Bloggers who have a low percentage of page view might be wondering why their blog’s page view is so low and how they can increase the page view percentage. Increasing the page views of your blog is something which we all need to work towards if we want our blog to be more successful.

Page views is the term used when a visitors comes to our blog, how much page this visitors has viewed before he/she leaves.

Increasing the page views of our blog can be really simple if you follow the steps in this post.

10 Tips To Increase Page Views

  • Related Posts
  • This is probably the most common thing bloggers do to encourage readers to read multiple pages on their blogs. Show related posts below every post you write and let your visitors do the rest.

    There are lots of plugins that you can use to show related posts on your blog. So I recommend that you install one and see how well this works for you.

  • Interlink Posts
  • Another very effective way, and most probably the best one to improve your blog page views is to link to the related posts in your post contents. If you write a post that may have some information similar to one of yours previous post, all you need to do is to link to it from that one. I’m always doing this and it really helps with my page views.

    This is also a great way to get more comments on the articles that you have interlinked.

  • Popular/ Most Commented Posts
  • All your visitors would like to see some of your posts that are popular or the ones with the most comment displayed on your blog. So do not be afraid to install a plugin which shows off these posts.

  • Archives/ Categories/ Tags
  • Some of your visitors like to dig through your blog and look for other posts of interest. Placing the categories and archives link in your sidebar will help in increasing your page views more than 50%.

  • Use Excerpts
  • Some bloggers actually like to display the full article on their home pages. I actually don’t like this, mostly because I have to scroll all way down to find something I am interested in. If you are like me, use excerpts displayed on your home page rather than full posts. This may improve your page views too!

  • Eye Catching Headlines
  • This is regarding to the previous point (use excerpts). If you use excerpts on your blog, make sure that you have eye-catching headlines which will make your visitors want to click and go to that blog post page to read the article. Eye catching headlines has been proven and worked for me, that is why I have such interesting headlines.

  • Make Your Blog Easy To Navigate
  • I don’t like to stay on a blog too long if it’s too clustered with links here, there and everywhere. If your blog is well tidy and clean, easy to navigate through then this will also help to increase your page views.

  • Search Bar
  • Most blog platforms come with a search function and it is VERY important that you display it on your blog where it is easily seen, preferable at the top of your blog or at the top of your sidebar. This will make it easier for your visitors to search for information that they want in turn increasing the percentage of your page views.

  • Tweet Your Post
  • If you are a regularly Twitter user like me, you will come to know that regularly tweeting your blog posts can give you high page views. What I also do is ask some of my followers for re-tweets and this has high impact on my blog. So remember to tweet your blog post because it is a great way of promoting your articles.

  • Quality Content
  • This is the most important thing that will have effect on your page views, quality content. If you visit any blog with quality content, you will find yourself browsing this blog for over 5 minutes or more. So remember to write quality contents for each blog post, because quality content is the king.

    Group Discussion

    Following these tips will surely increase your blog’s page views, which will make your blog traffic high in the future.

  • Share with us what you do to increase your page views for your blog…

    1. Reply

      these are the most important elements for a blog. thanks for sharing and I have added categories widget according to you.. I hope this will generate more traffic. keep sharing

    2. Sandra


      I will add this to all my blogs “Popular/ Most Commented Posts”. I just reliaze how important this is to followers and readers for some reasons.

      • Reply

        This is a must for every blog who want to keep the traffic on their blog a bit longs. This will help to increase your page views.

        Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.

    3. Rajkumar Jonnala


      well if we have quality content on our blog then automatically it lead to increase of pageviews and also their is now bounce rate.

    4. Reply

      Nice tips on how to increase page views. Tweeting and tagging can help a lot. Also interlinking a post can increase the page views dramatically. Thanks for these wonderful tips!!

    5. Zeeshan


      Kharim my blog has 2.4 pageviews per user and i am not happy with it. I want it to be at 4 to 5 pages per user. I almost do all the above mention tips but i pick the 9th one “Tweet Your Post”.

      • Reply

        My blog is 4 to 5 page views per user. All you have to do is make sure to have lots of internal links to other posts, under posts and also in sidebar.

    6. Paul Onwueme


      Thanks Kharim for sharing these tips. I just started a blog and I’m seriously looking forward to having high pageviews on this blog.

      • Reply

        That’s great man, I wish you success in your blogging. If you want information on any topic then I maybe able to write a blog post to help you.

        Feel free to ask me for blogging tips.

