In the world of blogging, the comment thread is one of the places where the most activity occurs. It’s where the most vocal readers of your blog gather to pass judgment, to offer their opinions, and to interact with your blog posts. Because this community can ebb and flow based on the quality of the content, it’s actually very important to keep your commenters pleased. They are the vocal minority, certainly, but as such they can really influence the feel of your blog.

Moderate Your Comments Threads

Take, for example, an unmoderated blog versus a moderated blog. The unmoderated blog comments section will be quite a bit harder to read through and navigate, and because of this it could turn off some potential readers, especially if the comments are rude or worse. Moderated comments, however, tend to be a bit tidier; however, moderation cuts out commenters freedom to say what is on their mind. It’s a give and take, naturally, so you’ll want to make sure you’re comfortable with the decision you make at the end of the day. I personally think it’s better to moderate comments than leave them open, as you can also control spam better that way.

Interact with Commenters

Blog commenters love to be addressed and recognized as contributing members to a blogging community; because of this, it would be in your interest to interact with your commenters on a regular basis. Reply to their comments, field their questions, and respond to emails. If you present yourself as a blogger who not only welcomes but also responds to commenters in many different ways, then you’ll please your readers and your reputation will grow.

Offer Prizes and Run Contests

Another way to please your commenters is to reward them for participating in your blog. You can do this a number of ways, of course, but one of the most popular ways is to hold contests and offer prizes to your commenters. As long as the prize you offer is no great expense to you, you can really turn up the fun factor on your blog and get even more readers to participate as commenters. Give away ad space, a guest post, or free products; all of these things can get more activity on your blog and keep your readers interested in what you have to say.

Be a Commenter Yourself

Finally, one way to show that you identify with commenters is to be a commenter yourself. Think of it this way: most every commenter you’ll interact with has a blog of his or her own that he or she works tirelessly on. You should take a moment to visit these other blogs and comment on them. This will show them that you appreciate what they do beyond your blog for the better of the blogging community.


  1. Reply

    Hello! Quick question that’s entirely off topic.

    Do you know how to make yourr site mobile friendly? My website lkoks weird when viewing from my iphone4.
    I’m trying tto find a theme or pluginn that might bbe able to correct this problem.
    If you have any recommendations, please share.


  2. Reply

    Pleasing commentors is important. But one must take notice of that, that they do not agree to everything. One must be careful while commenting and replying to comments.
    Sanjib Saha

  3. Dave Steffens


    I could not agree more that the quality of a blog can be judged by the quality of it’s comments. If people like what they read, including the comments, then they are more likely to return and recommend you. Sites that just leave in the crap are difficult to endure and all up a bit of a waste of time.

  4. Alex


    Thanks for sharing more insight on blog comments. In fact it is important to always follow up comments on your blog and perhaps moderate to look interractive. But i must say its not been easy as some people do go against the comment law by making extremely difficult to moderate their comments. replying to question comments also is vital as commenetrs will always get back for answers and participate in others views.

  5. Hodaka


    A great article and I totally agree with your points. The important thing about a blog is to build up a sense of community, and the way you’re going to do that is by you and your visitors interacting with each other via comments.


  6. Reply

    Completely true, though there’s no fast rule that blog owners should interact with the commenters, interacting is a positive after all what good is a blog which does not welcome readers and commenters. I don’t like to visit blogs which doesn’t encourage comments. By commenting we learn and share so readers definitely look forward to interact.

  7. Petre


    My opinion is that commenters really appreciate quality content and to interact with other commenters, or at least this is what i like. 🙂

  8. Reply

    I think Good rank with do follow links on blogs and articles are the best thing to please the commenter’s. Interaction and run contest is also good way to please the commenter’s.

  9. sokun


    Great article, i love answering comments so this one will make sure i get the most out of them

  10. Megan Brown


    Yes these are perfect way to please commenters for e.g. if you give reply to your commenters than they feel that their work are noticed and value by you and this encourage commenters to comment again and again.

    Thanks for this.

  11. Reply

    For me, getting a good rapport and conversation is a great way; especially if the blog has a reply button that allows the commetators to develop on the matter they are in discussion on.

  12. John Mak


    Hello Susan!
    Nice post! I am trying to get involved as much as I can! There are times that you don’t have time for the visitors but the credibility is walking away from your blog’s door! Stay in touch and give real information. People will love you and if you are good you can convince them to come back again or subscribe to your feeds!


  13. Barry Wheeler


    Yes. You’ve hit the high points of commenting. It’s about reaching out, engaging and interacting with the most valuable asset you have in your blog – your readers.

    Many see comments as a way to gain links and only links. It’s the wrong approach. It has to be about building relationships and capitalizing on those relationships.

  14. Nicholas Scott


    Back links are the best way to boost your site traffic .And to increase comments the blogger have to approve the comments quickly .This the biggest way to boost your blog commenting traffic

  15. James H


    Interacting with your commentors is absolute a must, but if you get comments like great post and things similar to that, don’t ever dare to answer them, soon you will be fed-up of monitoring & filtering comments, Spam opportunity sniffers will make life difficult for you

  16. Megan Brown


    Yes thats right and this are the only way to please commenters.

    As commenters like to pleased by bloggers and due to this they do visit again and again as they are also benefitted in the way of backlinks.

  17. Ted


    I am a firm believer in moderating comments well. It’s not that I don’t want to reward everyone who visits my site. I would love to do that. It’s just that I put a lot of personal effort into my posts trying to keep the quality high. I know I fall short of that sometimes, but I am always trying to produce really high quality. If someone leaves a comment that does not really contribute in any way to the conversation, I feel that it diminishes the quality of my post. Since we can all agree that quality matters first and foremost, then I choose not to approve those comments.

    I made that decision after being a blogger for a while. I realized that it really bothered me to find really low quality comments mixed in with really high quality comments on the blogs that I follow. It diminishes the experience. So, I think you are doing your blog readers a favor by not approving the crappy ones.

  18. Reply

    Well I always interact with my commenter’s, because I myself hate when a comment goes unanswered. So that´s a major priority.!

    But besides that I give them “do follow” backlinks, keyword luv and of course comluv, that´s the least I can do.! 🙂

  19. Reply

    You are right. Interact with commenters is very importent.
    As a Dane I often have to take advantage of English speaking blogs thus people tend not to visit my blog very often but that is okay 🙂

  20. Sabrina


    Another point that I would add is making commenting an easy process. Not so easy that you get flooded with spam. However, I think that a major turn off to many readers including myself is when you are asked to jump over hurdles just to comment. Some of these hurdles may include having to log in or subscribe. I just think that there are better ways to control spam some of which you have mentioned.

    • Reply

      That will also make me leave the blog in a second.!
      But I also hate blogs, where the first thing I see is some pop up ads or subscribe, or when I´m trying to leave the site and I get an alert box with the text “Do you really want to leave the blog……..”

  21. Marketing Philosophy


    Well you didn’t mention some of the ways that really give value to the commentators (backlinks) plugins like commentluv and top commentator are the best motivation for visitors to comment on a blog

    Regards Kostas

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