With 100s of new products and services launched every day, the world is getting economic and competitive both at the same time. As we embrace the new technology with both our hands, the new methods of doing business and attracting the right audience to websites is the focus of the moment.

Today, optimizing your website for keywords, publishing blog posts, and building links are not the only methods you can use to improve your website SEO. You can also bring your Twitter account into action to attract the valuable traffic.

You will be surprised to know that Google and Twitter share a very friendly bond and for the same reason, Google gives access to the Twitter stream, allowing the search engine to index tweets in its search results.

Leaving the internal politics behind, our focus should be on how this Google twitter relationship could help our business and us. If your tummy is still finding it hard to digest what I am trying to say then go search for a popular brand on google. You will be greeted with results like this.

Now you believe me?

This is how Twitter could help you in improving your website’s visibility. Here in this blog, I will tell you how you can use Twitter to improve your Google rankings.

A new platform to share your blog posts

The microblogging site today entertains over 330 million users daily which is a huge number, and no one would want to miss out to reach such a massive audience. Imagine even if 10% of this audience could buzz around for you and your product? Do you feel butterflies in your stomach?

To make things even better, you can also let Google know that you have an active website and blog by consistently tweeting links to your website to improve social signals.

Ofc when you are managing a business, time is what you lack in, but there is a solution to this problem too. There are a number of tools you can use to automate your Twitter sharing thus your followers will always know what is new with your website or blog. To make things even better, you can also let Google know that you have an active website and blog by consistently tweeting links to your website to improve social signals.

One more hack coming up to your way lets u connect your blog to your twitter account using WordPress plugins and tools. Some of the most popular once are Jetpack for WordPress or Twitter Auto Publish.

More shares equal more awareness 

To generate traffic it is important that you tweet your blog post links more than once to let Google know that your links are worth ranking. Do not worry, you do not have to spend money on hiring a social media manager to look into your post sharing instead, you can use a tool like a Buffer to get the job done.  The Buffer is a very smart tool which when activated, schedules tweets to be published every day throughout the month.

Buffer can be linked to Facebook as well. With Buffer, you pick the best time to schedule the links to be shared on Twitter or Facebook each week. As simple as slicing butter, when it is not so hard maybe.

The only thing you need to keep in mind is making sure that you do not spam your followers. Make sure you share only authentic and useful content for your followers to read.

An attractive twitter bio will attract leads

The way you describe yourself and the services you provide; on your Twitter handle also plays a huge role in improving the website’s SEO.

For accurate information about a brand, people often search for their Twitter account through google. Google being so smart will use the brand name as a keyword and will suggest you other similar accounts/brands which deal with similar services. Thus, make sure your account uses your brand name as the account username.

In addition, a well-structured profile bio will also help your twitter account to rank higher in the search results. Always focus on the right keywords and hashtags while sharing something as the same could make your twitter profile more discoverable. You must think like a layman searching for a product.

Plus, always include a pinned tweet on your twitter handle to drive the leads to your landing page where they can know more about you and your services.

Invest in these three simple Twitter hacks, and I am sure this will help you improve your website’s visibility over the web.

Author Bio

Kushagra Gupta is an editor at CDR-Report for engineers Australia since last 2 year and also a journalism student who loves to pen down his thoughts on mental constructs, habits and personal development.

1 Comment

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