Blogging is an important aspect of most people’s lives today. With the internet growing at the rate it is, you cannot determine where blogging would be tomorrow. Many people strive to build a popular blog, so that they can show the world what they have the ability to do – while others do so to make money from the internet. But more than anything – you are always looking for ways to make sure your blog is always safe and secure.

You don’t need to become a hacker before you can guarantee the security of your blog. Once you can operate a computer and can use the internet, you should be able to do things that will help you make your blog more secure and safe.

This guest post will be featuring simple-to-implement tips you can use to ensure your blog is continually secure.

[box type=”yellow”]Use a Good Antivirus Program[/box]

While this sounds too obvious, it is very important nonetheless. Your computer should not be without an effective and trustworthy antivirus program. Viruses are doing more than scattering and hiding your computer files – they are also stealing your login details: such as your email username and password, your blog username and password and any other confidential details you have on your computer.

Good protection software like Norton Antivirus should be enough to protect your computer against virus infection. But it is always advisable that, when you are using an antivirus program, you should use premium versions. These ones might be on the high end in terms of price but using a discount coupon can help you get them for almost free. Take for instance you want a premium Norton antivirus, you can do a search on Norton Antivirus discount coupon and you’re on your way to getting a cheap deal.

[box type=”yellow”]Don’t Install Plugins You Don’t Trust[/box]

Installing plugins from developers you barely know a thing about can be a very bad idea if you want your blog to be very secure. Before you can trust a plugin developer, make sure such plugin developer must have been reviewed positively on blogs and websites you trust.

Hackers can do anything to get their hands on your credentials, and while the busy hackers might not have the time to attempt hacking your blog – you should also not underrate the “petty” ones too.

[box type=”yellow”]Use Strong Alphanumeric Passwords[/box]

Your passwords also matters in how much of security your blog gets. Is your password strong enough to protect your blog against brute force attack? Or is it so simple that just a simple attempt will crack it? Before you decide to choose what makes your password, you should consider a few things, such as:
How memorable is it to you?

How hard it is for others to guess; is it not too generic?

How long is it, is it not too short?

To make your password very strong, make sure you’re using a combination of letters, figures and if possible symbols. By this, you know you’re the only one that can understand your password.

By implementing the security tips I’ve shared in this blog post, you can guarantee the security of your blog.

[box]Author Bio: This is a guest post contribution by Steven who features Norton Antivirus Discount Coupon and Norton 360 Premier Coupon on his blog. These Norton Antivirus discount coupon and Norton 360 coupon will help you cut cost on antivirus deals.[/box]


  1. Reply

    Well, In most cases, weak passwords and Vulnerable Plugins or themes are the reason behind a blog gettign hacked. So, everything should take care of these things as it can lead to sever conditions. So, beware Bloggers.

  2. Jamy


    The best thing is do not install plugins which you do not know or on what you did not find any review as there are lots of people who are working on hacking as its a crime but still people love to do.

  3. Marilyn


    Great post Steven! I totally agree with your points. Blogging is very popular today because it allows people to interact with each other and in business it is one important factor that everyone should include with their business promotion strategies. Security is the basic requirement for any blog in order to prevent from hackers and virus attacks.

  4. Steven Papas


    Thanks Amy! I can’t agree less with your statement. I am glad you like these security tips.

  5. Reply

    thanks for these post
    Blogging is the good platform to make money online with internet marketing. Internet marketing is good way to advertise products online and to make money online. Security is the most important for anything like blogs, online data etc.

  6. George


    Protects a business, system and other interests from threats requires some conscious effort which will include prevention of the attacks and the decimation of an attack before it is too late.

    • Steven


      Yes, it is necessary we take actions before it is too late. This underlines the importance of subsequent updates and security checks to discover a loophole before someone exploits it. Thanks George!

  7. Advin


    Security is basic requirement for any blog that makes blog safe from hackers and virus attacks. You have included great security tips. I have not any additional information but I am just suggesting that experience is best way to keep blog safe.

  8. ayesha


    Strong password, good antivirus programs all features are very important and useful. Security is very much important for blogging. This post give us best point to secure us.

  9. Rajnish


    Thanks for tell me about this ways to secure my blog, I would also like to tell you that I use Better WP Security plugin to secure my blog and I think it works very well and secure my blog from all ways, you should check it.

  10. Simmeon


    Hi Steven,

    Most often people are able to gain access to blogs via plugin vulnerabilities, also by installing plugins found on blackhat forums, they are riddled with malicious code that can get you into a real pickle.

    You want to be making daily database backups, and weekly file backups just in case you fall victim to an attack.

    • Norbert


      Hi Simmeon,
      I haven’t been giving much attention to the creators of some of the plugins I’m using.
      I think I’l just have to go through my plugins again.

    • Steven


      You made a great point Simmeon. Personally, I never trusted pulling software from blackhat forums or using cracked products. But with what most people are now going through with Mobile apps (with hidden codes), it is necessary we are cautious of such programs; plugins, apps, etc.

  11. Amy


    Blogging is the good platform to make money online with internet marketing. Internet marketing is good way to advertise products online and to make money online. Security is the most important for anything like blogs, online data etc. These tips are useful to keep our blog secure.

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