Lots of bloggers are making hundreds of dollars from their blog every single day.
Of course this is how they make a living from their blogs online.
Many new bloggers try to follow these top bloggers in making money online from their blogs and most of them struggle to even make a single dollar in a month.
Some new bloggers set a goal of making their first $100 from their blog within a 6 month period. Some have accomplished, some came close and others failed to make a single dime.
I have made more than $100 from this blog. In fact, I made more than $200 in one week just be selling advertisements on this blog and doing services as well.
[box]In this article I will give you some tips and tricks on how you can make your first $100 from your blog.[/box]
![make money blogging](https://webmaster-success.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/make-money-blogging.png)
[box]You Need Traffic To Make Money[/box]
One of the reasons why some bloggers fail to make money from their blog is because they have no traffic.
Without blog traffic then you will fail to make money from your blog.
I am not just talking about a few daily visitors. I am talking over 1,000 visitors per day and lots of page views.
If you have no one visiting your blog, how will your PPC ads get clicked? Who will purchase from your affiliate link? Who will buy the advertise here spot on your blog?
Now you see the reason why you need traffic? And lots of it.
The more traffic you have then the more money you will be making from your blog. You just have to know some strategies that will work for your blog which is effective in making money.
Now that you know that traffic is needed to make money, you may be wondering: how do I get traffic to my blog?
Here is how to get traffic to your blog
For the past few months I have been blogging about how you can increase your blog traffic so I won’t go into much details on this section. (I will leave links to some of these articles below)
Guest Posting – This is one of the best ways to get traffic to your blog. If you do guest posting then this can get your blog lots of exposure to incoming traffic. You need to write high quality articles and leave your links in the article while writing. Also you can get lots of traffic if you write for a blog that has more traffic than yours. (Great way to build backlinks as well)
Blog Commenting – This is also another great way to get traffic to your blog. Blog commenting has been proven over and over in getting targeted traffic to a blog. You have to leave links to your blog and also leave comments with value.
Also look for blogs that has the Comment Luv installed. This way you can leave a link to one of your latest articles.
Mailing List – Starting a mailing can help you to get traffic to your blog. This is because the people who visit your blog who are truly interested in your content will want to subscribe to your blog. Sending them an email about new blog posts will make them want to come to your blog and read what you have written.
Starting a mailing list can also help to make money online.
Forum Posting – Forums are often filled with people participating in discussions. You can also join in the discussion, just be sure that this forum is related to your blog niche.
When posting in the forum go your signature settings and add your blog link to your signature. Whenever you make a post on the forum then your link would appear there. So the more post you make then the more your link will be shown on the forum.
Write Articles With SEO – When writing your articles you should always remember to optimize it for search engine results. This is a great way to get targeted traffic and also exposure on some major search engines.
Social Media & Social Networking – I have always loved using social media sites for getting traffic to my blog. This is quite simple to do. I use sites like Twitter, Facebook and a few others. I share my links to my followers and also do the same. This helps to build relationships and helps to build traffic as well.
Here are some articles to help you get more traffic
5 Great Ways You Can Promote New Blog Posts
Awesome Backlink Strategy And Great Backlink Tips
5 Reasons To Be Active On Forums If You Own A Blog
5 Reasons To Be Active On Forums If You Own A Blog
How To Increase Your Traffic And Quality Of Backlinks
Keywords, SEO URL, Headlines – Best Way To Get Search Engine Traffic
[box]How To Make The First $100[/box]
There are tons of ways that you can make your first $100 from your blog.
As I mentioned in the first section above, you need traffic. Now that you have traffic on your blog then you are ready to make some money.
Sell Your Own Products
This is one of the best ways to make your first $100 (or even more) on your blog.
If you have followed the tips above that I mentioned on getting traffic to your blog then these methods can also help to establish you and your blog to be a great brand. Along with writing great contents then you can prove to be a blogger that knows what he/she is doing.
Take for instance you are a coder, you can make an awesome WordPress plugin or a tool that bloggers can use to make their blog better and sell this plugin.
If you are an awesome writer then you can make an ebook and sell it as well.
You don’t have to put your all into making your products for sale. You just have to make sure it is simple yet effective to the persons who use it. After making your product you can contact top bloggers and share your product with them and ask them to write a positive review about it.
Once word is out that your product is worth having then its time for you to sell and make money from it.
Here is how you are going to actually make money from your product.
You are going to sell your product at a cheap price. Yes, cheap as in $10.
If you can get 10 people to purchase your product then you have already made your $100 from your blog. As simple as that.
