One of the best tools which bloggers have at their disposal is Social Media (also known as social platforms and social channels). Social Platforms sites have tons of people online waiting for you and your blog to entertain them.

Social Platforms sites play a very big role on the success of bloggers.

In this post I will share two uses of social platforms, how to get traffic and how helpful social platform sites can be if you are a blogger in other ways.

Using Social Platforms To Get Traffic

Their are tons of ways that you can use online platform to get traffic to your blog. Here are 5 awesome ways to generate traffic through social channels:

Share Each New Blog Post

If you want people to notice your new blog post all you have to do is share it via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or whatever social platform that you wish to promote your new article.

This is simple! All you have to do is copy your newly published article link and paste it to your social platform site of choice. Your friends or followers will see the link and if it is eye catching to them then chances are they might click through to your link and ready what you have written.

Make sure to also use great headline titles for your articles and a very interesting introduction or description for your article when sharing.

Install Social Channel Sharing Buttons

What if your article was so great that it made your readers want to share your article with the rest of the world? But when your readers have finished reading your article, there was no sharing buttons at the bottom of the article. Do you realize how much potential traffic you could be missing out on?

If your readers wanted to share your article then they would have to do the step mentioned above, copying the article link and pasting it to various social platform sites.

When social channels share buttons are present at the bottom of your article, then this makes it even easier for them to share with their friends online.

Some may not even remember to share, but if the buttons are visible at the end of each article then this can also be a reminder for them to share your article.

Paid Advertisements On Social Platforms

Sites such as Facebook you can advertise on to get more traffic to your blog. When advertising you can choose from tons of targeting options available so that you can get people who are really interested in your blog.

You can choose to target from a specific country, a particular age group, whether male or female, or even target based upon the persons interest.

Advertising via Facebook can help to increase your traffic greatly by getting people who you want to visit your blog and this can help to make your blog successful because targeted traffic is the best.

Use Social Proof

Sometimes I would share a screenshot of my traffic to show other bloggers how much traffic I am getting or how many comments I have on my blog.

I also share screenshot of my earnings at times to show how much I make off this blog.

Did this help to bring people to my blog?

Yes it did. People want to see proof or reasons why they should come to your blog. So why not give them a little preview of what your blog is all about. Seeing is believing so when you do this then they will wonder what you are doing to have this success and may even follow your blog after a visit.

Create A Giveaway

If you are a follower or a regular visitor of my blog, you would have known that last month I hosted a giveaway and I must say that I got over 8,000 visitors from various social media sites to my blog.

This is because I used PunchTab to host my giveaway and those persons who participated in the giveaway shared the giveaway on social media sites in order to gain more points to stand a chance of winning one of the cash prizes.

The more shares the more points. When they shared they their friends or followers would see the link and click to come to my blog. This made my traffic increased by over 150%.

So if you want to increase your blog traffic, try hosting a giveaway using PunchTab.

Build Your Brand With Social Media Agency

If you are serious about taking your site or business social, you can even consider asking Social media agency to help you with this task.

Social media agencies can take your blog from zero to hero in the quickest possible time. They can give your site or business maximum exposure, they can even help to build a brand so that you gain tons of popularity.

Remember, it’s very important that your brand is perceived in a correct way, as it might drive people away.

Social Platform Does Even More…

Here are other ways in which I use these sites:

Get New Blog Topic Ideas

Lots of times when I am online these social channel sites I would look for something which can help to spark a new blog post idea. I am happy to say that this always work.

This is because I have tons of other bloggers that I am connected to and other non-bloggers on my friends list or other people that I follow. Sometimes they share really interesting stuff which I can apply to my blog to create a new article.

So social platforms are great way to get new blog post ideas for your next blog post.

It Helps To Revitalize

Sometimes when I am getting to that blogger burnout stage, I often use social channels to help revitalize my mind to help me get back on track with my blogging.

Blogger burnout can be classed as a stage in which a blogger goes through when he/she is tired and want to take a break from blogging.

One way in which you can do this is to use social platform sites. I often log on and chat with friends or watch some videos online.

Helps To Boost Sales

You can promote products and services to people on social platforms.

If you want to increase your chances of making sales all you have have to do is promote items when they are on sale or if you have a discount coupon to offer to them. Be sure to promote products that are of interest to people.

Create a fan page for example on Facebook and this will help to make your promotion go well and make more sales.

In Conclusion…

Social platform sites for me is a blessing because it has helped to grow my blog in number of ways. The tips that I have mentioned above are just a few.