    7. Reply

      Nice Post Kharim. I am newbie in blogging arena and really my pv is too low.
      Hope it will help me to get good PV.
      Thanks for listed out this on Side bar ;).

    8. promit


      I know this is a very well famous way to increase page views of any blog. And posting on another blog with comment-luv enabled is also a great idea of increasing your page views and getting new visitors as well.

    9. Kalel


      I have been working on a blog for about 2 years and have not been able to get a more than 20 visitors a day. I do get a couple that trinkle in but I have not been able to increase that. I will follow your tips and I will try to include social media. Hopefully I can get the ball rolling on this.

    10. Reply

      Interlink posts are definitely very effective. I know I get drawn in and can’t stop reading when I see an interesting interlink post!

    11. Jawed


      Hey Kharim, Nice post I enjoyed reading it. While I agree with all the 10 listed there i think Quality Content is a clear winner in all those. No one is going to view your blog if it doesn’t contains content of some quality.

    12. Julius from CompareLaptops


      Thanks for sharing the good contents about your post. You hit essential points here that can be used possibly to increase the bloggers’ page views. Though many good tips come out, but this one gives also informative ideas.

    13. Marketing Philosophy


      For me the best way to increase page views and reduce the bounce rate is the functionality of your site and the speed of pages to load. The reason is simple because if a visitor comes to your site and waits more than a few seconds for your pages to load he will probably go away and find what he is searching on another site

    14. Neelam


      Thanks much for that. It is very imformative stuff.
      I love to browse your site…thanks

    15. Kim


      I think, showing up “Popular posts” is probably great way to let your visitors stick with your blog for long time. Usually, if not manipulated, “popular posts” will be best posts liked by overall visitors and they’re likely to attract more interest for new as well as regular visitors. Overall they’re going to make your blog even more interesting.

      Thanks for great topic and nice tips buddy πŸ™‚

    16. zack


      So now good content is can’t be strong king if doesn’t get support from the other.

        • zaki


          Your last point is quality content, you should know about quote “Content is the king” and you just give some description for me that “the king” (a.k.a quality content) is not enough. It’s need another support from the others, so that make your blog have great page view. ^_^


    17. Thiru


      Wonderful tips kharim. Personally i realized in my blog tat i got more page views after installing related posts plugin on my wordpress blog.

      Thanks for the share.

    18. seo expert


      yes. its good. but then i have noticed that content alone will bring good traffic to your site, and not only that, it will bring them back too.

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment. Yep they will sure help with increasing your page views. These are the things that I have done and they really worked, so I decided to share them with my readers.

    19. Make Money Blogging


      Great article Kharim, Interlink posts and related links are best to increase page views.

      I’d say writing pillar article/ Quality Content also inspire visitor to read more pages.


    20. Tom


      II’ve been planning on adding the related post plugin to a couple of my blogs but never gotten around to it. However, I love interlinking my posts because it not only helps for seo, but it keeps people on your site longer.

      • Reply

        Thanks for stopping by and giving your input on this topic, Tom, I really appreciate it.

        I think you should try the related post plugin, this has really helped to keep my readers a little longer on my blog.

    21. Reply

      Those are some really great tips! I like the category and archives on the side but I already have so much on the sidebar. I might bring back the Blogussion skin because I really liked the footer section. Gives me more room to work with.

    22. Reply

      Great tips and make sense, love the list.

      From my experience, making your theme looks nice also help.

      This i know since i switched my old theme to my current theme..


    23. LaShanda Glover


      I think these tips are great and you should also leave comments on other peoples blogs. Also great content is priceless!

      • Reply

        Thanks for the comment LaShanda… (you got a beautiful name πŸ™‚ ) Yes you are so correct, leaving comments on other blogs, with comment luv installed, you can also use it as a means to promote your latest post and in-turn increasing your page views and getting more traffic.

    24. Murlu


      Another thing I’d say is to take some time to think of post ideas that will go along with each other – so a bit like a series of posts but inter-related to the point that you can easily interlink them and keep your readers along the same mindset.

      • Brankica


        This is a great tip and what I sometimes do for some of my blogs is decide on a post idea, there is more tightly related things to talk about but would not fit the post itself, I divide it in two or three posts (find a great keyword for each), write all three, interlink them and voila πŸ™‚
        It worked great on some posts I did for one of the websites I have, I got high Google rank for all four of them (yes there were four) and they are one of my most visited pages.

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