Google AdSense is a popular choice for people who want to make money online. You may already be thinking of giving it a shot.  But do you know you can try some other nice alternatives to make money regularly? Yes, you can try several affiliate programs, but the fact remains that you have to pick one carefully – the people running some of these networks change quickly, leaving you in a mess.

Before going any further, it’s worth mentioning that though affiliate advertising is a good way of making money online, it’s not a way to get rich quick; in fact, you will only earn a few dollars a month in the start.

In case you’re ready to take the plunge, here is the list of five popular affiliate programs for you to consider.

[box type=”spacer”]SocialSpark[/box]

To get you started, you will have to submit your blog to the network. They will review it and let you know once they approve it. After this, you will start receiving offers to publish positive reviews on your blog – you get your money as soon as you get the review published. You can make money using this network, but don’t expect big money – and whatever you earn will depend mainly on how many offers you get and how many hours you spend in writing.

[box type=”spacer”]Chitika[/box]

It’s not as popular as Google Adsense, but it has definitely managed to make a place of its own. You may find it a tad easier to use if you have already invested some time using Google’s Adsense. Ideally, it is designed for sites that enjoy a good amount of traffic; however, you may still be accepted if you don’t witness heavy traffic. You can get started by adding the code to your sidebar, but you can make your advertising campaign more effective by adding it to your posts – you can simply pick some of those blog posts that have done well in search engines and embed the code for better results.

[box type=”spacer”]MadAdsMedia[/box]

If you have tried a few other networks and seen no luck, you may want to try MadAdsMedia. In most other networks, you will need to have a site that enjoys a reasonably good amount of traffic. If that’s not the case, they will not approve you. The solution is to switch to MadAdsMedia where you get paid for impressions.

The basic difference is that this network pays you for page views, not for clicks like other networks. It is due to this very reason that you expect to make money even if your site sees a small trickle of traffic. The network makes use of a relay system, which means you will start getting payments once your page has 100 or 1000 page views. The only thing you should bear in mind is that though you will earn money, it will not be much, which is quite common with networks that pay you for page views or impressions.

[box type=”spacer”][/box]

Once again, this network is quite suitable for sites that don’t generate enough traffic and fail to qualify for other affiliate networks. However, you may need to have a website with a high PR – it means it should enjoy good rankings in search engine results pages. It is so because the basic idea behind the working of this network is to sell text links, and these links will carry weight only if they are from high PR websites.

Though it is important to have a good Alexa Rank and PageRank to use this network, it’s fairly simple to use once you get the green signal. Luckily, it’s possible to install a plug-in to your website that updates data stream and handles everything on its own. The availability of this plug-in saves you from installing sets of codes in your posts – it’s definitely a positive feature and reduces the amount of work you need to do.  The longer the links stay on your website, the higher the amount of money you receive. That’s another reason why sites with good – and relatively consistent – rankings are going to make more through this affiliate network.

[box type=”spacer”]AdKnowledge Affiliate[/box]

This is another reputable affiliate network for you to try. With a number of good offers available all the time, you are sure to make some money on a regular basis. It basically works on a premium CPA or Cost Per Action performance marketing system – the campaign monetization depends on its internal medial distribution groups. What you should bear in mind is that their memberships are usually limited to high quality, high volume publishing partners, which is the reason why they are able to bring campaigns with a potential of generation high revenue. Their customer support is also impeccable and you always receive payments on time.

[box]Author’s bio: The guest post is written by Sonia Jackson from  She writes essays on different topics and can give you useful advice.[/box]


  1. Reply

    This is a great list for adding a little variety to a site, I have an arcade site, and having Adsense show the same ad three times on one page is a bit much.
    So far,
    I have tried Revenue Hits and Propeller. Propeller is nice, but I am concerned about the Revenue Hits ads. Despite having only a side slider, you could not click anywhere on my site without it clicking through to the ad, one of which created an infinite circle of pop-ups. Their slider actually got my site suspended on Adwords for suspected malware, so it might be good to be wary of them. Have you had any such problems?

  2. Reply

    Google AdSense still stand out to be the best amongst advertisers but the fact remain getting into AdSense this day is becoming tougher every minutes even the chance of maintaining the account after approval is thin. Many bloggers don’t really depend on AdSense as their source of their online imcome despite the fact it is the best, rather they moved into affiliated and I believed these are what they first put into consideration before they finally take the decision about affilliated product they should join.

