When it comes to choosing a niche you should be interested in the topic as well as you should have much knowledge about the topic. For example, I have chosen the topic of blogging. I have chosen this topic because I have interested in blogging and have some knowledge of blogging.

Is the niche popular?
Most new bloggers start a niche by looking at other peoples blog or website. It is not an important thing to do but it is important to choose the niche to which you are passionate about. The readers will know quickly whether the owner is really interested or not. If they came to know they will stop visiting your blog. In internet every niche has place. But they are some niche online which are most popular like money, business, etc.

Is This Niche Gaining Popularity or Declining?
Which ever niche that you choose there will be competition and also you don’t want to go into a niche that is on the down low or dying out.

But in some niche there will be less competition or no competition at all, so probably their earnings will be more. They probably become big fish in small pond than small fish in big pond.

Are you able to write on niche you choose?
One should have much content for the choosen niche. The author should make at least one post per day if not the blog sucks because the readers would like to read fresh posts every day. Same content for a long period kills the blog and its readers. In no time your blog would be uninterested for your readers.

This leads to the question, How Often Should You Post A Blog?

If you are not able to write regular post then your blog will die for sure. You can also have guest authors write for your blog.

Your Niche Income
After choosing a great niche that you want to blog about no doubt you would like to make some money from it. After putting alot of work into it, it would be nice to gain some benefits from the hard work. You can sign up for affiliate programs that’s related to your niche and sell products on your blog. Pay Per Clicks is another means of earning money online.

In Conclusion…

I have choosen a niche that I am passionate about, which is blogging, and I am knowledgeable about.
Hope these tips have helped you greatly and choose a niche that you know about and like. 🙂


  1. Nicholas Sack


    Great info! Thanks for the read! It’s always good to find a niche that is constantly growing and include yourself in the competition!

  2. Christine


    Hi There

    I think your points are valid and I have found to be very useful.
    Thanks 😀

  3. Tampa SEO


    You are right about paying attention to the trends, you don’t want to get into a topic that has a lot of content and is on the way down.

  4. andy


    Hi Kharim,

    This is one of the biggest things that we are looking into right now. It really is difficult to focus on a more narrow field, but your points are valid. Thank you for the tips!

    Nice blog by the way! I will be visiting again!

    • Reply

      Thanks Andy 🙂 for reading and also for your kind comment. Thanks for the follow on Twitter as well.

      Hope you enjoy.

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