Popularity of blogging is increasing day by day.

There are multiple factors involved.

Foremost is that it is helpful in building online presence in a meaningful as well interactive manner. Types of blogs vary as there are a lot of individuals involved having variable thoughts. It is actually a mixture of a person’s unique thoughts along with some facts and figures.

Due to its dynamic feature, it is actually becoming more popular than many famous article directories, forums and newsletters. The reason is that blogging is more permanent than forums and is more dynamic than conventional home pages. The strengths of blogging providing it edge over others include a strong position compared to standard mass media and distributing information to a wide audience in an interesting manner. It is an ideal medium if you want to interact with a specified niche and want an instant feedback.

Here are some features which are making bogging a favorite medium as compared to many famous forums, newsletters and article directories:

  • [box type=”yellow”]More Interactive:[/box]

Blogging has the unique quality of seeing the post results instantly. Unlike forums, posts cannot be deleted without a warning. This way, blogs have got more freedom in which there are better changes of acceptance of a variety of content. Newsletters and article directories are therefore decreasing their popularity with passing time due to availability of one sided perspectives only.

  • [box type=”green”]Easier and Quicker:[/box]

Blogging has become a growing industry with a lot of potential in it. It is very easy for a new blogger to learn blogging services and soft wares quickly and easily.

  • [box type=”yellow”]Better SEO:[/box]

Blogging has got the ability of better search engine optimization than newsletters and forums due to constantly changing content. Search engines are actually fond of fresh and updated content. That is why many blogs are even ranked higher by search engines than many famous websites.

  • [box type=”green”]Encourage Discussions:[/box]

Blogs continuously encourage and monitor discussions. This makes it really exciting. It arouses reader’s interest and shows many perspectives on a single topic.

  • [box type=”yellow”]Syndication:[/box]

You are able to monitor how much of general public is taking benefit from your blog. This way you are able to express and share your views to a large audience in an effective manner.

  • [box type=”green”]No Spam Filters:[/box]

Due to the advent of spam filters, it has become difficult for newsletters to reach the emails of desired audience. Blogging is a very good alternate in this regard as it has got no spam filters and is extremely beneficial for writers and publishers.

  • [box type=”yellow”]Low Cost:[/box]

Blogs are very economical and easy to be maintained. Blogging services and blogging soft wares are very practically priced allowing you to maintain your blog at very reasonable rates.

  • [box type=”green”]More Informative:[/box]

Blogs are more informative and educational than forums and newsletters providing information on a variety of topics. Different point of views maintain reader’s interest and increases his knowledge.

  • [box type=”yellow”]Updated Content:[/box]

Newsletters and article directories like e-zine are many times not able to maintain reader’s interest due to outdated materials. Blogs are far more interesting due to availability of new and updated content all the time.

So, we can say that blogging is a very useful tool having a lot of potential and is able to attract the audience of newsletters and forums due to better and enhanced features.

[box]About The Author: Russel Browne is an IT Professional associated with Exams Key. It provides comprehensive and cost effective  MCSE Certification Preparation  material. Let’s move ahead to take benefit of Exams key  MCTS Certification Preparation  training material and clear your IT certification on first try. Check out today.[/box]


  1. Jamy


    Its write that blogging is taking place but the enjoyment you take reading a newsletter are still there and about forums they are just like social media where you can have all kind of help instant.

  2. Joe Hart


    Blogs will eventually replace every other form of online discussion mediums…because its much more convenient and reliable..forums have become redundant and often the responses are vague…

  3. Nawaz


    Its is right that by installing some plug-ins and posting unique research based contents, We can get ranking of site and finally enlist our site in organic searches.

  4. ayesha


    All points are so true. To implement blog is very easy. SEO can better work on it. More informative low cost hence the above post is very informative.

  5. Lisa


    i think the running a weblog is the best way to create back hyperlinks. Boards are also fantastic to create back hyperlinks. All the tips described above are effective. It is fantastic to update weblog content on constant base. Most of the running a weblog systems are totally free. It is the big benefit of running a weblog…Thanks for sharing me..

  6. Amy


    Blogging is the best way to create backlinks. Forums are also good to create backlinks. All the tips mentioned above are effective. It is good to update blog content on consistent basis. Most of the blogging platforms are free of cost. It is the great benefit of blogging.

    • Trixie


      I agree with that. And also blogging is way more convenient than getting newsletters. But about the forum thingy, Not everyone can simply just enter in and look for stuffs he/she wants

  7. Simmeon


    Hey Russel,

    Compared to running a forum, creating a blog is so more viable as a source of interacting with quality people. Blogs are more personal and you don’t get all of the noise and bad eggs you get on forums.

    All of that and the ability to get WordPress setup and publishing fresh content in a heartbeat it doesn’t get any better. Plus the options you have in the form of plugins is heaven.

  8. mali


    Blogging is amazing and enjoyable too. And the results were unimaginable.

  9. Reply

    Indeed, blogging has reshaped the community the ways you have mentioned. It sure is very interactive. Blogging allows one to express them self, at the same connect with other bloggers, discuss on a chosen topic; its amazing how blogging has taken over certain traditional forums and newsletters. Plus with so many plugins for WordPress, it makes so much easier to just blog.

  10. Pulkit


    Blogging is very important for getting back links.Better back links can be snatched from newsletters and forums too.

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