  3. Atinder S Gill


    Well, i have only used, Chitika from this List who pays very less CPM Rates. So, I only consider BuySellAds as the best Google Adsense Alternative.

  4. Marco


    Thos are great website but if you do not have high traffic from the US it is hard do earn good money

  5. Reply

    I think AdSense is best advert network out there. I personally use Text-Links-Ads. com, along with I might suggest that in order to any person that doesn’t possess a AdSense bill.
    thanks a lot. for sharing this post with us buddy 😀

  6. Reply

    isn’t Google penalising sites with paid links on them? Would the company fall into this category? I hadn’t heard of some of your alternatives and will check them out. Thanks for sharing!

  7. sara jasmin


    Thanks for sharing such a great post I really like Adsense and Amazon and have never tried Click Bank yet, but it’s on my list. I signed up for Aweber a couple of months ago and can’t be happier. Great website with a lot of opportunities for marketing!

  8. Tobi


    Hello, thanks for this post Nicole it is lovely and i will like to put the tips there to action to make more money..

  9. Bijuterias


    Thank you. And these are trusted websites? I really need some alternatives to google adsense.

  10. Shahalam khan


    List provides lots of info, some of them approved by AdSense make them promissing too, thanks for sharing.

  11. Aman Bansal


    Hello sonia,

    Thats something excellent stuff you have written on adsense alternatives which I find that not you niche as your author bio suggests. By the good writing skills you have shown here also. 🙂

  12. Rahul Kundliya


    Well, no doubt that your post is good and Informative, But google adsense is best way to earn money from blog or website. I agree the list above is alternative to earn money for those who can not get google adsense. Your information is good and valuable. But adsense is one of the best way to earn money easily.

    Well, thanks for sharing nice information with us.

  13. Gabriella


    Through on different process and different ways we can earn money. adsense is not every thing. There are lot of ways to earn like affiliated marketing , E mail marketing and freelancer websites we can earn handsome amount.

  14. Sana


    I am some of these earning programs but there is no alternative to Google Adsense. One has to be be very caring about this program.

  15. Ashley


    You can earn money on different ways. Not in adsense . You can earn money affiliated marketing and e mail marketing.

  16. Thomas


    Excellent article! I love seeing readily available information on the subject. Earning money online is just such a valuable tool accessible by everyone. While it may be difficult to get into, it can add a lot of money to anyone’s income once learned. I personally use CPA marketing and I love it. I’m nearing in on making it my full time income which is a HUGE help for me as a college student. Keep up the quality money online posts!


  17. Reply

    There are different process and different ways are available on internet to make money. you should have make money except ad-sense , like affiliated programs , Different types of offers . To use these process you earn a handsome amount.

  18. Vivek Jain


    These are the best choices that you have mentioned for making money online by your own blogs. It is looking that you are passionate about blogging. I would like to know about most famous affiliate program, which is on peak now a days?Any suggestion you have! Hope you reply me soon!

  19. Reply

    Hi Sonia,

    This is really great I have tried using Chitika and Social Spark and the problem is the amount you get is very very very less.

    Honestly saying there is no alternative for adsense.


  20. Parmar


    HEy but will these sites give us return as much we are getting from google adsences bcoz google add is more bigger than these. Although these have easy approval but yet the return matters.

  21. Stacey


    Thanks for the information. I will certainly try these alternatives. But most of all, I know I should still be working on the different ways to improve my site — work on quality content, clean design, and all that — because, at the end of the day, my earnings on affiliate programs will largely depend on the traffic that I generate for my site. More power to you!

  22. Reply

    I have been banging my head against the wall using google adsense and Chitika but now I am glad there are so many alternatives. Thanks for the share.

  23. Smith jhone


    Nice It is due to this very reason that you expect to make money even if your site sees a small trickle of traffic. The network makes use of a relay system, which means you will start getting payments once your page has 100 or 1000 page views.

