The Internet gives us an excellent opportunity to spend more time with our family and friends while they are away, do shopping or even pay our bills, isn’t that so helpful and time-saving?

But another huge advantage of an online network is making passive income possible now more than ever.

If you love writing and you have your blog (or planning to start one) probably you will be interested to find out:

5 Ways to Make Money With Your Blog:


  • Google Adsense –  it is a free and simple way to make a profit from advertisements. The purpose of Google Adsense is placing ads on your blog, and when users click on them, you get paid a percentage of the ad costs.


How can you add Google Adsense to your blog:

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your blog link and your e-mail address
  3. Open the Settings panel
  4. Open My Site
  5. Click Add
  6. Enter the URL of your blog
  7. Click Add Site

Features and Benefits:

? Control – You got the full control of the ads, which will appear on your blog. You can block the irrelevant ones; you can even control categories and change the look and the text of the ads to match your site.

?Mobile Friendly Ads – No matter what kind of device your blog fans are using, they will be able to enjoy the same quality as they see on the desktop version.

?Varieties of ads – Google Adsense is offering you ads, which are relevant to your blog and provides you with options, so you can pick the ads, which will suit best your needs and content.

?One Account, multiple usages – you can use Google Adsense on various websites, and you will be able to keep track of everything by checking the activity reports, which will help you to monitor each of your sites.


2)  Amazon Associates – it is online affiliate marketing program, which helps bloggers to earn money by creating associates links and when they place them on their content (such as product reviews, recommendations, etc.) users click on the links and buy the product from amazon, blog owners get a referral fee.

How to insert Amazon Associates on your blog:

  1. Get an account on
  2. Write a name the of product you want to link in the “Search for Product” search field
  3. Find the product you are looking for and click “Get Link” from the menu bar at the top
  4. Place the link on your content

Features and Benefits:

?Influence and Reputation – Amazon is one of the biggest shopping platforms, people purchase from there everyday, and they trust them. So when users see the link you have posted on your blog brings them to Amazon, there is a bigger chance to buy what you`ve recommended.

?Extra profit Every time a blog fan buys a product from the link you’ve shared – you get paid.


3) Affiliate Marketing for Digital Products – Same as Amazon, other platforms are offering you what Amazon Associates does. You can earn money by placing links of digital products on your articles. There are plenty programs, which are providing affiliate marketing. Some them are CJ affiliate, Avantlink, ShareASale, Avangate, and Clickbank.

❗Useful tip: You can make a more significant profit by promoting digital products than physical ones. The percent you will get varieties from 10% – 50% (for some programs even offer higher)


4) Create E-books and Information Products – If you have your blog, there is one thing we surely know about you-you love writing. And if you want to earn extra money, then you should consider creating an Ebook. Notice what your blog fans are enjoying the most of your articles and then write something in a similar subject, but fill it with new and exciting content.

Features and Benefits:

?Easy to create – since you will choose a topic you know about, it won’t be difficult for you to write a book.

?Connection – your Ebook can reach an audience from any part of the world.

?Reputation – your blog fans and readers will start seeing you as a person with high expertise.

?No costs – all you need a word document and inspiration, once you are done with the book, you can convert it into PDF file, and here you have your ebook with zero costs.


5) Offer Consulting – Let’s say you wrote a blog post about specific market also you published Ebook, your fans are getting more and more, the best way making a profit from your reputation as an expert will be to offer to consult.

How to start:

?Write a core message about what you can you do and how can you help your clients. When you get your first customers always meet deadlines on time.

? Offer something for free, and for example; you can review clients website and tell them where the weakest spots are and if they hire you can provide them with a solution.

? Focus on realistic goals, don’t make promises, which you are not able to keep. The client might want things from you, which cannot happen overnight. Just be honest and explain how it will be the best for them.


The luckiest people are the ones who love their jobs. If you are passionate about writing, you put your heart and soul into your blog, then sooner or later the success will come.

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