The omnipotence of social media is undeniable in today’s times. No wonder businesses are increasingly moving to social media as part of their marketing endeavours.

Harnessing the power of social media, nurturing leads and forming a strong connection with your target audience and ultimately establishing the credibility of your brand may seem grueling. But there are some ideas you can adopt to elevate your chances of success, which will also enable you to leverage all that social media platforms has to offer. So let’s dive in to discuss those ideas.

  1. Maintain consistency with your social media posts

Posting your content once or twice every day on social media isn’t the right way to go about it. Social platforms like Snapchat or Instagram don’t exactly work like Twitter or Facebook. You don’t necessarily have to be as frequent with your posts as you are on Facebook or Twitter. But you should still maintain a schedule for daily posts for every social media platform and be consistent with it.

Always remember that your followers are possibly following hundreds or thousands people. So if you’re not publishing fresh content, chances are you’ll be easily forgotten.

  1. Writers (and their skills) are vital

Without proper knowledge or skills, no content can make an impact, be it writing 280-character posts or 1000-word articles. For preparing social media content, businesses should employ people who are gifted with the skill of writing compelling content. Also, it’s important that the writers think strategically about the content to help your brand connect with your specific audience.

  1. Be selective about what you publish on social networks

When we talk about the understanding of what to post on social media, quality will always come before quantity. While it’s true that maintaining consistency is essential, but you also have to ensure that whatever gets posted on social media is valuable and relevant for your audience.

One common practice that every marketer should steer clear of is depending on the social media tools that make suggestions to post content on your page. Sometimes the suggestions are genuine, but in a majority of the cases, you’ll end up with a plethora of suggested posts that isn’t quite pertinent, nor are they of high quality.

  1. Reply to comments to nurture the audience

Some businesses are often ignorant of this aspect. They claim their social media efforts present no significant outcome, and then you’ll notice that the queries and comments written on the posts by the audience have been left unattended.

Social media is all about building connections and establishing the element of trust. If you share a remarkable piece of content, it’s highly likely that audiences will be drawn towards it and leave many comments. These can be counted as your leads.

Marketers don’t realize that reverting to the comments posted on their brand’s pages can be as crucial as the process of creating content. When someone comments, you must reply. So the rule of the thumb is if you get comments, you must revert.

  1.  Develop a well-defined social media plan for each platform

Many businesses make this blunder of delving into social media marketing without any appropriate and defined strategy.

If you don’t have any answers to the questions like “why are you on social media?” then, it implies that your social media activities should be revised. Start devicing a strategy that you and your team can look at when you need it.

Your social media strategy should comprise of several plans for every social media site you want to leverage. So that way you will have an idea for your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on.

If you’re just starting out, you can keep a number of active social networking platform to a minimum of three. For most of the businesses, specifically, SMEs, trying to juggle between multiple different social media accounts often leads to a mediocre job, with no favourable outcome.

  1. Webinars offer the opportunity for Real-Time Engagement with the audience

Webinars offer an innovative combination of online experiences and training seminars. Webinars have become popular with each passing day. The scope to sit in the comfort of your home, and consuming real-time content often turns out to be one of the most enriching experiences that a business provides to its target audience.

The content you present through the webinars has to be focused and relevant. It’s always better to delve into a narrow topic, than to scratch the surface of a wide topic.

  1. There should be a good reason for people to follow you

Ask yourself why people should follow your brand. Put yourself in the consumers’ shoes and think about it. The consumers are likely to have a myriad of choices in this case, so make sure you are offering something that draws them in. Develop a kind of value proposition particularly for the social media platforms. Like,

  • You can share promo codes offering discounts exclusively with your Twitter followers
  • You can share behind the scenes activities on Instagram
  • You can provide real-time customer service and support on Twitter
  • You can craft the best content in your industry on LinkedIn
  • You can live stream webinars on Periscope

You need to maintain exclusivity in terms of the kind of content you post on each social media platform. If you keep sharing the same discount codes through email or on your website, then you are not adding value. Offer coupons only on social media or create exclusive content for platforms like Periscope only, so it’ll generate a sense of urgency.

  1. Use keywords in your posts

Social search holds immense power and potential that every marketer should explore. Websites like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and other social networks include search features that work just like any other search engine.

Now for instance, if you are a student and looking for assignment help with specific keywords or phrases related to your assignment, the bots on the website crawl every content that’s ever posted related to your search on the site to display the most relevant details. Adding phrases and keywords in your post on social media makes your brand more searchable.

SMO is becoming more focused and accurate because these websites contain a plethora of content, which has to be categorized. So make sure you use common hashtags on every social networking platforms, along with keywords within your social media posts so that people searching for topics related to your industry can find you easily.

  1. Hashtags are a priority

Hashtags are possibly the greatest blessing for you when it comes to organically broaden your reach and engagement on social media. Now to amplify your reach and receive more impressions for your tweets and posts, adding hashtags is necessary.

However, adding random hashtags isn’t going to fetch any favourable results, and you need to adopt a strategic approach. So conduct thorough research on popular hashtags in your industry, and also look for more generic and frequently used ones. These are the hashtags people are using frequently on Instagram and Twitter.  So incorporating them into your Instagram posts and tweets will offer your content a better chance of appearing in the search results.

You also have the choice of checking your hashtag analytics to understand which hashtags are generating the most engagement.

  1. Gain leverage from Youtube

You don’t have shell out an exorbitant amount of money to post good quality videos on this platform. It can be carried out on a limited budget, with an inexpensive video camera or even a smartphone camera will work like magic if you can’t put in more resources. Mentioned below are some ideas on the kind of visual content you can post on the platform.

  • Conduct impromptu video interviews at a conference
  • You can post formal interviews with a prepared set of questions and answers
  • “How-to” videos that inform and instruct
  • Video products like clothes or accessories or gadgets that you can publish to your eCommerce store that instructs how the products can be worn or adjusted
  • Go through the queries of the consumers and prospects regarding your products and seek to answer them. This will act as authentic testimonials that money cannot provide.

So the bottom-line, is there are endless possibilities of Youtube that you can explore.

So implement these practices and experiment with different types of content for different social media networks, and you will definitely reap great benefits.


Author Bio: Vanessa Callaghan is a Social Media manager at who has worked as an academic expert on do my assignment for multinational organizations, and has many celebrity clients. She has written several ebooks on social media and content marketing. She has pursued her MBA from Australian National University.


  1. Harshil Tyagi


    Hi, Thanks for sharing your Tips on how to create content for social media platforms. Your tips are really helpful for me. it clears my doubts regarding content creation for social media. Now I have guidelines for content creations.
    Thank you for valuable content.

  2. Reply

    Thank you so much for sharing such an informative article. I’m still in the current of learning and will surely take note. A lot of people tell me that it’s an easy job but definitely one of the strategies that are ever-evolving and needs to catch up with the trend. Anyways, awesome post!

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