One of the more important tools for you to implement as soon as humanly possible on all of your WordPress blogs or websites, adding a related post plug-in can give you a bump in visitor interaction as well as customer conversion that you just won’t be able to see any other way.

The main objective of getting people to your blog or website is to have them take action, and the best way to do that is by influencing them to stick around to see your content, engage with your information, and get hooked by your advertising or marketing.

This is exactly what the best related post plug-ins for WordPress do.


While many of the related post plug-ins for WordPress out there will do little more than add a couple of quick textbased hotlinks to other content that you have across your blog, this specific tool will not only create thumbnails of the feature picture in each and every one of the related posts but it will also set things up in a clean and attractive drop-down box.

Allowing you to control all of the different features in regards to how it is displayed – as well as the criteria for including a related post – this is as powerful a tool as you’ll find.

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

Though its name suggests that it was a little late to the ballgame, YARPP (as it is affectionately known) is probably the granddaddy of all related post plug-ins for WordPress. Allowing complete and total control over almost every single option that you could ever want to include in the backend of a related post plug-in, this offers ridiculous flexibility that you just don’t find anywhere else. Of course, there are no thumbnails included with this specific option – but it more than makes up for it in other areas.

nrelate Related Content

A tool that was specifically designed to spread related post content all over each and every single one of your WordPress pages, this is another powerhouse tool that is widely regarded across the industry. Offering you the ability to include thumbnails or just plain text – or a hybrid of both – there are five included skins that can change a lot of the visual details as well.

WordPress Related Posts

If it wasn’t the original related posts plug-in produced for WordPress, it was pretty close. This is one of the older options – but don’t let it age full you, it is still definitely up to the task. The only issue in using this particular related plug-in solution is that it contains a link at the end of every post, making it a little bit difficult to move around wherever you want to place this information.

Related Posts Thumbnails

Shockingly similar to the related post plug-in for WordPress option above, the only major difference between the two is that this one offers you the ability to insert related post thumbnails directly after your posts rather than just a simple text link. Other than that, almost identical clones.


About The Author: Edward Dennis is the author of this post. He’s working in marketing department at Web24; provider in web hosting, VPS and dedicated server hosting solutions.



  1. Gautham Lurk


    YARP is the best Related posts plugin in my opinion. But the only drawback is it consumes a lot of server’s CPU usage.

  2. hiren


    nice article
    related post plugin is very help full for increase traffic and increase page views. i used yet another related post plugin and it is great.

  3. Mangalore


    Yet Another Related Posts Plugin It is also nice plugin to customize your related post under your post and you can setup the related post with your slider. There is much more option to customize your related post content and you can make as you wish for your wordpress blog. It will support with multi language.

  4. Chetan Gupta


    Nice plugins!!!
    ” nrelate Related Content ” is one of my favorite plugin. I have a question that without having any tags in a blog will it ( Plugin ) work???

  5. Jannie Taylor



    The best blog is the one which stick the readers to your content so we should be very careful about our content.

    Jannie Taylor

  6. Farrell John Conejos


    Hey Edward,

    Nice post! WP-Tumbie huh? Well, it looks like another plugin will be installed in my site again. With its features regarding thumbnails, who wouldn’t want to have this plugin installed? Well, I just hope it will be compatible with my other installed plugins though.

  7. daniel


    very useful tips on related posts. I’m using most of them by now however.

  8. Felix Lee


    These are wonderful plug ins to try on. I haven’t had any of them yet.

  9. Prakash


    nRelate and yet another related post plugins are really good. Thanks for sharing these plugin lists.

  10. Kamlesh


    The main objective of getting people to your blog or website is to have them take action, and the best way to do that is by influencing them to stick around to see your content, engage with your information, and get hooked by your advertising or marketing.The only issue in using this particular related plug-in solution is that it contains a link at the end of every post, making it a little bit difficult to move around wherever you want to place this information.So thanks for the knowledge in the web technique ……..

  11. Sudipto


    Nice post and Thanks for sharing these great related post plugins with us. Some of the plugins you mentioned above are not used by me but now I will surely gonna try them.

  12. Sarvesh Darak


    Wow awesome list of related post plugins. And these plugins are very useful to reduce the bounce rate or make the visitors to navigate into the related posts.


  13. Joe Hart


    I’ve been using WordPress Related Posts for a while now and it’s great..Up to the task and quite convenient.I will definitely try on the other plugins you mentioned..Want to see the difference in action.

  14. Reply


    Thanks for sharing great article about top 5 word press plugins. This is very useful information for online review readers. Keep it up such a nice posting like this.

    Michale Kallis.

  15. Reply

    Thanks for sharing the stuff.
    These plugins mentioned in the post are great and must be used by all the WordPress bloggers which helps to make the blog effective for the readers to use it.

  16. Reply

    Hello Dear

    actually i was read first time really these are amazing plugins Wp-Thumbie is very useful really in fact all plugins are useful so thanks for sharing me

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