Technology evolves very quickly and it takes along with it, our habits and how we live our lives. Long ago, communication was made through writing letters on papers an sealing them in envelopes and sending them miles away which will arrive days or even weeks later. Playing games would mean meeting at a park where they have game board so you can play against your friends, or calculating large amount of numbers would mean writing them on a blackboard and solved manually. Now, we have come a long way from using an abacus to computing machines that can give a solution in a blink of an eye.

With these advances and the Best Free No WiFi Games for iPhone come some game-changing trends that have swept the entire globe, read below and see what has captured everyone’s attention:

  • Social Messaging
    • Social messaging apps have reduced that waiting time of communication to milliseconds making the messages almost instantaneous. Your friends and family are never really too far from you since you get to talk to them through applications that will deliver your message quickly and let you know if your message has already been read. Interacting is no longer constricted to pen and paper letters, individuals are now able to send photos and videos making communication more interactive and fun.


  • Virtual Reality
    • VR and AR has been a predicted to soon take over the lives of users; not true? What about the time where you had to dodge and step to the side to avoid bumping onto people struggling to catch that wild Pokemon? All though I was not one of the Best Free No WiFi Games for iPhone since players or trainers need to be on the internet to get those Pokemons, it was still one of the first games that introduces people to augmented reality. All though these technologies are still in the start-up phase, it is safe to say that this technology will soon be everywhere with its multitudes of possible practical applications.


  • Social Ecommerce
    • Stores have now taken their businesses from the streets to online stores. Customers no longer need to travel from the house to the shop miles away; just fill in your order online and wait for it to be delivered to your doorstep the next day. Social eCommerce has actually started several trends in the business and corporate world; it has brought home based business to individuals who would like to work from home or manage their own business while they also take care of other things.

  • Live Video
    • This trend has gained popularity immensely few months after it was made public. This technology lets users post videos live as they are being captured with a camera which allows brands and companies connect to their fans and followers when it happens. This fills the gap of the peoples need for live television since everything now is recorded and is available online. Posting live videos on popular platforms not only bring amusement to watchers, but it is also a great tool to connect to people or even promote and advertise products.


  • Chatbots
    • With movement of businesses online chatbots have also become more popular. This allows the business owners and the moderators of the company website to focus on the more complex concerns. Since its introduction, response time has dramatically improved and customer satisfaction increased with the customer engagement. Customer service providers are now able to put more importance on concerns that really need human attention.


  • Transparency
    • This has greatly helped a lot of online business as well as online shoppers. The ability of customers to put up reviews and ratings in public has given consumers a visibility on who to trust, how a company handles concerns, and the quality of service they provide customers.

  • Facebook’s Slideshow Advertisements
    • The use of slide show ads is the newest marketing trend form the social media giant. This ad actually plays through slideshows which makes advertisements more engaging to viewers. Ads are displayed in an array of images which is aimed to widen the appeal and attract more attention.

  • Instagram And Snapchat Domination
    • Somewhat controversial, IG has started its own way of telling your story. This started as a way of connecting with friends and family, and had now become a very effective way of advertisement since viewers and customers feel closely connected to the company with the ads that they share.


  1. mansi desai


    All points are very useful for us ,excellent information and knowledge for us .


    mansi desai

  2. Reply

    this is a wonderful article about social media, it is import to know everything about social media if you want grow your business in online marketing

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