Every new blogger desires to be like the pro bloggers.
The new bloggers follow the pro bloggers tips, they subscribe to their blogs and news letters.
This is because being an awesome blogger comes with great fame and even fortune.
I must admit that when I started blogging I had followed most of the top pro bloggers in my niche because I wanted to be just like them.
I followed their every move, applied their every suggestions and today I have not established the status as a pro blogger, but I must say that I have been classed as an awesome blogger.
If you have been following my blog or my updates, you would have realized the amount of comments that I have been getting from my wonderful readers. This is because they loved my content and this made them comment saying that my articles was really great.
I don’t have the formula which will turn a new blogger into an awesome blogger over night, but I do have 5 excellent tips that will help you to become an awesome blogger in less that a month.
[box type=”red”]Write Specially For Your Blog Readers[/box]
One of the many reasons why my blog readers love my blog articles/contents is because I write specially for them.
We all know that contents on a blog is what makes it successful, along with promotion, networking or maybe even the blog design.
Nothing beats having quality content on a blog, and this is the reason why in almost in everyone of my blog post I always encourage new bloggers to write quality stuff for their blog.
We should always remember that our blog readers come to our blog so that they can gain some knowledge out of what we have written. So this is why is why it is important to write quality content for your blog.
[box type=”spacer”]Here are my tricks for writing excellent articles[/box]
Write As If Speaking – when I write my articles, I don’t just write because I want my blog to be up to date. I write so that I can share useful information with my blog readers. I write as if I am speaking to them.
Blog visitors and readers are real persons, and you should treat them like humans whenever you write a blog post for them. Write as if you were speaking to them directly. Doing this will make them understand more what you have written in your article.
Write When You Feel The Urge – Whenever you feel the urge to write, then you should write.
If you are a person like me then once I get the urge to do something, I do it. This is the time that your ideas start to flow and writing becomes more easier. Not all the times you will feel the urge to write so when that feeling comes on all you have to do is stop what you are doing, if possible, and start writing your new blog post. If you are unable to start writing at the same time, just take a few minutes to jot down your main ideas so that you can recall on them when you are ready to write.
Don’t Force Yourself To Write – Another important factor to consider if you want to become an awesome blogger is to not force yourself to write.
When you force yourself to write and publish a new blog post then you are bound to make some sort of mistake while writing. Posts may not turn out as good as you expected and readers may not get the point that you tried to make in your article.
Never you force yourself to write and that’s why in the point above I gave you reasons why you should write when you feel the urge to write.
Forget About Boring Blogged Out Topics – If you write about topics that are all over the internet on other blogs then chances are that your readers will get bored with your contents.
You have to touch on topics that are hardly blogged about but will have value for your blog readers. You have to be unique while writing your articles and this will make your blog more interesting.
[box type=”red”]Develop A Sense Of Originality[/box]
As I mentioned in the introduction of this post about wanting to be like the pro bloggers and following their every move, I also wanted my blog to look like theirs. It was like they were more that professional bloggers to me.
I soon came to the understanding that being original was what also helped these bloggers to become successful.
Developing a sense of originality is what was needed to become an awesome bloggers.
Doing your own stuff without copying others can help to push you and your blog towards success. You tend to get more views on your blog because of its original and unique look. Your content as well is original because you have written it yourself.
Being original also comes with a level of uniqueness. This is because each person thinks in a different way and if you come up with ideas that no one else has then this originality can help to make you an awesome blogger in no time.
Having originality will make you create products or YouTube videos which may go viral bringing tons of targeted traffic to your blog. And we all know that tons of targeted viral traffic is needed for success in this blogging world.
Never be afraid to stand out from the crowd. Be original and you will see how much you can reap through blogging.
[box type=”red”]Write Guest Posts Regularly[/box]
The two main reasons why people do guest blogging is to gain traffic and to also build backlinks.
Of course this is why guest blogging is so popular.
In fact I started guest blogging the first month that I launched my blog because I wanted to get traffic to my new blog. This of course doubled my blog traffic and also boosted my subscribers list.
Now a days whenever I do guest blogging, I still do it to pull more traffic to my blog and build some backlinks, but most importantly I do it to become an awesome blogger.
How do I do this?
Well when I am guest blogging I make sure to write guest posts like I am writing it for my blog. This is because I write quality stuff for my blog and I also apply this principle while writing for other blogs as well.
Some new bloggers will have the thinking that they can write the best stuff for their blog and submit just about anything as guest post. This is a no-no on my blog. This is one of the reasons why I also stopped accepting guest bloggers as well.
When writing guest posts you should always try to submit the best stuff.
Remember you are being an ambassador, so to speak, for your blog. You are going out to show others the type of stuff that is on your blog. So publishing crappy articles will make the readers think that your blog is also full of crappy articles. So this is why it is necessary to always write high quality posts.
Benefits Of Regular Guest Blogging
- You gain more exposure
- Great way to brand your blog
- You get to share knowledge with others
[box type=”red”]Be A Helpful And Friendly Blogger[/box]
One of the best ways to be helpful and friendly as a blogger at the same time, which can help to bring your blog more success, is through networking.
Networking can be done in tons of ways. But one of the most common methods that you can network with other bloggers is through social media sites.
Bloggers and even your blog visitors who doesn’t have a blog as yet are regularly on social media sites either tweeting or updating status. This is a great way to build a friendly relationship between you and these bloggers.
Building up relationships by being friendly is one of the first steps to becoming an awesome blogger and also getting traffic to your blog. This also makes it easier for you to share your new blog post with them or asking them to comment or share your article with others.
You can also use social media sites to offer some help to other bloggers who are in need of some assistance. Doing this can even help to make you some money.
After helping a person can make others realize that you are doing a service and want to pay you to work on their blog. This is a great way to help you make your first $100 from your blog, that’s if you haven’t already done so as yet.
[box type=”red”]Be Passionate About Blogging[/box]
One of the things that you will notice about pro bloggers is that they are very passionate about blogging.
Blogging is their true passion and this is a part of their life.
Making blogging a part of your life means that you have true passion for blogging, just like the pro bloggers. This type of feeling gives you the needed energy to want to blog every single day or do some sort of work pertaining to blogging.
Passion does speak for itself and if you don’t have passion for blogging then your inner feelings for blogging won’t be shown when writing articles or making blog comments.
If you don’t have much passion for blogging then writing a post for your blog will feel like doing a chore. Blogging shouldn’t feel like that. If you enjoy blogging and making money from your blog then you have to make your true passion show.
This is why it is necessary for you to be passionate about blogging. When your passion is alive and kicking this makes blogging more fun and easier.
Once you enjoy what you are doing and making money from it then this is what is needed for success.
Having passion makes writing top quality blog posts very easy. Making money from your blog as well will be even easier.
Develop your passion today and become an awesome blogger.
In Conclusion…
Here comes the end of another great article. I hope that you have enjoyed it and will benefit greatly from reading it. If you want to get my free updates then please feel free to subscribe to my blog via email or subscribe in a reader.
- What do you think about this article and what other tips you have on becoming an awesome blogger?
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