Using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram etc for promoting a product or service is known as Internet Marketing. It’s the most powerful Platform for marketing as due to the increase in technology and facilities more people are attracted to the use of social media.
8 Ideas Driving the Future of Social Media Marketing are
With varieties of Mobile phones and their cheap rates, everyone nowadays has a mobile phone. Availability of Wi-Fi and cheaper data usage prices has made accessing the internet through mobile has become easier and faster.
People actually prefer using social media more through mobiles. Facebook has taken initiative by starting Lead ads. This ad presents content to the user in the mobile app. A survey has shown a better cost per lead is obtained from the Mobile campaign. Marketers must put more thought in Mobile marketing to reach and engage the majority of people.
2) Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence has transformed the social media marketing completely. AI has made replying to customers queries faster and easier by helping suppliers in prioritizing the queries, this has helped in providing better customer service Along with this AI tools collect valuable data from different sites about the customer which helps suppliers to know about customers tastes and preferences.
Marketers must be keen on implementing AI as combining Social media marketing and AI guarantees to gain a competitive advantage
Videos are going to be another best way of marketing through social media. Firstly it was just text and images on social media.Superfast connectivity and cheap data rates have increased people’s expectations. Now people prefer more depth knowledge regarding the product. Best way to provide more knowledge within a short time span is through Videos Video should be part of all your marketing campaigns.
Producing excellence video with autoplay option and subtitles increases visibility and helps brand name with popularity.
4) Smart Speakers
Smart speakers are the fastest growing technology. Most of the People nowadays own a Smart speaker. With increasing Smart speakers use, the number of People listening to podcasts and streaming music has also increased. Marketers must use this as an opportunity to grow by advertising on Podcasts and Music streaming apps.
5)Virtual Spaces
In 2015 Facebook brought to light on the new idea of Virtual Reality. It was quite a fun to interact with friends with Oculus Rift headset
But Marketers should take a close look at it, convergence of Marketing and Virtual space can bring a great customer attention to their product.
6) Chatbox
Marketers trying to sell a product or services should start including chat boxes in their marketing strategies
This always cheerful, willing to help at any day, anytime for 24hours and 365 days automated chat box is the great way to connect to customers and to help them instantly and provide customers with the Human Touch.
7) The talent gap
Though Number of Marketers is growing rapidly there is still difficulty in finding the perfect Marketer suitable for the job. This is due to Talent Gap. Nowadays Ways of Marketing is becoming digitalized yet the Marketers are still stuck on learning old traditional way of marketing. Marketers should learn the skills of Digital Marketing and Adverting to keep them updated and in Demand. They should be ready to adopt, adapt and embrace new techniques to attract more customers.
8) Content
Words are powerful way to promote any product. Precise information and accurate words are necessary to gain a broader and more engaged audience
Social Media is the most widely used platform nowadays. Hence marketers should come out of their old traditional marketing tactics and Welcome the new rapidly developed Marketing skills with open arms to gain more customers and Increase the Brand Name
About The Author
Kavya gajjar is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs which is Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Social Media Agency .I would love to share thoughts on Social Media Marketing Services and Game Design Development etc.
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