If you have been freelancing for a while, or even if you are just starting out, you might be concerned about getting away for a while. Even if you have an assistant, being the boss means you wear that hat at all times, and are responsible for whatever happens…or doesn’t happen each day.

However, it’s not only possible, but I believe it’s also necessary to get away from it all occasionally. For me, if I don’t take the time to rejuvenate my mind, then it’s going to eventually slow down and not function properly. Then my work suffers, probably more than if I were gone for a couple weeks.

I realize it might be scary to ‘be away’, because clients might go elsewhere if they can’t get a response from you. At least that’s what I used to think. After a while though I realized that if I just plan things out, it will be fine. Spontaneous trips just don’t work out well, unless it’s the weekend.

So read on to see what I have come up with to enjoy a trip away, without worrying about my business.

[box type=”blue”]Saving and Plan Ahead[/box]

Unlike being a salaried employee, a freelancer’s income can fluctuate greatly with the amount of time spent on the job. Even with assistants, it could. So, a little planning ahead is necessary.

First, you will want to plan ahead with budgeting for both the vacation, as well as the time after when you could feel the results of less income coming in. We have done this a few times now, and as long as we start setting a little aside for a while before going, we are fine.

Second, when planning ahead you can let clients and vendors know your schedule, so they are not wondering why you are not responding to calls or emails right away. This will save your reputation with them, as well as keeping your work organized.

[box type=”green”]Finding the Right Spot[/box]

If you are unsure where to go, there are a few websites that can help you find the right place, without any hassle. If you are looking for a fully-loaded vacation condo with all the upgraded kitchen appliances and equipment such as all Clad cookware sets, rotisserie grill, or gas grill, then you can find it on websites such as:

  • VRBO.com
  • Homeaway.com
  • Craiglist.com

You can sort through specific locations, price, number of rooms, and more. I have used VRBO.com before and have been very happy with the results.

[box type=”red”]“I’m Away”[/box]

Set up your email account to announce to senders that you are ‘away’ for a while. I  have done this when I am going to be gone for more than 48 hours. When someone sends me an email, they get an automatic email ‘from me’ that states that I am away and when I will be back.

Be careful not to put such announcements on voicemail, because you really don’t want to announce to the world that you’re not home for a while.

[box type=”yellow”]Friendly Neighbor Check-In[/box]

Anytime we go on vacation, I have our neighbor collect mail and newspapers, so they aren’t gathering at the door looking like a ‘Nobody’s Home’ neon sign. This would be good too, if you receive business packages, so they aren’t left out the entire time.

[box type=”green”]Take Advantage of Technology[/box]

New technology can help you stay, just in case there are emergencies when you are gone. I love my Android cell phone, because I have access to the Internet just about anywhere I go. Checking email is incredibly easy. So, if someone is trying desperately to get in touch with you for something, you will know.

Also, you can email ideas, or things you might forget to your assistant, if you have one working for you back home. Sometimes just knowing that I can easily make contact helps to relax and ease my mind.

[box type=”important”]Don’t Feel Guilty[/box]

The last thing I want to touch on is guilt. I know plenty of people who feel guilty for taking time off to have some fun. First of all, there is no need to feel guilty for taking a break when you have been working hard. But, if that isn’t enough to convince you, there’s another way to look at it.

Taking the time off to rejuvenate can actually benefit your career. In fact, I’ve written an article on this topic alone. Without refreshing your outlook and mind, a burnout could be in your near future. Then what are you going to do?

It can be beneficial to both mind and body to take a break, so I strongly suggest you do, for you, the family, as well as your business.

[box type=”spacer”]In Closing[/box]

You have worked hard and deserve a break, one without worries. So hopefully you can take from what is written above and maybe some of your own ideas to come up with a spectacular trip that will rejuvenate your mind as well as your career.

You never know where your next inspiration for work or play may come from. My last vacation all grew from something I saw when I was searching for Le Creuset cookware reviews on the Internet. And, that vacation gave me inspiration for more material.


  1. Richard Thompson


    I think the biggest problem for some people is the guilt you mentioned. People feel guilty for not working, but in reality you really shouldn’t be. Everyone needs to recharge, and reset. Your social, mental, and spiritual health can greatly suffer if you aren’t paying enough attention to them. You’ll be much more effective when you go back to work, if you give yourself enough personal time.

  2. Ayesha


    If we set good business we must satisfy our clients. As discussed in the above post we must plan our schedule and proper use of technology and all these points must be followed.

  3. summerhathway


    How To Get Away From Your Small Business – Worry Free! post so wonderful post to read..thanks for sharing……

  4. Beth


    I believe that taking advantage of the technology especially now is very important to everybody. In that way, you can maximize the benefit of our latest technology to keep your business grow.

  5. Reply

    This is a very lovely article, Jason. I am so happy that you guest posted it on my blog.

    I know people want to get away from their business at times and this article will help them to do so in a great way. Keep up the good work and thanks again 🙂

  6. Marian


    Because of “I’m away” message, people might miss important opportunities. When I’m on vacation I forward emails (every email client has such option) to my assistant and he replies to most important ones.

  7. Megan Brown


    True and Well said. All point which you have pointed out is really very important.

    Most I like is last one i.e. Don’t Feel Guilty as this is very much true as previously I also feel same concern to taking breaks even though I work hard everytime but now I get to know the importance of break.
    As it makes us refresh and more energetic so that we will get back to work with more energy and this increases our productivity.

  8. Becca


    taking advantages on technology is the best thing we could do to our small
    business. Using mobile phone it is now easy to update businesses .

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