I have been playing around with my Google Adsense units for the past couple months, and I must say that not all units works well on my blog. Webmasters who use Google Adsense as a form of monetization will also come to this conclusion. No matter the amount of traffic that you have or how many Adsense you have displayed on your site, the Adsense unit does matter when it comes to earnings.
In this case you can truly say that “size does matter” when it comes to your Adsense units.
Google Adsense is a great way of monetizing your blog or website, but without the proper units and placement you won’t earn much in your Adsense account.
In this post I will show you what I did to increase my Google Adsense revenue/earnings.
Adsense I Used In The Past
<li><strong>Plugin I Used</strong></li>
I used a plugin called Quick Adsense.
Quick Adsense is an Ads management WordPress plugin. It offers a quicker & flexible way to insert Adsense or any Ads code into a blog post. Besides, it can randomly place the Ads anywhere within a post. It comes with a simple setting page, and it does not overwhelm you with complicated customizable options.
In general, placing Adsense randomly within a post is a good way to experiment a variety of ads formats & placements besides optimizing your Adsense. If you have many regular visitors who frequently revisit your blog, the randomization will likely catch their attention.
With the Quick Adsense plugin I could insert an any ad unit I want in my blog posts or my sidebar.
Screen shot showing the additional Quicktag Buttons added to the HTML Edit Post SubPanel which makes it easy for you to insert your Adsense in your post.
I still have this plugin on my blog but currently deactivated for personal reasons, I will activate it in the future.
<li><strong>Adsense Units I Used</strong></li>
I used the 728×90 ad unit, 728×15 link unit, 468×60 ad unit, 336×300 ad unit and the 300×250 ad unit.
Some of these generated clicks especially the 468×60 ad unit earning a low revenue. I started playing with my ad units, using image and text ads but my earnings didn’t really went up by much. I used the 336×300 ad unit which didn’t really have any effect so I decided to discontinue the use of that ad unit.
Adsense I Am Using Now
I decided that I am going to make some changes to my Adsense on my site. I am not using the 468×60 ad unit on the header (below the logo) and 300×250 ad unit (2 below the first post on homepage and 1 beside the related articles below each post).
The 300×250 ad units on my blog gets on the average $0.81 per click which I think is a fear amount per click comparing to the pay-per click in the past.
I also set my Adsense channels to be targeted by advertisers. When you do this, advertisers will bid on these ad units on your site and they will pay a decent amount of funds to advertise on that particular ad unit.
Group Discussion
Here are some more tips to help you Increase Your Google Adsense Revenue
<li><strong>If you are using Google Adsense as a means of monetization, what Adsense units works for you?</strong></li>
Kharim Tomlinson
Kharim Tomlinson
Kharim Tomlinson
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Kharim Tomlinson
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Kharim Tomlinson
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Alison Moore Smith
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Kharim Tomlinson
Kharim Tomlinson
Kharim Tomlinson
Kharim Tomlinson
Kharim Tomlinson