  24. Emilia


    Good to know that there are other alternatives to Google Adsense. I’m afraid I got a little impatient and disappointed by my slow and small earnings in Adsense that I totally did not pay attention to it anymore. Newbies like me can really learn from posts like these. Thanks so much. =)

  25. Reply

    Already I have some ideas in google adsense now currently no time to concentrate with that things but future surely I will try on that time your points are very helpful for me. Thanks!

  26. Reply

    Hi there, this is Pamela from Infolinks. AdSense alternatives is a hot topic right now and I wanted to add Infolinks to this list. Our range of products make it easy for any site to boost their revenue, and we are also a fantastic AdSense complement for those looking to earn even more. Good luck 🙂

  27. Sita Gabriel


    I think AdSense is the best ad network out there. I use, and I recommend it to anybody who doesn’t have a AdSense account. Thanks for the interesting post.

  28. Anushha


    This is just an amazing list of useful tools. Thanks a lot for sharing the enriching information.

  29. Sylwia


    Thanks for that possibilities. I didn’t hear about it before, so I would like to chack it.

  30. Jon


    Hey great post. I am always interested in alternatives to google. thanks for the info 🙂

  31. piyush


    ohhh you make really many ad-sense provider information.. thanx for sharing a great info for make money

  32. Mitch


    I was just about to apply to Adsense looking for reviews, i didn’t know there were so many alternatives.
    first i want to thank you for this great informative list.
    second in everyone’s experience , which network would you recommend ?
    anyone had some good results with any of these networks on the list ?
    a good recommendation that can give me enough money to support myself ?
    Many thanks.

  33. Farrell Conejos


    Well, these are legitimate affiliate alternatives but I guess the most secure affiliate to choose is Adsense. Google Adsense has establish it’s reputation and it’s an affiliate program that Google itself has made. And by that, we may freely assume that we are secure with Google Adsense. But, it’s a good thing to patch up these alternates. Thanks for the info.

  34. Dave


    Thanks for your informative post on alternatives for adsense…I have been having hard time getting approved on adsense. and this is just what I need Right now…Thanks once again for sharing

  35. hiren


    nice google adsense alternative list but google pay more.but google adsense approved toughly.

  36. Gagandeep Singh


    I really need some alternatives to google adsense. As my adsense account was disabled. Now i will go for these alternatives. Thank for this information.

  37. Reply

    Awesome one my dear friend ,This is a perfect list for those who are looking for adsense alternative.This list can be extended with some more alternatives like infolinks,tribal fusion and many more.

  38. Afzal


    Yout tips will sure jump income through blog. This is by far the most comprehensive list of resources for owning your blog and making it a profitable money making machine.
    Great job and keep it up !!!

  39. Alex


    Hello Dear!
    What do you think about creat an auto-blog system, containt about.. 200blogs and i use it for G.A?
    i’ve read an topic about this on blackhatseo forum and very interesting in it. But i worry about Google will ban this!
    thank you for share!

  40. Vin DiCarlo


    Thanks For This Great Informative Content. I have a pr2 Social Bookmarking Site that i have built with Pligg. previously i was applied for google adsense but in response they said contact address invalid. but my contact address correct. What to do now to get approved?

  41. Reply

    AS a beginning blogger just wanting to sell affiliate products and build a list I find your suggestion of sites very informative. I will look into these as an alternative to adsense.

  42. Bipul Khan


    really great ways to make money with Google Adsense alternatives, thanks for share, I will be trying these best alternatives to find the best one suit me.

  43. Pramod


    I tried chitika on my blog , it made me just few cents on 200-300 pageviews perday . socialsparks sounds interesting .. Would have to give it a try .

    thanks for the info,

  44. Aassif Billah


    I need a system that allows me to sell my own banner space to vendors of my choice. Kind of like Adsense but I run everything and collect the revenue also. Any suggestions?

  45. Alka Sonkar


    Hello Dear

    nice post and absence is amazing source of advertisement really mostly publisher are using this way and this is very effective way so thanks for sharing me

  46. Smith


    Most of them are new in blogging and their ultimate dream is to get approved by Google AdSense. But reality is quite harsh at time. In fact, it is not easy to get approved by Google AdSense. It is also not easy as well to earn money through Google AdSense even after getting approved by it.

  47. Kamal


    Thanks a lot for this great list brother,All the very best for your future success…

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