Everyone would like to make money on the internet, but not many people actually know how. Of all the choices out there, one of the best ways to start making money is with a review site and through the use of affiliate marketing.
The first thing you are going to need is a web site or blog… a domain name and content written for your site. The reason why this is one of the best ways to get started with a business on the internet is that the actual start up costs are so low. A domain will cost you around $10 a year and the hosting for your site is usually around $7 per month. All of the content and advertising for your site can be done at no cost if you put the time and effort in yourself.
What is an Affiliate Review Site?
What you are going to want to create is an online review site that helps people decide on what they want to buy when they are looking for information online Every day millions of people are going to Google and looking for the best product reviews and coupons to save money on their purchases. These people are already in buying mode and if they land on your site then there is a good chance they are going to buy through you.
Can I See an Example of an Affiliate Site?
Sure, I will do you one even better… I will show you two different examples and in two completely different niches. The first review site that we are going to look at is in the online gaming space, and can be seen at http://www.roulette.co.uk/. If you were going to look for the best online sites to learn and play roulette, then this would be a perfect site for you. The owners of this site made is very easy for their visitors to navigate through the site and find other sites they can join to play roulette online. Once they send a new player to another site, they will then earn a commission on the referral.
It’s not just in the gaming space where you find review sites are doing well. Review sites can be created for nearly any niche, service or product as long as you have a way to monetize your content, different items to review and people who are searching for this information.
Another creative review site can be seen at http://kniferating.com, which specializes in comparing the top knives that people are searching for. There are plenty of knife buying sites on the internet that you can join and promote through their affiliate program. If you take the time to build out a quality review site and write about as many knives as you can think of, there is a good chance you will find success with your site.
How to Get Started with Your Own Review Site
Now that I’ve given you a quick run through of how review sites work and a few examples, now it’s time for you to start a site of your own. It’s very easy to get started, but if you would like me to create a site for you, I can also do that. Before jumping ahead with your first site, you need to take the time to find a niche that is going to work, see what people are buying and if you have a way to make money with your content. Plan out your site content, write a few articles before going live and draw out your long term marketing plans and goals for your site.
Zac Johnson is a online marketer with over 15 years of experience. You can view my personal blog at ZacJohnson.com along with BloggingTips.com and PPC.org.
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