10 buyers X $10 product = $100
Depending on the price that you want to set for your product, once there is a buzz around your product then you can make the $100 in no time.
For example:
20 buyers X $5 product = $100
5 buyers X $25 product = $100
So this depends on the amount of work you have put into the product, the features of the product and the buzz around the product then you can make that $100 in no time.
Pay Per Click Advertisements
This is also another way of making your first $100 from your blog.
This method may take longer because of the amount of money paid out per click and also the amount of traffic that your blog has.
If you are going to use the pay per click method for making your first $100 from your blog then you have to be sure that your blog has lots of traffic for this to work.
The more traffic that you have then the chances of your ads getting clicked will be higher.
We also have to remember that our blog visitors don’t come to our blogs to click on our ads, but to gain some knowledge from what we have posted on our blog. So this is where great optimization is needed in order to get some clicks.
If you are using Google Adsense as a your choice of PPC advertising, then you have to make sure use sizes that fits your blog. You have to blend your Google Adsense unit with the color of your background and also the links on your blog. This will help to maximize the chances of getting more clicks.
It is recommended that you place no more than 3 Adsense units per page. Placing Google Adsense units in your content is very effective in getting clicks as well.
Remember that in order for pay per clicks to work well for you then you need to have lots of traffic on your blog.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways in making money from a blog. Pro bloggers often use this method when making money from their blog and they make thousands per month doing this.
Affiliate marketing is a way in which you sell a product or service for someone and they pay for for each sale that is made. In other words you get a commission for each sale.
When doing affiliate marketing you normally sign up for the product or service that you want to market, you place links or banners on your blog and whenever a sale is made then you get paid.
But the trick to making your first $100 from your blog doing affiliate marketing is very simple.
When you sign up for products that you want to promote then you have to make sure that this product is related to your blog’s niche. You want to make sure that this product will be of some benefit to the persons who will be using it.
It would be also great if you have a copy of the product so that you can get a bird’s eye view of it and see how it works. You can then write a review about this product, tell your blog visitors how wonderful this product is and how it has helped you to become a better blogger or how it helped you to blog better.
When you do this then you can point to the product using your affiliate link.
Depending on how you write your review will determine if your blog visitors will purchase this product from your affiliate link or not. So always be sure to write a great review so that you can make sales for your affiliate links.
I remember doing services for a new blogger and making $105.
Want to know how I did this?
I got an email from this person wanting to start his own blog and he liked how I customized my blog. He was interested in learning more from me.
In my services I offered to set up a new WordPress blog, install a premium theme, install plugins, gave support when needed and also gave blogging tips.
For this service I charged $55 for the month.
This person was a new blogger so he needed hosting as well. So I recommended him to Hostgator using my affiliate link.
Hostgator paid me $50 for referring a new customer to their services.
So in total I got $105 for doing services.
$55 for my services + $50 Hostgator commission = $105
That was pretty simple for me making $105. Plus I was setting up a new blog, something that I loved to do.
Use Fiverr To Make Money
So as of lately, I have been using Fiverr to make money on my blog.
I post jobs there, set my price and if people are interested in my gigs they make a purchase.
After completing the job then I update the order and deliver my work. Payments are made through Paypal.
What makes it challenging to make money on Fiverr is because there are tons of people selling their services there.
But don’t get discouraged. Once you can compete with the prices and be active on Fiverr then you will make lots of money from it.
Sponsored Blog Posts
Another popular way to make money from your blog is to sell sponsored posts on your blog.
With this money making method you get to keep 100% of the profit.
If you have lots of traffic then all you have to do is sit back and wait for an email with someone asking to post on your blog.
You set your price and always remember to bargain for more or a price comfortable to you.
There are some websites out there as well that you can use to sell sponsored posts on your blog.
Here are a few below:
Sell Advertisements
Selling advertisements on your blog is a great way to make your first $100 from your blog.
You need traffic as well in order to do so.
Advertisers want to place their ads on blogs that has lots of traffic and they will pay even more than $100 for a single ad spot.
When selling advertisements on your blog, just be sure that your ads are in plain view for advertisers to see it. Don’t place ads where people wouldn’t want to advertise.
Placing ad spots for sale above the fold can also help in selling advertisements spots on your blog. Above the fold means the section of a website or blog that is shown without the person having to scroll.
Size is also a factor to consider when selling advertisement space on your blog.
Don’t Miss: How To Make Money From Your Blog By Selling Advertisements
In Conclusion…
When making your first $100 from your blog just remember that traffic is needed.
Each blog makes money in a different way. So you have to also develop strategies that will work for your blog when it comes to making money.
What other ways is there that you can make your first $100 from your blog?
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