steer us with integrity.

  8. Reply

    From what I can tell, submitting your articles to RSS feeds might be the most effective method out there. Twitter, Facebook and so on are fanatastic but are (somewhat) limited in who they can target. RSS feeds ensure that your piece is read by a broad cross section of visitors, many of whom may have never even thought about the topic you chose to write about prior to coming across your work!

    • Reply

      Jack I agree with you pal.

      I have used RSS feeds and RSS directories and they have worked for me. That’s how I do my blog post promotion.

  9. Reply

    Thank for sharing these tips! Sharing your new blog post is crucial in reaching a wider range of audience. And you can make this happen if you will promote your new blog post across different social sites.

    • Reply

      Hey Nina,

      Blog post promotion is very crucial if you want to get some comments or interaction on your blog post. Posting articles is just not enough to get your article in front of people, we need to do some promotion.

      Thanks for the comment.

  10. Tom Watson


    YO Kharim!

    Still browing around… just tried out Bizsugar. I would have never have found that if not for you. THANKS!

    • Reply

      You are welcome Tom. Try to get on the front page of BizSugar, you will get tons of traffic.

      I have been there and that caused me to make some money from that traffic as well.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

  11. Reply

    You missed the best one – Triberr, which allows bloggers to organise into ‘tribes’ and cross promote each other’s posts through their social followings.

  12. Erick Trejo


    Thank you very much for all this information, specially for the rss directories list. I was looking for something like this. You article is really good and gives real solutions. Thanks again

    • Reply

      You are welcome Erick. I hope you have found something useful in my article that you can apply on your blog or website as well.

      Thanks for the comment.

    • Reply

      Yes, you are right the information of this post is really helpful and worthy. List of RSS directories are best part of this post and I was also looking for same thing. Thanks to the author who shared his valuable knowledge.

  13. Mark Brook


    This was a great article regarding getting or bring traffic on articles or blogs and I like to thank you for sharing a great list of RSS.

  14. London SEO Agency


    First of all thanks for Sharing great source for RSS Feed submission site. It really huge list. You have made also great tips on blog promotion. Thanks for great help.

  15. Reply

    This is one power packed post. 🙂 In addition, you can also come up with quick blog posts and upload this on your Youtube channel if you have one or share it via social networking accounts and lead your friends and followers to check out your new posts.

    • Reply

      Yes! YouTube is a great way to get some traffic and to also promote new blog posts and even your blog.

      I am going to start doing some videos soon as well. Just waiting til I get some extra time on my hand.

      Thanks for your comment.

  16. Vishnitis


    Such blogs help to students to find the proper way for their carrier and it is better approach to carry on the education. Really good tips for the youth generation because he want to very nice knowledge about new blog post.

  17. Aditya


    Hey Kharim,
    Promoting your blog post is a task to be handled with care.One has to promote in the particular niche as i always prefer.Although their are different ways to promote your blog and most of them or i must say all of them you have stated here.

    • Reply

      Promotion plays a very big role and this is what helps to drive success and also shows that we want to be successful.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

  18. Rajkumar Jonnala


    Hey Kharim thanks a lot for informative post, as i have created a new blog. although it has some content so i usually share it on social networks and its amazing getting lot of traffic from it. but i believe that the traffic from social networks are referral traffic which will be only for few days, so its recommended to promote our blog by performing seo tips.

    • Reply

      Well with seo you have to optimize your article for that so you can get traffic from search engines.

      What I was talking about is you going out and promoting your article so that others can come and see what you have read.

  19. Reply

    I completely agree with you. Marketing on social media sites will help you to bring enough traffic on your site. We can also do email marketing which is also very easy and less expensive.

    • Reply

      Yep social media sites filled with people can help to bring traffic to your blog.

      You just have to develop strategies that will get the traffic.

      Thanks for your comment.

