This post is a way of thanking my commentators and I reward them for leaving their comments by giving a link back to their articles.

Links of the week is a process in which I check the comments of the commentators for the week to see the links that they have placed in the comments using the comment luv plugin. I always check the comments that are made on my articles and visit the links left back in the comments.

After visiting these links I will read the articles, those that are well written with great tips will be mentioned here.

These links have really great tips to make you a successful webmaster and I want you to check these links out to help you to become more educated.

Blogging Tips

  • Blogging Learning From The Current FIFA World Cup
  • 7 Effective Ways to Get Quality Traffic to Your Blog
  • Becoming The Linchpin (And A Badass Too)
  • Blog Comment Links – Where Do You Link To?
  • Mastering PageRank – Useful and Detailed Video Course on SEO
  • Three Reasons To Absolutely Start Blogging
  • How To…Keep A Conversation Going on a Blog You Have Commented On!
  • Blogging Tip | DoFollow or NoFollow?

Make Money Online Tips

  • Make Money Online in 5 Easy Steps
  • 10 Best Marketing Tips that Will Blow Your Mind

WordPress Tutorials

How To Get Your Links Featured

In order to get your articles featured here, you have to make comments on my articles. At the end of the week if your article is good enough then it will be featured here.

When you make comments on my blog posts and use the comment luv feature, I will visit your blog post and if it has great info that my blog readers can benefit from then it will be featured in the links of the week.


  1. Daniel Sharkov


    I just noticed one of my articles is included. Thanks for that, really appreciated Kharim! The concept behind links of the week is great. Definitely a nice way to reward commentators!

  2. Dev


    Hey Kharim,

    Thanks for including my both articles “best marketing tips” and 7 effective ways”.
    I really appreciate it kharim. Thanks.


  3. Domain name registration


    it is a nice way to reward your commentators, I hope I will enter your links of the week one day.

  4. Dana


    Thank you to including my article. It seems there are many good article in your list that I do not read yet, I will check them.

  5. Eric


    Hey Kharim,

    Thanks so much for the mention. I really appreciate it. It’s really cool when people take the time to do things like this and it makes it all worth the effort to keep blogging and is another reason to keep doing so.

    In fact, what you’re doing here is similar to my monthly experience. I’m going to be doing something different with that but you need to be on my mailing list to experience it in full. Ok, now THAT’s the first mention of it in this way anywhere. I can’t wait until tomorrow and see how the first day of it turns out.

    I welcome everyone to join in and have some fun.

    Thanks once again! 🙂

  6. Joe Boyle


    Thanks, Kharim!

    It means a lot to get featured on this list! I’ll be reading up on the other people that you’ve mentioned and commenting on their sites, too!

    Great post!

  7. Eseotips


    Thanks Kharim for including my post “10 Best Marketing Tips that Will Blow Your Mind” in your list Part 1

  8. Jonathan Beebe


    Thanks a lot Kharim for including my article, “Make Money Online in 5 Easy Steps” in your list! I really appreciate it 🙂

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