What has social platforms done for you and your blog?


  1. Reply

    Bloggers are making fool of themselves these days. They always focus on updating their blogs but they never updates their posts on social media website. Sharing posts on these websites also help in improving websites SEO 🙂

  2. Chetan Gupta


    Nice concept friend. You are saying that Social Platforms sites play a very big role on the success of bloggers. yes you are right. I really liked twitter. I am getting twitter followers daily which is good for my blog.

  3. Jannie Taylor



    Social media is now playing a vital role in the spread of things and is a great platform to advertise blogs,products,etc.

    Jannie Taylor

  4. Joy


    I agree! We must maximize the use of social media to make us successful. Not to mention that it is always there and available. :)) Thanks!

  5. Leon


    I have thought about asking my followers for topic ideas, but I don’t think the followers that I currently have are geared into the niche of what I do. 🙁

  6. Tahir Raza


    Yeah Social Media has always proved as a blessing for me.
    I also have written some post on the role of successful Social Media Strategy.

  7. Marco


    Great tips ! Social Media is definitely growing and growing to become the most powerful thing on the web. I think it’s essential for webmasters to actually master the social marketing, before it’s get too big, you know what i’m saying ? 😉 That’s why posts like this one really help, Thanks ! 🙂

  8. charles Leahy


    Social Media has really helped me grow, I have 4000 LinkedIn followers, Twitter Followers and Facebook Likes, which brings an extra 700 visitors to my site per day. Although using social media has not really helped me gain more traffic from Google! Still have to do good old back linking to please them.

  9. Prakash


    A great source for getting exposure in this online world. Social media is the best way for getting socialize in the social media.

  10. Farrell John Conejos


    Hey Kharim,

    There is no denying that Social Media or Social Platform is in the bright light when it comes to SEO tools. It’s flexibility from socializing to promotional and blogging platform gives it a distinctive edge among other SEO tools. With the combination of quality content blogs and social media promotion, small or big online marketing businesses are sure to hit more traffic and profit.

  11. Mary


    Yeah, that’s totally good tips. I found social media very useful for my blogs too, and now that I’ve read this article above, I think i can do much more. Social Media platforms are getting bigger and bigger, even Google has changed it’s seo rules to give these sites more space. Thanks for the tips, It’s alwasy good to have a concrete list of tips 🙂

    • Reply

      Yep Google seems to be watching social media usage now. So I guess this makes more sense as well.

      Well all you have to do is continue using these sites to get more success.

      Thanks for the comment.

  12. lindaa


    your writing style is very impressive. Social media is definitely important part of any website or blog. It is one of easy way to increase visitors.

  13. Sudipto


    Hey Kharim,
    Nice post and Yes, Social media sites really helps in promoting our blog and drives traffic to our blog. We have to just share our post in it. Facebook and StumbleUpon are way for driving traffic and helps in getting success. Thanks for sharing this post.

  14. Siddhartha Sinha


    Nice written post by Kharim Tomlinson and I could say nearly 50 % of the traffic came directly through Social Media either it could be facebook, Twitter, pinterest or any others. They are the main source of driving traffic.

  15. Sarvesh Darak


    Hello Kharim,

    Awesome post, no doubt social media is an awesome place to gain everything we want.. But bloggers can use social media as a part of promotion of their blogs which can gain outcome in short time.


    • Reply

      Hey Sarvesh,

      You are totally right about that.

      I have seen tons of new bloggers grow their new blog with social media and having tons of success. So this is why so much emphasis is placed on social media sites.

      Thanks for the comment pal.

  16. Christine


    What a great post kharim! That’s a lot of information all in one place. I love the tips on headlines… so important and so often overlooked in social media.At the end of the day, building a great business is all about having a strong relationship with customers. You really have to know what they like and dislike at all time. Thanks.

    • Reply

      Hi Christine,

      Yep you have to make sure have great eye-catching headlines and also description to pull on-lookers to your link so they want to click to come to your blog.

      And you have made a valid point there. We should take into consideration as to what our visitors/customers will like.

      Thanks for the commment.

  17. Sandra E. Adams


    Social Media can definitely make your business successful, but we shouldn’t forget the fact that it won’t happen overnight. It should be used as a way to grow your business slowly and gradually and, hence, expecting quick results will be a big mistake.

    • Reply

      Hey Sandra,

      You are so right and this is the reason why I love social media sites.

      Won’t happen over night for sure, so this is why it is important to use it on a regular basis to get success from it.

      Thanks for the comment.

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