Too many people think that they have a traffic problem. And that’s why they focus most of their efforts on getting traffic.

The thing is that you can lose a lot of your time if you only focus on learning all of the newest traffic strategies.

The ugly truth is that there’s something much more important to fix, before starting to drive traffic to your website. It’s called conversion rates or monetization.

And it is all you do to make more sales from your existing traffic. Even if you only have 10 visitors each and every day.

If you had 10 visitors to your website each and every day, then most people would think you have a traffic problem (could be!), but I say that you first need to work on the monetization aspect of your website.

You need to improve the conversion rate of your website, it’s so crucially important.

And here’s how you increase the sales at least by 300%…

[box type=”red”]Remove All Distractions[/box]

I regularly see websites which are cluttered with a lot of links, which are not necessarily important to have in the first place.

These links are basically “distractions” as I like to call them.

Bottom line, you definitely should remove those unnecessary links as soon as possible.

And I know you have some of these links on your website, most probably on your blog, right?

So, go ahead and remove them.

What I, basically, mean are links like blogrolls, some resource links, sponsor links, latest commentators, latest tweets, recent articles, archive, etc.

Those all are distractions for the new visitor.


What do you want the new visitors to do?

I want them to click on the links which lead to a sale as soon as possible. I don’t want to decrease the chances of making a sale just because I like how some twitter links look on my blog.

I’m sure you’ll agree.

Remember, we don’t want to be pushy for Christ’s sakes. We just want to increase the probability for them to click on the link we want them to click. Basic logic, do you agree?

And, by the way, this also applies to other “clutter” content like unnecessary images and videos or too many banner ads or whatever.

You know what I’m talking about here.

You want to keep the original design, but you don’t want to add any unnecessary details. And I mean ANY unnecessary details or elements.

It’s not about how much you can add to your website. It’s about making the lives of your visitors as easy as you can.

[box type=”blue”]Opt-in Form After Each Blog Post[/box]

This is a simple tweak you need to add to your blog.

It will increase the conversion rates at least by 200% compared to simple anchor links or affiliate links.

And, by the way, if you still don’t build an email list, then you’re missing something out. Go build that subscriber list, don’t send those visitors directly to the sales page.

Go add that opt-in box in the sidebar.

But a wiser option would be to add an opt-in box after each of your blog posts.

The ugly truth is that more people click on the opt-in box after your blog posts than on the opt-in box in the sidebar.

There’s something like a 3x bigger conversion rate for the “after each blog post” opt-in box.

The reason is because people read your articles and after they read them, they want to learn more. The most obvious choice is to click on the opt-in and add their email address to get the free bonus.

[box type=”green”]Add An Exit Pop-up[/box]

Most people will say that adding an exit pop-up to your website will scare some visitors off your website.

You know what? They’re actually right.

But we like that.

See, not every person who lands on your website will be interested in the information you provide. That’s basic human nature.

While somebody likes one thing, the other person doesn’t like it. That’s how it goes and you need to accept it.

Okay, an exit pop-up will distract some people and they will angrily leave your website. So what?

If they don’t like your business, then those people are no good to you anyway.

The best visitors to you will stay and read the free bonus you offer in the exit pop-up. And they will subscribe to your email newsletter.

People like these are much more valuable than the random web surfer.

Treat them well, and your business will grow.

But the statistics are very straightforward: the moment you add an exit pop-up, your sales will skyrocket. Usually by up to 200%-400%.

Again, don’t be afraid that some people will dislike the exit pop-up. Just give this tactic a try.

With the use of Pop Up Domination WordPress plugin, you can increase your optins by more than 200% with great optin pop-up boxes.

[box type=”blue”]About the author: Exclusive “Make Money Online” report free for a limited time only. Ray Wilson has decided to give away all of his best proven traffic strategies. Go check it out and claim your free copy today, click here.[/box]


  1. Imran Soudagar


    Thanks for the awesome article. Really liked reading. And yes you are right about removing the distractions.

  2. Mahendra Yadav


    I will follow your post in monetizing my Blog. I am not using any Optin form after Post, I will try to add and will see how it works in monetizing my Website. Also I think there are many more methods to do so, but listed ones are very important.

  3. Nuotaku Suknele


    Well thanks for sharing those valuable tips. I basically liked the idea of removing distraction links & having only sales related focus on site. Also pop up on exiting is also a good way.

  4. Reply

    Great tips to better monetize our blogs ….

    I partially agree with you on removing distractions, although latest tweets, blogrolls aren’t that necessary but recent posts (to keep a visitor interacted) and top commentators (rewarding the loyal readers), I feel are a must.

  5. Michael


    Thanks a lot for sharing your tips with us Ray, especially for new bloggers myself who are hoping to earn money!
    In regards to the exit pop-up, i have always thought that this will leave your visitors exiting your site in anger, even the ones that found it useful!
    It is certainly shocking to see these sort of stats, very surprising!

