You may have heard this many-a-times that content is the king and but coming up with quality content and catchy titles happen to be the irritating part of content writing especially when there is cut-throat competition, and everyone wants things to be done.

Post completion of the challenging phase of setting up the blog, you may think that from now on things can go smoothly. All you need is to upload the posts on a regular basis so as to keep your audience engaged. As you already know well what your blog is all about it won’t be much of a problem.

But as you sit down to write you will find that it is easier said than done. Ideas do not come that easily to you and when they do, formulating a catchy and interesting title becomes challenging.

Headlines are significant as that will not only attract the readers, but it will also determine whether the readers will spend time in reading your article or not. So bloggers who don’t concentrate on this part end up thinking where they are going wrong to attract the readers.

So here are some intelligent techniques to help bloggers succeed with quality content and interesting titles which are foundations for successful blogging. Just read on.

How to Create Catchy Titles

Success in the “pleasure blogging” arena demands compelling titles to the blogs that will rise above the crowded space. Here are some tips to do so.


  • Use Numbers or Triggers Words – Numbers are something that really work and that is why you see them on the cover pages of magazines. Use numerals to make the key points of your article more desirable. But don’t forcefully apply it if there is no clear-cut pointers in the article. Instead you can use trigger words like “How”, “Why” and “What” in the beginning of the title to persuade the readers to read your article.
  • Make a Daring Promise – You should promise the target audience something significant and valuable like promising they can get into the fact of the matter, learn something new, get solution to a mystery or a puzzle and dare them to pursue the article without exaggerating.
  • Make Use of Emotional Adjectives that Readers Will Relate to – It is most likely that the reader will engage if the post title resonates with them. You can connect with the readers emotionally by using emotions like happiness, sadness, shock or humor. Try to use words like “free”, “painstaking”, “effortless”, “essential”, “fun”, “strange”, “absolute” and ‘incredible”.
  • Make the Readers Curious – Humans happen to be naturally curious. If they have something that promises exclusive information or something that they have not heard before, they will naturally want to know more. So go for intriguing titles that will indulge the curiosity of the readers.
  • Induce Clarity – You do not want the readers to be angry or disappointed and if you trick them you will get just that. So take time to know how to grab their attention and ensure that your content stays true to the title.


Ways to Get Content Ideas

Content is one of the most essential factors for a blog to succeed and here are some tips to help you with it.


  • Listen to the Influential and Inspirational Thought Leaders on Twitter – You must follow inspirational thought leaders of your industry on social media as they recommend interesting articles. By evaluating the amount of engagements that it has, you can see if your audience will like similar topics or not.
  • Survey the Readers – If you want to create alluring content engaging the readers is the first step to do it. You can ask a question on social media and let the readers answer what struggles they have undergone. Once you have a list of email you can also see what they are interested in by pulling the subscriber list.
  • Use Content Analysis Tool – The content analysis tools like DrumUp and Buzzsumo can help you a lot when it comes to generation of ideas. Buzzsumo helps to detect topics that have performed well and can create a spinoff of any topic that can interest the readers. DrumUp also plays a great role in analyzing content in the real time.
  • Be Active on Forums and Other Communities – Forums and communities are places where people go to ask questions and thus are the best source ideas for a blogger. Use Google to locate them.


  • Use Google Analytics – The older topics that are successful can help you to source great content ideas. With Goggle analytics data you can identify the posts with highest views and also those where readers spent maximum time. The social comments and shares will tell you whether the topic is worth a future post.  Now you just have to tweak them to the current state of affairs and upgrade them and you are done.

The above are some of the tips suggested by the experts of reputed WordPress development services India who have been in the industry since many years and know exactly which type of content works and which does not.


  1. Saesha Walia


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