Bloggers who have a low percentage of page view might be wondering why their blog’s page view is so low and how they can increase the page view percentage. Increasing the page views of your blog is something which we all need to work towards if we want our blog to be more successful.
Page views is the term used when a visitors comes to our blog, how much page this visitors has viewed before he/she leaves.
Increasing the page views of our blog can be really simple if you follow the steps in this post.
10 Tips To Increase Page Views
This is probably the most common thing bloggers do to encourage readers to read multiple pages on their blogs. Show related posts below every post you write and let your visitors do the rest.
There are lots of plugins that you can use to show related posts on your blog. So I recommend that you install one and see how well this works for you.
Another very effective way, and most probably the best one to improve your blog page views is to link to the related posts in your post contents. If you write a post that may have some information similar to one of yours previous post, all you need to do is to link to it from that one. I’m always doing this and it really helps with my page views.
This is also a great way to get more comments on the articles that you have interlinked.
All your visitors would like to see some of your posts that are popular or the ones with the most comment displayed on your blog. So do not be afraid to install a plugin which shows off these posts.
Some of your visitors like to dig through your blog and look for other posts of interest. Placing the categories and archives link in your sidebar will help in increasing your page views more than 50%.
Some bloggers actually like to display the full article on their home pages. I actually donβt like this, mostly because I have to scroll all way down to find something I am interested in. If you are like me, use excerpts displayed on your home page rather than full posts. This may improve your page views too!
This is regarding to the previous point (use excerpts). If you use excerpts on your blog, make sure that you have eye-catching headlines which will make your visitors want to click and go to that blog post page to read the article. Eye catching headlines has been proven and worked for me, that is why I have such interesting headlines.
I don’t like to stay on a blog too long if it’s too clustered with links here, there and everywhere. If your blog is well tidy and clean, easy to navigate through then this will also help to increase your page views.
Most blog platforms come with a search function and it is VERY important that you display it on your blog where it is easily seen, preferable at the top of your blog or at the top of your sidebar. This will make it easier for your visitors to search for information that they want in turn increasing the percentage of your page views.
If you are a regularly Twitter user like me, you will come to know that regularly tweeting your blog posts can give you high page views. What I also do is ask some of my followers for re-tweets and this has high impact on my blog. So remember to tweet your blog post because it is a great way of promoting your articles.
This is the most important thing that will have effect on your page views, quality content. If you visit any blog with quality content, you will find yourself browsing this blog for over 5 minutes or more. So remember to write quality contents for each blog post, because quality content is the king.
Group Discussion
Following these tips will surely increase your blog’s page views, which will make your blog traffic high in the future.
Kharim Tomlinson
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Paul Onwueme
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Kharim Tomlinson
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