  6. Becca


    Thanks again, I plan on reading, comprehending and wrapping my head around all of this.
    You offered us so many interesting ideas and thoughts, that I have to think a little bit about this stuff.

    • Ray Wilson


      Definitely, Becca, it takes some time for these concepts to sink into head. Still, the most important thing is that you just take action actually use these concepts.

  7. Reply

    Fantastic Read! In My Opinion Conversion Rate Optimization is one of the most Prime Reason for Generating Sales into Leads! Another major reason which often Neglected By Web masters is Website Design, Layout and Navigation!

    • Ray Wilson


      Hi, Mark!

      Nice that you find it an interesting read. Hope you’ll find success with some of these techniques.

  8. Beth


    As a blog visitor at times, I think exit pop-ups can totally be annoying especially if you’re rushing on searching something. Yet, we can’t do about it, but its a great way for a blogger to get our attention even just for a few seconds. Who knows, we might click that…

    • Ray Wilson


      Absolutely, Beth.

      We really don’t ever clearly know until we test it ourselves. No matter what others say. Exit pop-ups are a dilemma for most webmasters.

      The only really worthy solution is just to test – add an exit pop-up for a few weeks and then remove it for a couple of days, then add again. See what happens.


      • Beth


        Yup! I’ve seen lots of people who find one monetizing technique effective to them, but definitely not for some other people. So it is true that we really need to test any of these ways in order for us to be sure which one we need to choose.

  9. Reply

    About exit pop up my thinking was kind of alike. I avoid them just thinking adding an exit pop-up website may scare some visitors. But you have got an important point, I should only concentrate on the visitors who are beneficial for me. Thank you very much for making me to think in a modified way.

  10. Bryan Ring


    Every blog or site should have some sort of monetization, but don’t over do it. There are blog owners that quite frankly either do not know or care about what their reader is seeing. Some owners have a hard time seeing what the customer or reader see when designing their site. Thanks Ray for you tips!

  11. Rocky Garcia


    All of the information that you say are true! Remove all distractions! Keep up the good content!

  12. promit


    Hi Ray, This is a fine article written by you. I like your post. I think this article is more helpful for new users as well as old users. Thanks for this post.

    • Ray Wilson


      Hi, promit!

      Yeah, this info is just as effective for new as well as veteran internet marketers. The important thing is just to test, test and test it. Nothing better than gaining business experience yourself by testing.


  13. Susane


    Haven’t monetized my blog yet, but found some great inspiration in your post. I’m have already started to work on my monetization strategy in my head. Cheers!

  14. Megan Brown


    Hi Ray…

    Agreed with you 100% adding unnecessary link is a real distraction which I have also experience it many time that affets lots in loosing visitor and thus due to which conversation rate falls.

    Anyway thanks a lot for sharing such a real stuff.

  15. saha


    Quite informative post. Exactly mostly people think that they have traffic problem. But problem is monetization. Very useful points to monetize website.

  16. Reply

    Hey Ray Awesome Article. Good To see that you Mention about Optin Skin. Its really awesome.
    Thanks for this article.
    Amit Shaw

    • Ray Wilson


      You’re welcome Amit!

      Only a few things as great as sharing knowledge in life.

  17. Kevin


    Excellent informative post for monetization of the website. This is true so many websites are having lot of distraction links which is not good. I hope your suggestion will help to make better websites.Thanks a lot for sharing.

    • Ray Wilson


      Yeah, Kevin, I encourage people to improve on their conversion rates at least every week or two weeks.

      Well, just to clarify, we don’t want too many people to become “gurus” of website optimization, as it will make our own lives harder (competition-wise). 🙂

  18. Adam James


    Hi Ray, this was a great read and it’s all to easy to get that shiny object syndrome hearing about all the latest traffic generating techniques.

    I guess we’ve got to prioritise as best we can, and you’re totally right, so many bloggers jump into traffic generation before optimising sites for conversions etc when really it should be the other way round.

    After all, if we’re getting traffic and conversion is rubbish there’s not really any benefit.

    • Ray Wilson


      Thanks, Adam!

      It’s nice to see that you’re one of the small group of people who appreciate conversions.

      Do we want to send a potential buyer to a shabby hot dog stand or a 5-star restaurant?

      If we want the second, and cash in much more, then we need to drastically think about the user experience which is conversions.


  19. Mark


    Monetization is one of the key factor to consider whenever you are doing blogs and when it comes to considering traffic. So make sure that you chec it rather than the traffic first.

    • Ray Wilson


      Couldn’t agree more Mark. There’s traffic and there’s also conversions. Why waste your time and effort to send visitors to a page with a 2% conversion rate when you can send them to a page with a 50% conversion rate.

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