Creating articles for the purpose of driving traffic to a site or blog is becoming increasingly popular. Promotional articles can produce large volumes of quality traffic. In addition, most of the visitors are already mentally prepared when they arrive at the website. This means that people who visit the site after reading an article are more likely to make a purchase compared to others who arrive via PPC ads or search engines.

However, many webmasters still don’t understand how to use articles to gain utmost benefits and maximum effect.

Different Articles Have Diverse Objectives

There are promotional articles which are written for the purpose of accumulating links. Such articles are targeted at specific hot or controversial topics. The aim is to link to very many related websites. Links have an impact on search engine rankings and can generate a lot of search engine traffic.

There are other articles whose primary objective is to boost the image of an individual or a site. Image sells and well crafted articles can be very effective in building up the general image of a new online consultant or a new business. Articles do this by showing the knowledge and expertise of the person.

The most common articles are designed to drive traffic to a site. Normally, such articles will aim at displaying in-depth knowledge such that people seeking more information will be compelled to visit the website.

To succeed with promotional articles, it is important to clearly understand the objective of your article. Though an article could have several objectives, you will achieve better results when each article has a single objective.

Don’t Ignore The Resource Box

Many promotional articles fail because webmasters don’t realize the importance of the resource box. Even if your article is well written, it is the resource box which will determine the number of visitors who will end up at your website as a result of reading the article. A good resource box gives readers a convincing reason to visit the website. Offering some freebies could work very well.

Distribution Matters

Though some articles enjoy a viral effect, your strategy for distribution will have a major effect on your results. Many people try to distribute their articles to as many article directories as possible. However, you can receive more traffic by distributing your article to 15 relevant, high ranking websites rather than posting blindly in 200 directories. Remember to carefully evaluate every article directory before posting your articles. Each article directory has its own advantage. For example, some directories will enhance your article’s viral effect, while others will ensure very high readership.

Articles Can Help Build Up Opt-in Lists

Opt-in lists are very useful for generating online revenues and profits. You can use your resource box to offer opt-in information. This will attract people who read your article all over the internet, and not just those who visit your site. You could even launch your entire article promotion campaign with the main objective being building up a list. Your opt-in list will continue to grow as you produce more promotional articles.


  1. Ron


    Really these tips will help article writers do great in article marketing. I should really apply these tips if I want to be successful in making article marketing. Thanks for sharing these tips to us. These are very useful.

  2. Anjana


    Zubin, you have managed to put up all the important facts about article marketing in a very simple but in a very effective manner. It is really good to mention about the resource box as most of the writers do not know the real importance of that. Good work

  3. Reply

    Great article Zubin,
    Regarding the resource box, I completely agree with you that we should take full advantage of this box. However, one thing we should keep in mind while writing for the resource box is that it should not be everything about us. Our clients are interested in what we can offer them and not our bio 🙂 Keep information to a minimum, it should be just enough information to tempt them and make them click.

  4. Zaman


    Hello Zubin, there is no doubt that you article is just too awesome, it really shows your effort, most of the people would really appreciate it to the fullest possible heights. However, users really do believe in distribution in order to diver more and more traffic towards their zone. Anyhow, you covered quite good range of marketing rounds, keep it up. Looking forward for more great stuff.

  5. Reply

    With Panda affecting article directories big time, is article submitting still a “green” strategy, or will it “die” by the end of the year ?

  6. John Cooper


    Hi Zubin,

    Article marketing never let me down so far, Even its a good investment than adwords or other promotional techniques. The points listed here are wonderful, almost everything we need to know about article marketing,hope this may help someone who thinks its dead now..


  7. Easy Social Bookmarking


    i have read some of your post and happy to see but… I don’t know more about website marketing can you please give me some referance link for study or video tutorial will happy to get help.

  8. Megan Brown


    Simply Awesome.

    This is not only great but very much effective and productive tips of artcile marketing.
    I personally follow this from last many years and getting desired results.

    Anyway thanks a lot for this coz those who are newbie for them your post proves very important.

  9. danika


    I used to be really big on article marketing mid last decade, around 2005 they were the most effective way of pushing a site up the rankings. I stopped as I saw a little drop in the effort/reward I was putting in with them,

    I know there is a good argument for building a brand and reputation and there are a lot of other reasons why you would want to do article marketing but from a pure seo perspective do you still find it an effective tool?

    I will do article marketing for my own sites but when I client is paying me for seo based on results I wonder if its worth picking back up?

    A second opinion here would be great.

    • Marketing Philosophy


      I agree with you Danika article marketing is not as effective as it used to be in the past especially after the Google’s panda update. Nevertheless it still is a good way to get traffic if you use it together with other practices!

      • Rachell


        I am also agree with that. After Panda update article marketer worried so much about this. But still it is useful for getting traffic for our site.

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