Even though you may like the way your website looks at the moment, your personal opinion should not be paramount in this matter. You see, a website is one of the most valuable resources your small business has and is as such quantifiable. Your average conversion rate, bounce rate and traffic are just some of the things that can indicate whether or not it is performing as it should. If any of these metrics are off, you need to redesign your website.

Here are six more reasons why, as well as few ideas on how to go about this.

1.      Keep It Updated

The first thing you need to keep in mind is a fact that trends in digital marketing constantly change and evolve. Because of this, your work is never done since what was valid up until yesterday, may no longer be so tomorrow. New plugins and themes are getting designed on an almost daily level and this is a potential you just cannot allow to go unused.

2.      Make It Faster

Next thing you want from your website is to make it significantly faster. The loading time of your homepage heavily affects your bottom line, which is definitely something you need to keep in mind. Because of this, you need to keep adjusting your website, pay special attention to your choice of the host and test the speed after every alteration you make.

3.      Change in Business Focus

Another thing to keep in mind is that your business itself may change. Due to the failure of your current project, you may decide to pivot or in the light of a brilliant idea you recently had you may wish to repurpose a part of your operations. Whatever is the case, your website needs to follow up with this change, as well. Every business niche has its own rules of the game, which is something about which you should contact experts behind small business web design Sydney company.

4.      Going Mobile Friendly

The 21st century is definitely the age of mobile devices. In 2015 the number of internet browsers from these devices officially became larger than that made from desktops. Furthermore, in 2017 Android became more popular internet browsing platform than Windows. Both of these facts indicate that in order to stay competitive, you need to put mobile users in the focus of your digital marketing efforts. This usually includes things like making your website touch-friendly, optimizing its font for mobile users and going with mobile-friendly content formats (video, infographic, cartoons, etc.).

5.      Better Use of Color

There are several other aspects you may want to improve about your website and one of them is your approach to the choice of color. While some may believe this depends on the personal disposition of the website owner, this should not be the case. Each color has a different effect on the mind of your website’s visitors, so, for example, a green call-to-action button has about 21 percent higher click through rate than a red one. This figure alone can be a deal-breaker when it comes to getting the most out of your website’s layout.

6.      Making a Smarter Layout

Speaking of layout, there are several studies claiming that the left side of the screen gets much more viewing time than the right one. In order to be even more specific, the area at around 400 pixels from the left edge of the screen is the hotspot of attention. Because of this, you may want to make your page’s layout left-leaning and display the most valuable information you have in this exact area. Furthermore, you shouldn’t make the layout too text heavy and you need to learn how to properly manage whitespace if you are to go anywhere.

In Conclusion

As you can see, there are so many things you may want to change about your website and each of them boosts its functionality and the profit it brings. By improving the organization of your site, you are also reducing the amount of work and resources you will have to invest in its maintenance, not to mention the fact that you will automate most of your online tasks. No matter how you look at it, a website redesign definitely looks like a great idea.


Author bio: Steven Clarke is a digital marketing specialist/business consultant. In his spare time, he likes to write about his ideas and share them with the world. Steven is a regular contributor to several websites.


  1. Reply

    this post was really helpful for motivating me to improve my business website. because everybody is online and connects to people even though they didn’t see each other physically

  2. Reply

    This post is really helpful for people who think, “My website is perfectly alright and business is running great”. May be the business is running great and site too was good, but the change is required to maintain the business. The look and feel matters the most, don’t make the viewers bored of seeing same site in the same way for long time. For that you can have a look at this list.

  3. mansi desai



    Nice stuff for who want to make improvement in business ,good information for us .

    thanks for this information ,

    mansi desai

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