
There are of course many ways for the announcement and promotion of a new website. Thinking creatively will be one key element for success even before you get started. A firm foundation means the website can grow and be built upon without danger of collapse.


This involves making sure the web pages to be posted on the site are formatted properly so that they are compatible with the major Search Engines such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or, Opera. Proofread and carefully check spelling, click on all the links to make sure they are correct. This must all be done before launching anything on the Net, or there maybe possible errors and an embarrassment for the whole World Wide Web to see.


This prior preparation will ensure that strong foundation.  Announcements should always begin with the people you already know, friends and family primarily. Call them personally, E-Mail them with the link, encourage them with enthusiasm to visit your new website and tell their friends as well. Create an atmosphere of excitement about it when describing and discussing it with others. Remember, word of mouth is has always been the best form of advertisement.


Old fashion Snail Mail is another effective medium for reaching specific people you want to influence and inform about the project. Internet Forums and Blogs are great was of exchanging information so, join one that is relative to your websites content. Spend time getting to know the community there and participate in the communications, this will make the introduction and announcement of your site more effective.


Question and Answer Forms are also good to participate in where you can provide a back link to your site. Take full advantage of Facebook and create curiosity and excitement so that people will want to go see it for themselves. Consider making a video and Podcast, carefully target your audience and post on YouTube, Twitter and iTunes. A professional Press Release is most certainly in order. An online general Press Release Forums can be found for free but, you will need to set up an account and be familiar with the format in which they are written. Just do a simple Web Search and type in free press release and you will see several good ones to choose from that can in getting the word out.


If your new website is for promoting a product or a service, a professional PR firm might be worth looking into. Of course this service will cost money but, they have the experts, have resources and contacts to make it worthwhile, especially if you are trying to make money from the new site. In short, stop and think of every conceivable website or medium relative to your content, go there, sign-up and join if necessary and skillfully start promoting. There is a lot of pertinent information available about New Site Announcement but, the bottom line is it’s going to take your active drive, determination and creativity to promote it.


For anyone looking for help to learn the best way to announce their business or website online, please check out

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