Are you craving to have a better website but confused where to start from? There are many website owners out there who think bettering a website means completely overhauling it. Might be true in some cases but not here. Just with a bit of some tweaks you can create a difference between an insipid and a beautiful website.

No doubt a site when modified looks amazingly better, much improved and highly attractive (which is one of the reasons why modified websites grab more traffic). Moreover, in today’s time you cannot have a bigger fish to fry than beautifying your website.

There are like hundreds of things you can do to better your website apart from just spell checking and plagiarism check. Below mentioned are some amazing tips that can enable your site to do a lot more. Don’t just have a look at them rather put them into action.

1. Compact your Site’s Menu

Is your site having eleven items under just one heading on the navigation bar? If yes, then you surely need to clean that mess. A clean and systematic navigation helps visitors to find things easily and hence enables a better experience for them. Plus, your bounce rate will also be reduced with a great margin as visitors will face less time in searching for the things they need.

2. Call to Action is the Bait

Every page of your website should have a call to action at the bottom to make your visitors act on something. Call to Action acts like a bait to get your visitors to watch your demo video, purchase ebook or have a look at your credentials. No matter whether it is a button or a hyperlink, it should be on every page that would ultimately lead them to take action and benefit you eventually.

3. Provide Access to Call You

Providing your Phone Number on your home page – This would seem an obvious point but many sites don’t follow it. Some put it on the contact page or some don’t put it at all on any corner of the site. This is a big mistake! Many visitors land to your site just to have your phone number but they ultimately get disappointed when they find it nowhere. The top right corner of your homepage is usually the best and the most prominent place for displaying your phone number.

4. Describe Yourself in the About Us Page

When consumers or businesses choose a company to work with, they obviously would want to know the details about that company like – Who they are? Are they working with a big team?, etc. This is where the role of About Us Page comes into play. You need to add an About Us page in your site that would include pictures of your team along with their real bios. Also list some real details about yourself as well like- about family, hobbies, things you like to do for fun, etc to show visitors that you are a real human being.

5. Big And Bold is How Everybody Rolls

Because images speak louder than words, using big and bold images is kind of a big trend in web design. Capture real and beautiful pictures of your team members in action, images of the projects that you have worked on or currently working upon, some shots of the local area, etc.

6. Mobile Friendly is The Need of The Hour

With millions of people owning a smartphone, your customers will be landing to your site through mobile browsing only. Hence, a non mobile-friendly site is tough to optimize and can hence lead to increase in bounce rate. There are a plethora of low-cost/inexpensive tools to switch your normal site to a mobile-friendly site. You can either make use of those tools or get yourself a designer to design you a mobile-friendly site.

7. Get Socially Active

If you aren’t active on Social media you are surely missing out on something real big. Nowadays social media is another name for word of mouth. People are getting big socialites nowadays, they love to interact with friends, family members and even strangers. The best way of being socially active is by building a community site on either of the platforms – Facebook page or twitter account. Hence, building a social presence on any of the leading social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter or G+, etc would eventually benefit you and your customers as well.

This is not the end, there are still many more tips to better your site but these should be a good kick-start for bettering or beautifying your website.

It is high time that you stop thinking and put your thoughts into action. So Hurry! Take your site to the next level by following these easy to implement tips.

[box]Author Bio: Gary Lucas works with, an India-based outsourcing and consulting firm. PixelCrayons offers extended teams to its clients, helping them to reduce Time To Market (TTM) and enhance Return On Investment (ROI). With services such as CMS web [/box]


  1. Reply

    i’m sure many individuals don’t give value to help most of these due to the fact as a general new at all to blogger many people don’t be aware of the following pointers. For instance a lot of them don’t give value to help at this time there theme also which in turn also represents an incredible part, there are several additional might be found in this way. normally individuals are only hectic in bringing up-to-date using articles only those individuals really should examine this. thanks 😀

  2. Andrew


    Hi Gary,
    These are great tips to making your website do better. The most important part, in my opinion, is to get your viewers involved. An involved viewer will likely come back to your website, which is why I think that social media is such a huge thing right now. Thank you for sharing this,

  3. Jason Foster


    All the 7 tips are really awesome. I tried to justify that which one point is the best, but failed. Actually all the points are very good. I’ve visited all your posts. They are undoubtedly excellent. Keep up!

