I am proud to say that I have created my very first WordPress plugin.
You might have even noticed it on my blog and didn’t know that I was the creator of it.
The plugin is called WP Next Post Navi (WordPress Next Post Navigation).
You can see it at the bottom of each of my blog post.
This plugin was created so your blog readers can easily go to the next blog post or the previous blog post after reading an article on your blog.

[box type=”orange”]Why Use WP Next Post Navi Plugin?[/box]
The reason why I created this WordPress plugin is so that you can keep your blog readers on your blog for a longer period, having them read more of your wonderfully written articles.
After reading an article on a blog, sometimes going back to the homepage and scrolling to find the next or previous blog post in line can be a little time consuming.
With WP Next Post Navi plugin, your blog reader has the option of going to the next post or the previous post if he/she chooses.

[box type=”orange”] What Makes WP Next Post Navi Different?[/box]
I know that there are some blog themes that have the option to enable or disable the next or previous post link.
WP Next Post Navi has some very cool features.
Location Options

The default place to put the next or previous navigation link is at the bottom of each blog post.
But WP Next Post Navi gives you the option of having the navigation links at the top or bottom of your blog post.
You can even have it both at the top and bottom at the same time!
Button Option

You can use the button option so that the link will appear as a button instead of the plain link.
The button is fancy looking and changes color when the mouse is hovering over it.
Links or Custom Text Option

I designed the plugin so you can have the option to customize it the way you want.
The link will show the title of your blog post and the custom text option will show whatever you want it to show.
By default it will show Previous Post and Next Post.
Navigate Within Categories

There is also an option to go to the next or previous blog post within a caregory.
For example: If you have a blog post in the Digital Marketing category on your blog, you can set the plugin to go to the next or previous post within the Digital Marketing category.
So whatever post that you are on, the category for that post will be used as the WP Next Post Navi next post or previous post.
CSS Code For Links
You have the option to change the text link by using the CSS code section.

Mobile Friendly & Light Weight
This plugin doesn’t slow down your blog.
It is very very light weight and loads in no time.
Don’t worry about layout on mobile, it’s also friendly on mobile platforms.
Linking For SEO Purposes
When you link to a blog post from another article then this is very good for SEO.
WP Next Post Navi is built with this feature so that it acts as interlinking to a next article.
In Conclusion…
I hope that you take the time out to check out my plugin and test it out on your blog.
Leave me a review on my plugin if you used it on your blog and drop a comment below with your feedback.