Contact Form 7 is one of the plugins used by WordPress blog owners so as to have a contact form on their blog as that their blog owners can easily send email to that blog owner.

Not only that, it can also be used as a form of accepting guest posts, but of course this depends on how you customize it for your blog.

One of my blog readers visited my “Contact Me” page and noticed the check box on my contact form. If that check box is not ticked then it is impossible for an email to be sent to me. So he wanted to find out how I added this check box to my Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin.

This is just a small tutorial post to help out my blog reader and hope that it will benefit others as well.

[box]Preview Of My Contact Page[/box]

contact for 7 with check box

[box type=”spacer”]How To Add Check Box On Contact Form 7[/box]

First thing you want to do is install the plugin on your WordPress blog if you haven’t done so as yet.

After you install the plugin, go to the setting page for the Contact Form 7 plugin. Select to edit the contact form for your contact page.

If you notice on the right hand section when editing the contact form you will see a drop down menu labeled “Generate Tag”. You can use it to generate text fields, buttons and other stuff for your contact form.

You will see an option on the drop down list called Acceptance. This tag is used to create the check box to help prevent spammers.

Look at the image below.

check box tag

 After clicking the Acceptance option from the drop down list, it will generate the code for you to insert on the form. The code that should be copied will be hi-lighted in brown.

contact form acceptance tag

Copy the code and what you want to do is to paste that code right before the “Send Email” button. This way your blog visitors who want to contact you will see the check box and will be required to tick that box if they want to send the email to you. It is also important to add a label beside it asking your blog visitor to check to box to confirm that they are human or not a spammer.

acceptance code in contact form


Fill out the other settings with your email and that should do it.

Your contact form will now look something like this below.


contact for 7 with check box


[box type=”yellow”]My Contact Form 7 Coding[/box]

If  you want your contact form 7 to look exactly like mine, then you can copy the code below and paste it inside your contact form.

<p><strong>Your Name <font color="red">(required)</font></strong><br/>
 [text* your-name Website-URL watermark "Your Full Name"] </p>
<p><strong>Your Email <font color="red">(required)</font></strong><br/>
 [email* your-email Website-URL watermark "Enter A Valid Email Address"] </p>
<p><strong>Subject</strong> <font color="red">(what is your email about)</font><br/>
 [text your-subject Website-URL watermark "Your Purpose For Sending This Mail"] </p>
<p><strong>Your Website </strong> (optional)<br/>
 [text Website-URL watermark ""] </p>
<p><strong>Please Type Your Message</strong><br/>
 [textarea your-message 89x20 Website-URL watermark "Click Here To Start Typing Your Message....."] </p>
<p>[acceptance acceptance-29] <strong> Confirm You Are Not A Spammer <font color="red">(required)</font>
<font color="grey">(to prevent robots from sending me spammed emails)</font></strong>
<p>[submit "Send Email"]</p>

Have fun and all the best in blogging!

Please let me know if it works and feel free to contact me if you need anymore tutorials.


  1. Prakash


    Its great to have a check box in contact form for preventing the spammers. Thanks fir providing these tips.

  2. Dicks


    Thank you very much for the tutorial, it is useful for me as my contact form at my blogs have a lot of spamming comments.
    I will try it. Thanks.

  3. Mihai Alexandru


    This article is great and this really is a great tool, but still, for those who know programming, they can all the time modify it even more as they want it to be, so , doing everything with your own hand is the alternative, an alternative which I find a lot better many times.

    That is what I did on my websites where comments are allowed.

    Thanks for the “SCRIPT”.

    • Reply

      Hey Mihai,

      Spammers are annoying and they make our blog look messy. So I have do come up with some way to prevent their spam mails as well.

      You are welcome and thanks for the comment.

  4. Reply

    Hey Kharim !
    Interesting post. Well i think you have solved the problem of number of people including me.
    Thanks for your step by step guide.

  5. Ferb


    Hi Kharim, contact form 7 is definitely faster the way readers can use to contact us but with out the great feature you shared, the amount of spam emails I received every time I check will never go down.

    Thanks for this great feature – Ferb

  6. Tim


    Very informative post Kharim! I use this on many of my WP sites, and it is actually easy to use and works well. Great share!!!

    • Reply

      Hey Tim,

      Contact Form 7 is a great contact plugin, and glad to know that you are using it on your blog.

      Thanks for the comment.

  7. abdelrhman


    Great and useful plugin i already applied your easy to follow steps to use it right now .. Big thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. Reply

    This post is of immense value to me. I am a newbie into the field of blogging, so got a lot of essential learning through this detailed guide. Thanks for sharing the informative stuff about contact form 7. Indeed helpful!!

    • Reply

      Hey Aayna,

      You are welcome. So happy that this article could be of some help to you. If you ever need any help then feel free to contact me.

      Thanks for the comment.

  9. John Mak


    Great tips Kharim. Even though we try to protect our sites from anything unwanted, it is still difficult to avoid it. Any try though is good that brings positive results. Thanks for sharing!


  10. Fatima


    Contact forms are a must-have and there’s nothing like a spam-proof contact form. Thanks for the informative share.

  11. Reply

    Hey Kharim ,
    I am new to the blogging world hence I am always on a lookout for advice . I had heard about Contact Form 7 but was not much updated about its benefits . You have explained the usage in a simplified and step by step manner .

    • Reply

      Hey Purnima,

      Glad that this article could be an eye-opener to you and helped you to gain more knowledge.

      Thanks for the comment.

  12. Ali usman


    Very important but I don’t know why people use spam bot or any bot for comment only to save time but I think they don’t know they are wasting time on it.

    • Reply

      Hey Ali,

      I totally agree with you. I never accept spam on this blog and also hate them in my inbox. So this is the reason for this contact form 7 tweak.

      Thanks for the comment.

  13. Reply

    Thank you for sharing this with us. Given the rampant black hat SEO even after google introduced panda and penguin updates meant to curb dirty tactics in SEO there is need to take caution because there are some individuals out there who just like to do dirty work of spamming for fun. But with this tool the war against the spammers is coming to an end.

  14. sarika deshmukh


    Hello Dear

    finally i was waiting for your i read your post really this post is excellent post what a amazing plugin, thanks for the sharing me

  15. jawad zaib


    nice tutorial Kharim about contact form 7 but i am using the default contact form which comes with my theme so should i add some plugin or the check box because i don’t have a check box in my form is there any plugin that you can tell me to use with it…

    • Reply

      Hey Jawad,

      Great to know that your theme came with a contact form built in it. Well as for a plugin check box, I am not sure where to find that.

      What you could so is ask your theme creators to help you out in adding one.

      Thanks for the comment and all the best to you.

  16. Jamy


    Great thank you for the code as there are lots of spammers still working on internet after the updates of search engines this plugin will help a lot to save a site.

    • Reply

      Hey Jamy,

      Yep those spammers just won’t stop, so this is a great way to keep them from spamming your email inbox.

      Thanks for the comment.

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