  4. Krishna


    i think many people don’t give importance to these because as being a new to blogger they don’t know about these tips. For example most of them do not give importance to there theme also which also plays a great role, there are many more such things like this. usually people are only busy in updating with articles only those people should read this.

  5. Charlie


    I follow #3 quite often. When I design websites for clients and they don’t want to include their phone number (as a lot of them work out of the house), I register them on Google. Once having an account, you can get a phone number. When a client calls their Google number, the call is forwarded to their home phone – they won’t see your actual number. Customers like it due to privacy issues.

  6. Reply

    Thanks for these nice tips! lots of companies still don’t have a functioning mobile web site even if numerous individuals square measure victimization their smartphones

  7. Reply

    Thanks for the above tips of making your website rock! However, I would also like to suggest that having a ‘Chat’ feature where your visitors can get access and talk to you any time of the day will also go a long way in improving the website. This is especially true if the chat is not an automatic response but there are real people responding to visitor’s issues. Thanks

  8. Reply

    You have 7 great tips. I agree with you about “Describe yourself in the About Us page is ” is very important. The customer always wanna find who you’re before working with you. They will find “About us” first to have a overview about their future partner.

  9. marytlou


    These are very useful tips but these might not help everyone at all times but it all depends on the type of content and layout as well. Appreciate your sharing the tips.

  10. Anushha


    These are the amazing set of tips. To gain more and more traffic and stand out the competition, one needs to be proactive. Each and every website should make sure to have a call to action attached to it, so as to create an urge amongst the reader. Indeed, the websites should be mobile friendly, as many of us access websites through mobiles now a days. Thanks for the great tips.

  11. Jacob


    Great tips – I believe I have the branding, bold big images and social down pat – need help on my mobile version.These are great points when creating a website. So many times I have seen over crowded websites that either have so much going on you don’t know what to do or there is so much information you have to stay home from work to read it all. In a day and age where there is so much “in your face” type of media and advertising, it is refreshing to come across and simple and clean website that is effective in its purpose.

  12. Syed Qasim


    Thanks for sharing the basic and great info. Obviously everyone will get benefit by reading this articles.

  13. donatus


    You have an amazing tips, i love the idea of call to action, i have been neglecting this trick. Mobile friendly is the best strategy, as must of the web surfers make use of mobile phones.
    Thanks for sharing, its really helpful

  14. sherpa


    No doubt a site when modified looks amazingly better, much improved and highly attractive (which is one of the reasons why modified websites grab more traffic). Moreover, in today’s time you cannot have a bigger fish to fry than beautifying your website.

  15. Reply

    Thanks for these great tips! A lot of businesses still don’t have a functioning mobile site even though so many people are using their smartphones, tablets, and other devices to look up information on their site. I’m not sure why they haven’t caught on yet because it’s only going to get more mobile.

  16. Reply

    It is quite interesting that many website owners don’t utilize these kinds of practices in their websites. You would feel it would be a common sense/common knowledge situation but it can get lost in the other tasks it takes to run a business. Thanks for reminding everyone about the crucial essentials!

  17. Reply

    Hello Dear

    these are amazing tips really and contact and about us page are must for your blog really add your read contact details and add you Phone number, so thanks for sharing me

  18. Reply

    Sometimes, a lot of people don’t pay attention to these details either because they are too busy or because it will bring about extra cost for them. However, improving your site layout would increase traffic and make it more user friendly.

    Contact numbers are usually avoided on the front page because of the increasing incidence of spamming and phishing.

    Social presence cannot be neglected these days because of the role it plays in getting advertiser, sponsored reviews and even getting more subscribers. The more you are socially connected the more trust people have on your site. It is therefore advisable to improve one’s social presence in order to better one’s rating.

    A lot of readers now access sites through mobile phones, and it would be wise to make your site mobile friendly to harness the great opportunity this presents.

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