  20. Bijuterii aur


    This is a great post. I’ve learned important tricks 😀 that I’m gonna use 😉

  21. Reply

    Hey Kharim,

    For quick traffic to new blog posts I usually use social media (mostly Twitter and Facebook). For longer term traffic I like the comment luv plugin and building backlinks for search engine rankings. Great list of RSS directories by the way!

  22. Reply

    Since no one else mentioned it, LinkedIn is also a good place to help promote blog posts. Of course, since it’s a business social networking site, you’ll want to be perspicacious in the types of things you share there because you want to be seen in a business positive light.

  23. Emma Tomlinson


    Hey, Kharim, great article! With the ideas you have provided, new bloggers won’t find it difficult to promote their posts. Thanks for this. 😉

  24. fanstap


    i loved this post because most of bloggers nowadays rarely write post for beginners and starters, starting a blog is the hardest part and people should write more about it
    thanks so much for your contributio

    • Reply

      Well I often try my best to write articles that appeals to new bloggers and also to existing bloggers.

      Thanks for the comment.

  25. Becca


    Excellent list! thanks for the share Kharim. It will help for our
    business and blogging.

  26. Reply

    You are a genius, I remember asking you RSS directories and you have listed them here. Thank you for this. I will be bookmarking this page so that I can submit the RSS feed those sites. I had not heard of bizsugar before, I had a quick look seems interesting but it seems more business orientated.

    • Reply

      BizSugar is really great. I always get traffic from it. You should join it as well.

      Thanks for the comment.

  27. ayesha


    Social media sites play vital role in promoting new blog posts. The regular users received emails or a notification. I think it’s a best way of promotion.The list is very helpful thanks for the post.

  28. Thomas


    Wow that’s indeed a helpful posts for a person like me. Thanks for the sharing the list. I have already made a note of the list for my future reference.

  29. Success


    Really amazing post, very educating and informative, thanks for sharing.

  30. leonardo


    I’ll use my sharebar to promote it on G+, twitter and fb. Then I use FB groups to promote my content. I’ve been using JustRetweet for several weeks now, and it’s really working out well for me.

    And blog commenting of course!

    I need to work on “RSS directory submissions”…

  31. Nawaz


    I have experience of comment Luv, it is one of the best plug-in that is a real gift for traffic and promotion of post.

    Social Networks are milestone these days as Google and Bing also awards ranking to the sites that have links from Facebook and twitter.

    • Reply

      You are right! CommentLuv is one of the best ways to promote new blog posts. Thanks for your comment.

  32. Reply

    Hello, Karim. Thanks for sharing this huuuge list about how I can promote my blog. I’ll use them! Thanks again.

  33. Chadrack


    hmm, great points and list there. I must say you know how to do this very well. I’ve always received every of your new post via Google+. Though I use some of these tactics the only thing I’m not really sure of is the rss directories. Do they really drive traffic?

    • Reply

      Well you can get a bit of traffic to your blog from RSS directories. Pulling in traffic from every source is something that we should aim for because we don’t know who might come to our blog and make a sale or get other readers to our blog by sharing our content.

      So you should try it out.

      Thanks for the comment.

  34. Reply

    Hi Kharim I don’t believe that a blog can get traffic from rss sites and hardly anybody uses it. I never bother using any of them. But RSS directories are great for getting crawled, anyways I will definitely gonna try submitting my blog to these RSS directories and measure the result.

    • Reply

      Well to tell you the truth, not much traffic comes from it. But its a great way to promote your new blog or new blog post.

      I have gotten traffic from it and it does work.

      Have you tried it as yet?

  35. Guppu Boss


    Nice Tips My blog is totally new. I am working on it. You have given me some new tips to work on. I am sharing posts on social sites except bizsugar. and Thanks for the list I will add my site to some good pr sites

    • Reply

      You are welcome pal. Use BizSugar, its great for getting traffic to your blog, especially if you get featured on the front page.

      Thanks for the comment.

  36. Aasma


    Hey Kharim,

    Thanks very much for sharing such huge and essential list on my request.

