I love when I write a new article and as soon as I publish it Google index’s it.

Having your articles showing up on Google Search Engine as you publish them is really great. For the past month I have got 15% of my traffic from Google according to my Google Analytics statics.

This resulted in:
181 Visits
7.41 Pages per visit
13 minutes 24 seconds Avg. Time On Site
29.19% Bounce Rate
11.89% New Visits

So it is really important to have your articles indexed by the number 1 site on the web, Google.

My Proof

The screen shot below is a post that i had written some days ago. After I wrote it, I went to Google and search for it and I found it.

Steps That I Used

After making this blog, I went and Add My URL To Google so that my blog could show up in search results.

Google says they “updates its index on a regular basis”. With a week or so my blog was indexed on Google’s Search Engine. With great unique content, blog commenting and forum submission I was able to achieve a page rank of 2/10.

Step 1: Necessary Plugins

Google Sitemaps In the list of My Favorite 18 WordPress Plugins is the Google XML Sitemaps. This Google XML Sitemaps plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask.com to better index your blog.

<li><strong>What is XML?</strong> XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a set of rules for encoding documents electronically. XML’s design goals emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability over the Internet. It is a textual data format, with strong support via Unicode for the languages of the world. Although XML’s design focuses on documents, it is widely used for the representation of arbitrary data structures, for example in web services.</li> <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Information Source Wikipedia</a>

All in One SEO Pack This plugin generates META tags automatically. You can override any title and set any META description and any META keywords you want. So for each article you can insert your own keywords. So I would recommend you install the All in One SEO Pack plugin to your WordPress blog.

Step 2: Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools is where you will add your site and then submit your site map so that Google crawl your site and index your blog. This will also help Google to know when you have published a new article and will come back to crawl your site and show the new article in search results.

Group Discussion

What’s your Google Page Rank? What methods did you use to index your articles/ blog on Google? How long does your article take to appear on Google?

8) Leave your comments below


  1. Rubel Orion


    Humm! Liked the google indexing plugin part most!

    I used site map generator for few months, and one i submitted in google site map submission part!

      • Rubel Orion


        Yes! Man!
        But, It’s similar to previous two months! I try to post everyday on researched key words!
        It’s not increasing that much! 🙁

        That’s where I’m tensed, started Googlilng and found you!
        My blog is almost 10 months old! Can you give few tricks?

  2. Reply

    Indexing articles in Google search is very important specially for the new blogs. But it takes a lot of time to index in Google, sometimes it takes around 48 hours to index. Indexing fast is very important otherwise we loose good amount of visitors. These points will certainly help!

    • Reply

      You are right Sanjib Saha. If your article is not indexed fast on Google then you could be missing out on traffic that could have generated some leads.

      Thanks for your input on my article.

  3. Bali Villa


    Hi, thanks for the sharing. I agreed with your steps, well is bookmarking for the new URL good for SE indexing?

  4. Paper


    It’s very nice to be in first in first page in google and I’m working on this. Thanks for this post anyway.

  5. Six Minutes to Success 2


    Nice information, many thanks to the author. The step by step rules are very precised. It is comprehensible for me now, but in general, the usefulness and significance is overwhelming. Thanks again and good luck.

  6. Learn English Online


    Great information really it is such a nice post. I am agree with you. This method will grow up our article on google.

    • Reply

      Yep, those are the tricks that I use and my search engine traffic keeps going up :). Thanks for the comment.

      Please I am asking you to also leave a comment on the article link below… Thanks 🙂
      5 Important Questions Every Blogger Should Be Asking Themselves

  7. Reply

    Google indexes my new post minutes after I published it. I think Google always crawl my site as I publish new posts regularly.

  8. Suresh Khanal


    It was really nice tips you’ve shared to make a post indexed quicker. Did you forget to mention Ping services? Or they are not that important to help your post indexed?

  9. Reply

    Thanks for sharing but I am using thesis theme do I need to install ALL IN SEO pack ? Cause thesis has built-in seo features

  10. Paul


    Nice set of tips – very easy to understand and follow.

    I just helped start a new blog, and usually follow the steps you listed above, with the exception of adding the URL to Google. I also use a different SEO plugin, but to each their own.

    Within a few days, I did a search for the new blog and noticed that Google had begun indexing the site. Besides adding the URL to Google, the only addition I did was auto-publish the posts to Twitter, which I believe Google visits. Twitter is definitely useful for getting links to your posts in the mainstream.

  11. Reply

    Hey Kharim, On my WordPress.com blog I have a page rank of 4 but my Blogger blog isn’t showing any rank. And what’s strange is that they are both one year old:) But I don’t really worry about page rank too much. Since Google Caffeine was introduced I am seeing a lot more organic search traffic on both of them. It’s so interesting to see the things that people actually search for in order to find me. My YouTube channel sends a lot of traffic based on search results too.

    Thanks for all of the info!

    Btw – thanks for joining BloggerLuv

    • Reply

      Thanks for the comment Ileane. Not sure why your Blogger blog doesn’t have any PR. You might want to check that out even though you say you are not really concerned about it.

  12. ron


    Google is slowly taking over and the best thing about it is its helpful for growing businesses . Keep up the good work .
    .-= ron´s last blog ..How to get the most outta your twitter . =-.

  13. Chadrack


    Just want to add that I’ve checked and my last post is already indexed showing it was posted 48mins ago!
    .-= Chadrack@Home Business Marketing´s last blog ..Invaluable Net Profit Marketing Strategies! =-.

  14. Chadrack


    Short and concise step by step guide. I did all that with my blog and I get about 65% my blog visitors from google. But I’m wondering, your blog post showing on google a minute after posting? Well I’ve never checked to know that. I think with my next post I will just need to check!
    .-= Chadrack@Home Business Marketing´s last blog ..Blog Optimization Strategies For Greater Exposure! =-.

  15. Jarrod


    When I started I was a PR 4/10 but for the last three months I’ve been a PR 3/10. I think what helped me the most was comment and forum marketing. I love this article because it’s conformation that I’m on the right track. Thanks for sharing!!

    • Reply

      Thanks for the comment Jarrod.

      I started out at 2/10 PR and I am glad that I maintained it. I am really quite comfortable with my PR. Yep this post was made to help other people get on the right track.

      Glad to see you’re on the right track 🙂

  16. Dev


    Hey Kharim
    These is really a great post.
    Though i already using all the plugins you mentioned here. !! 🙂
    .-= Dev | Technshare´s last blog ..8 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Blog =-.

  17. Blog Angel a.k.a. Joella


    Good step by step article on how to get your blog posts indexed on Google. I like how concise you were when writing this article. The steps are quick and simple to implement. It’s also a real boost that offered proof of how these techniques helped your blog gain, as evidenced by the statistics from Google Analytics.
    .-= Blog Angel a.k.a. Joella´s last blog ..The 3 Keys To Writing Blog Posts That Pop? Passion, Personality And Pertinence =-.

    • Reply

      Thanks for your comments Joella. When I write a post I like to bring out the key points, stick to what I am writing about and get straight to the point.

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