Last week I was talking to one of my friend, he is Joe Boyle from During our discussion we were talking about his blog and I was asking him “how comes I don’t see readers commenting on your blog”, “aren’t you doing enough promotion?”. I told him what he needed to do in order to make his blog successful. He said he was working on some things and have some great post coming up soon.

I am glad to say that he made some adjustments, is now riding the waves and blogging away with some great blog posts.

What I was doing for Joe is giving him some encouragement so to push him further to build up his blog. In today’s world encouragement is needed for everyone.

Why Is Encouragement Needed?

Why is encouragement needed? Very simple question, don’t you think, but very important at the same time.

Encouragement is needed to boost a person’s confidence. If you know that it is very hard to make it in the big blogging world then you will definitely need some encouragement to push you forward.

My blog is somewhat successful and I would like to thank Rob from Robs Web Tips & Lisa Irby from Website Babble and 2Create a Website

5 Tips To Keep Your Confidence Boosted

<strong><li>1. Remember Why You Started Blogging</li></strong>

No doubt you started your blog because you were excited and was eager to start blogging. You wanted to educate others about whatever that you are blogging about. Try not to let that excitement die, keep it alive and continue blogging.

<strong><li>2. Think Big, Dream Big</li></strong>

Even though there are millions of bloggers world wide, wouldn’t you want to be classed as one of the top bloggers in the big blogging world? It’s a big blogging world so you have to think and dream big in order to survive in it. Set goals and try to accomplish them. Each time you have accomplished a goal, set the barrier higher and try and break it as well.

<strong><li>3. Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help</li></strong>

Many new bloggers are afraid to ask for help, why? I am certainly not afraid to ask the “top bloggers” for help and tips. This is why after almost 3 months my blog is doing so well.

My first guest poster was Onibalusi Bamidele from Young Entrepreneur and I wasn’t afraid to ask him for a guest post. Thanks Onibalusi

Thanks to all those who have helped me.

<strong><li>4. Many People Fail At Blogging, Strive To Be Successful</li></strong>

Many people fail at blogging because they thought it was easy. Yes blogging is easy but they fail to write regularly, little or no promotion and they often lack the knowledge about the niche that they have chosen.

<strong><li>5.You Want To Make Money Blogging</li></strong>

I have decided to save the “money making” tip for last. Because many people often get caught up in the making money online and when they fail to make money online they quit blogging.

If you are focused on blogging and building up a mighty blog community then you will be successful in making money.

Group Discussion

  • Are you encouraging other bloggers to keep perusing a name for themselves in the big blogging world?
  • Do you feel more encouraged to continue blogging by the tips in this post?

    1. Bit Doze


      Thanks for this post, confidence is very important. What will happen when this will disappear?

    2. Noah Rainey


      I agree that making money is holding people back from creating quality content. If your not motivated and dedicated to writing content. even though you’re not making money through it, it will eventually pay off. Great info Kharim!

    3. Joe Boyle


      Thanks for the mention, Kharim ๐Ÿ˜€

      I’ve done simple thinks, that you’ve hinted towards, to get further in my goals. It’s simple – changing the theme, commenting on blogs, and stuff like that. The great thing is that it doesn’t take a lot of work, nor effort, and you can easily get double, if not triple your traffic and a lot more comments, too ๐Ÿ˜€

    4. Hami


      Confidence is what make you go through success easily. Success and failure both comes with a message for your next step. If you are have confidence you can accept it easily being confident. On the other side you would find yourself stumbling.. which is not a good attitude.
      .-= Hamiยดs last blog ..Be a Guest Writer on My Blog โ€“ Inviting all Guest Bloggers =-.

    5. Reply

      Awesome post Kharim! I agree with you, encouragement is really needed to build a blog. I almost forget and don’t care about it ๐Ÿ˜€
      .-= Kimiยดs last blog ..Jepara Indonesia =-.

    6. Isabel Rodrigues - Pro Blogger Journey


      Thanks Kharim for a wonderful encouraging post. We all need to be pushed up some time or the other. If we do not motivate ourselves it will be difficult to stand tall through this competition.

      Just as u mentioned Don’t be afraid while Blogging. I am accepting your tip and in coming week will like to be a guest blogger on your website. I will be emailing you soon and I am sure you will accept me to be a part of your wonderful blog at least as a guest ๐Ÿ˜€

      • Reply

        Thanks for your comment Isabel. I have noticed that you are a regular visitor and commentator and I really appreciate it.

        I will be looking forward to your email and also your guest post. ๐Ÿ™‚

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