  37. Reply

    Hi Kharim,
    This is the most comprehensive list I have ever seen on RSS directories. I have a question though: Are RSS directory submissions still effective as an SEO strategy post Google Penguin?

    I am yet to do any study on that but I feel there is a possibility of negative results.

    • Reply

      You can submit to these RSS list pal and get some awesome backlinks and traffic as well.

      As to your question, I am not sure if these RSS directories help with ranking for search engine results. I might have to do some research on this and experiments as well.

      Thanks for the comment bro.

  38. Agentii imobiliare


    I never knew what CommentLUv is, till I found the explanation in here. thanks for sharing!

  39. Bhushan


    Hi kharim,
    Again you proved yourself with a good article,
    Thanks for giving and sharing valuable info.

    • Reply

      Thank you very much Bhushan. If you apply these tips then you can reach a lot of success.

      Thanks for the comment bro.

      • Bhushan


        Hi Kharim,
        It’s so good to know someone is supporting those of us who are online.Thank goodness we have such passionate peeps as you guys to help steer us with integrity.

        Thank you very-much for the “Very Very Valuable Information”.

        • Reply

          You are welcome pal. As I stated before, I am going to continue provide the best blogging tips for my blog readers 🙂

          Thanks again for your comment.

  40. Ehsan


    Great RSS directories list which I had never heard before,

    I always use Addtoany’s share and save page to promote my new blog posts and I think that is easy way also because we can promote a post on all social media sites ones.

    Thanks for sharing your methods of promoting a post Kharim.

    • Reply

      Your way of promoting new blog post is good as well, and their are many people who use it.

      Thanks for sharing your method and thanks for the comment as well.

  41. Mairaj Pirzada


    Hi Kharim,

    Would like to share my ways to promote a blog post and to get more exposure.. Just after publishing a blog post, I do
    1. publish my blog post links in certain FB Groups, on my wall and on My Fan page.
    2. Tweet the post
    3. Send a Campaign (Newsletter)
    4. Submit it to various popular blogging communities like Blog Engage, Blokube etc. Sadly, cannot access my both accounts at BizSugar, both have login problems. And I don’t want to waste my time in solving them, so leave it as it is.
    5. Bookmark it on popular Social Bookmarking Sites, especially Digg, StumbleUpon, Pinterest.
    6. Forgot to tell you about +1ing and sharing on Google+
    7. And Start commenting on lots of blogs, I like. Not especially, CommentLuv, but also on the blogs I like to read.

    Thanks for the post, it was Good, and am going to see more posts at your blog.

  42. Rahul kuntala


    Whoa those are great resources.

    Recently I wrote the similar blog post on my blog..

    Here what I’ll do after posting an article…

    I’ll use my sharebar to promote it on G+, twitter and fb. Then I use FB groups to promote my content. I’ve been using JustRetweet for several weeks now, and it’s really working out well for me.

    And blog commenting of course!

    I need to work on “RSS directory submissions”.

    Great work bud 🙂

    • Reply

      Hey Rahul.

      I use JustRetweet as well and I must say that I get traffic from my retweets and also more Twitter followers.

      I love promoting via G+ because mostly bloggers have me in their circle so I get traffic and also my comments are now increasing.

      Thanks for the comment bro.

  43. Raaj Trambadia


    Great one! I usually do it via Social Media (of course) and Commentluv. But the newsletters – I ONLY promote a blog post via email IF it’s really worth it. Though I love all the articles I write, it’s not a must that all of them are truly worth to actually send by email, agree?

    One question Kharim – Do you prefer plugins that automatically post on behalf of you (on social media) or do you prefer to do it manually?

    • Reply

      Hey Raaj.

      I would agree with you as well. Even though I love everyone of the posts that I write, I don’t normally send everyone of them to my email list.

      Well with plugins you can use them. But if you have time to publish them manually then do it, because plugin can take up some space on your blog and also cause it to load slow.

      So if you can do it by yourself then do it instead of using a plugin. Also when you do it manually you can change the title of the post for example when you tweet.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

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