
It is the age of technology and the best one till date is the launch of internet. Internet has allowed people to come closer irrespective of the geographical distance. It has allowed people to make contacts with people outside their usual community. It has widened the knowledge of the people about various things and made them come out of the conservative zone to live a more modern life. And now it is allowing people to share their views and thoughts on various subjects via blogging.

Internet is not only a way to connect with people via networking sites but via blogging, marketers are able to increase their sales, companies are able to improve their products and services and get genuine feedback and people are able to share their views and thoughts on various subjects like political, media, fashion, music, etc. happening all across the globe.

How to Create a Popular Blog?

If you are looking forward to make money via bogging or making your blog site popular then you will need to drive in more traffic on your site. You can only make more money from your blog if you have a large readership. Thus for creating a popular blog, concentrating on increasing your readership should be your prime motive. Here are a few ways to make your blog popular and catchy:


  • Target Audience: The first thing that you should take into consideration is the type of audience you are targeting. You should always engage into writing a blog on the subject that interests you which in turn will interest others. You may feel that your gardener is an interesting subject for a blog but the readers may not be interested in your gardener. Thus is it’s very important to find a niche and targeted audience who will support your readership but make sure it is not vague.

Be Sure To Read: 5 Tips How You Can Get People To Read Your Blog Post

  • Proletarian Writer: Another great thing about writing a blog is that you don’t need to be a professional writer or have educational degrees. Anyone and everyone can write a blog. The only thing you need to consider is basic grammatical rules and the ability to form logical sentences. Blog readers look out for interesting and relevant topics so make sure you write something sensible and interesting and not mimic Shakespeare. Make sure that the blog you write has interesting thoughts or even controversial. The only thing your blog should do is pique the interest of your readers and that can be done via adding something interesting like stories or photos or even videos.


  • Traffic: Thirdly you would like to increase the traffic on your blog site so that more and more people read your blogs and popularize it via word of mouth. There are various techniques to increase the traffic on your blog site such as linking your blog to popular sites like Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, etc. You can also promote your blog using social book marks like Reddit, Digg and StumbleUpon.


  • Blog Design: Another thing you want to make sure about your blog is that it is well designed and is easy to navigate. The content is the king when selling through the medium of internet. The only way you can increase d readership is by creating a blog that is attractively structured, easy to navigate and with content that is logical and interesting. You can add images and videos but no need to overdo it as it could distract the readers from the main purpose.


  • Search engine index: Before hosting your blog make sure it is indexed by all the popular search engines. If you want to earn money via blogging then getting your blog indexed by the search engines is a necessary step as it is up to them to rank your blog on the search engine pages. The higher you are ranked the more popular your blog is.

So if you are going to start your own blog, make sure you follow these tips so that you can drive in more traffic and also get a chance to earn from blogging.


  1. Reply

    Targeted audience in a particular niche is very difficult to improve. In the field of visual arts and painting, Facebook groups has been instrumental in increasing traffic. So I would recommend that maximizing the Facebook Group of a particular niche to increase traffic.

  2. Reply

    Great point about looking at your target audience.

    Best advice when thinking about this is to make a relevancy tree of content – looking at some of the most interesting articles and how they will engage your users. This will often give you to great overview of how your blog will look to your target audience. When you’ve done this it might be worth going out and getting some market feedback for the type of articles you’re thinking of writing. If you don’t want to do this find a forum which discusses your article themes – find out what people want to read about and most importantly think about how it can benefit them.

  3. Swapnil Jagtap


    For popular blog the very important thing really required is quality content and presentation. The proper arrangement of the points and displaying in a neat way using various font styles, colors and images too plays an important role in creating the blog. Thanks for the post Alize Camp

  4. Reply

    Decent post! Building a mainstream blog truly needs a ton of devotion and passion.Yet an alternate great tips to drive more traffic,Thank you for setting up this post, its extremely educational and elegantly composed.

  5. John


    Thank you for putting up this post, it’s very informative and well-written.
    I think videos are becoming rapidly more important these days, people like to watch them instead of reading a long text. At least that’s been my experience.

  6. Ashish


    Yet another awesome tips to drive more traffic. I was following these strategies and I must say they are very helpful to implement.


  7. Reply

    Nice post! Building a popular blog really needs a lot of dedication and passion. This list is be very useful to consider before planing to build a popular blog. Thanks for sharing this list.

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