This is a guest post by Boris Kuzmanov from 

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Twitter is without a doubt the best way to share and discover what is happening right now.

This is the official description of Twitter. Is that true? Sure it is, even it’s more than this. Twitter is the best way to promote your blog or any of your products. From needle to locomotive. If you don’t know, read this post and learn how to use Twitter for your blog’s promotion.

Indirect Promotion

So, with sharing something on Twitter, you effectively serve the information to your followers. Important thing about the promotion on Twitter is the number of people who follow you. From mine (not so long) experience I know that first you will follow some people (especially bloggers), with which you have already made contact through other social networks like Facebook, or through commenting on their’s blog for ex., and that will result with following to you. Therefore, you still need to work a little bit, just to build a positive reputation among the bloggers. Later, all will run smoothly and the number of people who follow you will increase.


The appearance of your Twitter page is one of the factors that could affect on the people who will follow you, or they don’t do that when will see your page designs. Suppose you’re an advanced user and want to be a serious blogger. You need to make custom background for your twitter page. You can do that with design tools like Photoshop or GIMP… Here are few sites where you can find free twitter backgrounds for download or just to inspire you to make your own:


Or just search on Google.


When you’re publishing a post, set up the Twitter status and notify your followers that a new post is published. At the beginning or at the end of your tweet add “[blog post]” tag or any other tag that is related to your blog. If the name is too long, try to shorten it and write the key linked to the post and it’s content. After you put the name of your post, add the address of the post. Usually we use sites like to short our links. And in the end our status should look like this:

“Twitter is without a doubt the best way to share and discover what is happening right now.”


  1. Ary


    Hey Kharim, thanks for the replies and also I wanted to say that even though I find tweeter an opportunity of getting a lot of traffic, it’s an easy way to get your account suspended for no reasons. For an example I just read today at John Chow, how someone wanted to ban him and forced people to join him, that’s how he got suspended and me too.
    I find facebook a better place.

  2. Alex


    Twitter can be a gret tool for promoting a blog.
    There is need to use it in the right way

  3. Paul Tech


    I agree Twitter is very important promotion tool. Getting followers is not difficult but it is tough in getting them to retweet your posts.

    And over-promoting your blog posts or affiliate links may result in being blocked and labeled as spam too.

  4. Reply

    Hey Boris, nice twitter tips you wrote, never seen you around, this is my first time i know about you 😀

    I am new to twitter and usually only use the and done, lol now of course i learnt some new twitter tips 😀

  5. Daniel Sharkov


    Twitter is without a doubt one of the most popular social media services and the potential is undeniable. On the other hand utilizing that potential might prove to be a tough task, unless you are some kind of celebrity. Getting thousands of followers of course can be achieved relatively easy, but that’s not what’s important. The problem is that even if you have ten thousand followers, if none of those cares about your tweets, then your business is going nowhere. Engagement is what matters. Unfortunately getting personal is easier said than done.

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